Council of 12...

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Council of 12...
Post # 1
Ok i need to know who is inthe Council of 12 and what they are trying to accomplish. Also who is Zane Lee Fang and is he a big part of the council?
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Re: Council of 12...
Post # 2
The Council of Twelve or the Council of Twelve Apostles (Quorum of Twelve) originated in the Latter Day Saint movement. They were a governing body of the church and modeled after the twelve apostles of the Christ. Members were recognized as apostles as well as worldwide ambassadors.

Following certain events the church split into other varying churches. Several of these newer churches developed their own versions of the Council of Twelve.

That being, I can't exactly tell you who all is technically considered part of the council as there are more than just twelve now'a'days.

I haven't read anything about a Zane Lee Fang so you'll want to check into that a bit more.
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