someone help me please

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Re: someone help me please
Post # 2
No, lol alot of peolpe start off rocky, its normal.
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Re: someone help me pleas
Post # 3
Maybe you are practicing the wrong kind of magic.
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Re: someone help me please
Post # 4
its only five... you can't expect it to work first time. Keep tryin
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Re: someone help me please
Post # 5
Like allie cat said or someone said, maybe your channeling the magick out wrong. I would try at the basics and work up from there.
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Re: someone help me please
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Learn to plug into the power source by meditating. You can not watch tv with the cord unpluged. The same goes for practicing magic.
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Re: someone help me please
Post # 7
Some spells take up to five weeks to manifest.. and others months.. ^_^ it depends what you are trying to achieve and all.. there is many things that you have to look at when performing a spell or ritual not just your goal. O_O In either case, practice makes perfect.
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Re: someone help me pleas
Post # 8
1. What spells did you do? There is a lot of junk in the internet.
2. How long did you concentrate?
3.Were you afraid while doing it?
4.Did you allow every spell AT LEAST a month to develop?
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Re: someone help me please
Post # 9
AshixMalice, Try if u fail but never fail to try in witchcraft world...when u cast a spell never think bout it again...the magick wil work for u...

Peace & Providence
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Re: someone help me please
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
ive tryed tons of spells but only a few work for me it has to do with consentration like someone said before me meditation helps a lot when casting spells and also not being distracted
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Re: someone help me pleas
Post # 11
Spells are nothing more than a modified version of a prayer.
For spells to work you must not only believe you must chant and focus all of your energy into it. Try getting a staff or wand for they help focus energy.

I remember when i tried casting my first spell it was to give me a good grade on my math test i thought it would work so i didnt study. i chanted it once just said it nothing else and i failed the test. i know if a spell is cast if i get chills (shivers)that give me a twitch its weird but thats what happens for me. Look for key signs that your spell was successfully cast. Try candles to help focus your energy.

in a nutshell what i am trying to say it

and willpower will help you cast a spell work on these if you need to know more feel free to message me about it.

I hope this helped you

Best of luck

Joey PalZ
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