trouble with meditation..

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Re: trouble with meditati
Post # 11
when speaking upon the Lucid Dragon 5x extract, it's helpful to bring back up it's base ingredient "The Sage of Diviners":

Unless you're a monk living in a monastery meditating all day, having an out of body experience might feel next to impossible. This is common story for a lot of people. But thanks to a the Sage of Diviners more people everyday are learning how to leave their bodies - instantly.


Communication with entities and spirits.

Flight on the astral plane.

Seeing glimpses into the future or reliving past times.

Becoming or seeing through another beings eyes.

Being in a completely different place and time, etc.

Lucid Dragon 5x is an extremely powerful psychic enhancer working instantly. Typically the extract is applied to dry Salvia leaves and smoked, however it can also be ingested as a tea or directly as an extract is enough tincture is available.



25 Leaves of Salvia Divinorum, "Sage of Diviners"

10-15 Ounces of 80 Proof Alcohol or Vodka


You'll be making an tincture that is approximately 500% more potent then the leaves themselves. Begin by adding 5 leaves to 2-3 ounces of alcohol. Let soak for 7 days. After 7 days boil the tincture at a very low heat for about 5 minutes or until only one ounce of alcohol remains. Separate the solids from the extract once it cools and discard the leaves.

Next add 5 fresh leaves to the extract and 2-3 ounces of alcohol. Let sit for another 7 days and boil down to two ounces. Once again, remove the solids from the liquid and discard the old leaves. Repeat the process until you've done it 5 times.

The final extract should be 4-5 ounces and very thick and dark. This extract is very potent and should be used sparingly. 4-5 ounces is good for 2 servings if ingested of 20-25 servings if applied to leaves, allowed to dry and than finally smoked.
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