
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► New&Curious
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Post # 1
Hi my names Hannah. Ive just recently decided to deticate some time into learning about magic, learning all sorts of different beliefs, and putting my knowledge to work. I just dont know where to start or what to learn first. Also...i keep reading about different paths...what does that mean and what are the different paths? please help. all advice and information is appriciated :)
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Re: New&Curious
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

A path is a structure you follow spiritually, religiously or secularly Common paths here are Witchcraft, Wicca, Heathenry, Hoodoo, Christianity, Kemetism, Druidry, Satanism, Ascensionism, and a myriad of others, including pathless occult practice.

It is best to expose yourself to different paths and techniques, delving further into research of what catches your interest. Keep in mind that some paths are closed (meaning the culture they are from does not share with folk outside their own culture), so please respect that.

Never be afraid to ask questions, as that shows that you are willing to learn. However, this community tends to like that you do your own research as well as asking them.

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