
CovenFirst Path ► Chakras
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Post # 1
I'm not a big fan of Chakra's and working with them ( aside from the thrid eye ).

However, I know some people find them important and swear buy working with them.
Personally, I think you can get the same effect from meditation and grounding...but I'm not going to deny you all the benifit of learning about this if you so choose.

Re: Chakras
Post # 2
Do you have to open each Chakra to open the third eye?

Re: Chakras
Post # 3
Not necessarily, but it will be more effective for you if you do. All the chakra's are linked, seperate, but working together.

Opening one can work, but opening them all will help them work better.

When you are doing these meditations imagine the color in the area and feel the energy there and there alone. Each one. Feel them empowered with the colored energy and cleared of anything else.

Doing this will help your third eye be more effective for you.

Re: Chakras
Post # 4
Ok. sounds like i have a lot of things to do this week. Its a good thing im off from school =]

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