Telikinesis vs. Psionics

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Telikinesis vs. Psionics
Post # 1
Some think that if one learns telekinesis, then they can apply it to using all psionic abilities.
This is not true at all.

Just because you can learn to use telekinesis does not necessarily mean Psionics will be any easier.

Telekinesis is strictly pushing, or forcing objects to move.

Psionics with the elements is a completely different ball game.
There are spiritual links to them that one needs before beginning that telekinesis does not offer.

Each of the 4 main elements is very different, in composition and behavior.
Each element has its own level of intensity needed to be manipulated:

These are merely the 4 main elements. Of course you have sub-elements. These of which are all composed of any amount of 2 or more of the 4 main. There are countless sub-elements, many of which could not even be touched using telekinesis.

First you must connect using chakras. Your chakras vary in elemental value. Such as the most common chakra for Fire is the Sacral chakra (of course this may vary).
Using the energy from any specific chakra or chakras, one may charge energy of a specific element using the link mentioned above.
This charging is referring to literally adding your own dominant energy to the element, so fusing your own energy with the element's internal energy allowing complete manipulation.
While as telekinesis is using your own energy, and instead of fusing them, you simply use your energy to effect said object by surrounding it and moving it.

It's like the difference between controlling a newly attached arm (elemental psionics), and picking up something your invisible hand (telekinesis).

A good way to remember the difference is by thinking:
Elemental psionics is internal fusing.
And telekinesis is external force.

Elemental Psionics is by far, much more difficult to learn and control than telekinesis.

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