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Post # 1
I become so obsessed with exactly where I should be placing what on my altar and the order of things within ritual that it hinders my magical workings greatly.
Are there any specific guidelines and rules of what can and cannot be on your altar? I have something representing each of the elements in each direction on my altar and also on the outside of my circle.
Also, should you cast your circle before or after performing the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram? Should you invoke the elements before or after?
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Post # 2
The LBRP is casting a circle and evoking the elements, in the Western Mystery Tradition (the Golden Dawn, based on an interpretation of the Kabbalah). Each of the four archangels is representatives of its element's archetypal properties.

If the tradition you follow does not include the Lesser Pentagram ritual whatsoever, it is up to you whether you include it.
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