wiccan power days 1-7

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wiccan power days 1-7
Post # 1
ok this is going to be about the wiccan path and
how they follow the week and how the practice their magic
with in the week by each following day of the week with a corresponding planet,followed by the appropriate color of
that specific day

MONDAY- MOON-WHITE- good for reconciliations, dreams,receptivity,love,voyages,female fertility

TUESDAY-MARS-RED- good for developing courage,overthrowing enemies, military honors, breaking
negative spells in negative aspect, mars can create strife and hardship, causes bitterness between friends

WEDNESDAY-MERCURY-PURPLE- mercury's concerns health,science,studies,psychic and spiritual development, communications, divination, influencing other

THURSDAY-JUPITER-BLUE- use this day to begin your rituals concerning wealth, obtaining honors, male fertility, friendship health, to obtain luck, success in your chosen career, general ambitions

FRIDAY-VENUS-GREEN- for love, romance, beauty, kindness happiness, travel, friendship, gratify lust

SATURDAY-SATURN-BLACK for psychic attacks, psychic self-defense, protections form evil, spirits communication, anything else with your home

SUNDAY-SUN-YELLOW- for creativity, peace, harmony, obtaining the favor of those in high places, riches, honor, glory, making friends, recovering lost property, preventing war

Re: wiccan power days 1-7
Post # 2
i know im not wiccan but its always interesting to read about other beliefs, was quite close though,i was born on wednesday,love the colour purple,sciences etcxxx

Re: wiccan power days 1-7
Post # 3
great post night, i think you nailed it. And while I am wiccan, i still love learning more about it.

Re: wiccan power days 1-7
Post # 4
your welcome people =] ]

Re: wiccan power days 1-7
Post # 5
The wiccan power days come from: Charms, Spells, and Formulas, for the Making and Use of Gris-Gris, Herb Candles, Doll Magick, Incenses, Oils, and Powders to gain Love, Protection, Prosperity, Luck, and Prophetic Dreams by Ray T. Malbrough.

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