glamouring spells

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► glamouring spells

Re: glamouring spells
Post # 11
i want one that'll last forever... or soemtihn that changes you physcilaly.
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 12
Well I can't remember one off hand but I do know visualiton is a major part.of it.
Uh some thing like visualise ur self with ur reguler eye color.then imagine the color u want as a beam of light.see it overpowering it.imagine the light getting brighter and brighter till the who color is not visable. It should take like 15 mn for it to take effect. It should be noted that it won't fool people who knew u very well.
Well I think this should work.
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 13
um thanks.. but i'm looking right spells of self love.. and i'm arugign with pepole chanign your boyd physcially is possibel
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 14
I was sorta helping ian.but self love?hmm. Nothing springs to mind at first.but I don't think that could conjured by magick.I think that's something u learn as u grow up.but hey I could possible be wrong. Idk what does every body else think
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 15
noooo self love can be conjured with magick... nearly everytihng can be conjured up by magick... expesially if it's your own emotinos :P anythign is possibel ... well the only thigns that arne't the universes will which is not a whole lot. i belvie.
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 16
sims when are you going to learn to love yourself as you are. And I'm sorry I know your going to disagree with me again but self love starts by loving yourself. There is no spell, magick doesn't fix everything, it can help certain situations but its not a cure all fix all. You need to work on yourself, meditate, find good things about yourself. There's something going on that your trying to fix with magick and its not going to work. If you want to talk about this further or debate this with me PM me.
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 17
I spose u could like visualize self love like a color which has personal feeling to you.and imgaine ur self being showered with rain drops. imagine it going into ur skin bring with it feeling of happyniss and content.allow it to continue
Till u can look at ur self in the mirror and not be inclined to frown.(by websters dictionary).if this seems a bit werid it is. its new grounds 4 me.
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Re: glamouring spells
Post # 18
actually blue moon i read in a book that if you ""agree" to any energy it works ... yes self love is possibel i read it in a AMAZING BOOK! it's called mindlight but silverraven wolf. but i laredy lvoe my self i don't care if it's by myself or spells :P
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