help with relgion

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Re: help with relgion
Post # 11
Just read it. You'll love it.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 12
Purgatory is real as we do that to enter heaven. I agree with Balance that Hell is there to help cleanse ourselves before entering Heaven. Christianity and Catholism are the only religions that depecit Hell as eternal suffering with no salvation.

sims2linkkh, I support Gays because they are people and not some alien race as most other people who hate them see them as. They are like everyone else and deserve a life of peace. There is just a lot of hate in this world that descriminates everyone. Everyone who practices Wicca, Male or Female, are witches. Hollywood calls male witches, warlocks but this is wrong as warlock means "traitor".
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 13
Sorry for double posting but I have another thing to say.

A friend is someone who supports you no matter what. If a friend is putting you down and forcing you, think for a second. Are they a true friend? If this is what they are doing, tell them to stop and if they refuse end the friendship because its not worth it. Also every religion should accept Gays. Its the people that say that gays go to hell, but they are still people as others have said.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 14
hell and purgortory are made up places in your fake religon
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 15
Not many things get under my skin..except stupid narrow minded people."hell and purgortory are made up places in your fake religon"...What exactly gives you the right to come in here with this statement,,as stupid s it is..when this person asked a legitimate question,and wanted a serious answer..Arnt all religions Made/started by somone?Then that would make them all made up?Maybe your the one thats following a stupid made up religion? If you follow none at all,maybe its just because you dont have what it takes to commit to anything.I have friends on here that follow all religions..and no religion at all.and I would have more respect for all of them than to tell them they followed a stupid made up religion.Then again ...maybe thats your problem..just a general lack of respect!
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 16
Thank you Nodrk. Fake religions? Why are you here then Vidar? Because mostly magick deals with Wicca as other religions don't use it. Most are spiritual than others and others are like " you burn in Hell if you do this!" Accepting people's religions is a good way of respect as Nodrk said. So being a jerk about it, doesn't get you anywhere.
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Re: help with relgion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
All religions are made up, they are made by man to help us understand or world and why we exist. If you believe something to be true it is your perception and your perception is your reality. But to call one religion fake then you must call them all fake, because there is no real religion. No one has gotten it completely right yet and no one ever will.

More magic is practiced in all the other religions than Wicca. Wicca is just one very small religion that uses magic. If you look throughout time Wicca is just a pin prick in the amount of magic that has been used. Remember that Wicca is just one of the newer pagan religions and the pagan religions have been alive ever since the cave men dwelt in their caves.

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Re: help with relgion
Post # 18
Just go with what you feel is right. they are all right (well except the ones with human sarcifice.)
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 19
but off the record my favorite god is anubus the guide to the dead and god of the lost. He has a jackal head. (thats so cool!!)
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Re: help with relgion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 20
It is ethnocentric to say a religion that has human sacrifices is not right. It is like saying a religion that has an offering plate is not right. You have no right to judge another religion.
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