Beginner Summoning Spells

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Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 1
I would like to know of any way I could start practicing beginner summoning spells without the fear that I may do something wrong. Is there any materials I need, like a scry mirror or something else like that? Also, scry is a form or divination, correct?

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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 2

Summoning is a variant practice. First and foremost, what are you summoning? Spirits? If so, make sure you give the the utmost respect to them. Not because it's a rule, but because you should respect the dead. If you feel calling spirits is more respectful, then do so. Also, some spirits can be summoned ritually, but do whatever you feel is best.

However, I'd like to recommend a few things. The first is use a pleasant scented incense of your choice. The spirits love the aroma of it, and the darker or negative spirits are driven away by the smoke. You could also smudge instead of burn incense as well. Next is make sure the space is negativity free by removing any clutter, etc. Lastly make sure You are cleansed of negative energies. You could smudge yourself with white sage, or fan the incense smoke around you.

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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 3
For Summoning I do not advise Beginners or Newbie's to attempt. Summoning is not a game and can be extremely dangerous. Get more knowledge, as well as experience. Summoning is advanced. Those that are knowledgeable could tell you that as well. Bane is another member who is experienced in this field and she's said it's not for Beginners either.

Balanced blessings

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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 4
First off I would like to take this moment to educate just a little. Summoning is an act, a ritual but not a simple spell in fact not a spell at all. Secondly Mind is very right, it is not something that should be taken lightly, and not something that a newer craft worker is advised to do. There are many things that can go wrong, possible dangers that can arise.

That being said, there is a much more simple way of getting in contact with the spirit and or entity. Invitation. A simple invitation can go a long way. However I do also suggest that you do some study before hand that you still have an idea of what your dealing with.

Also something to keep in mind, beings such as spirits and entities dont like being pestered by those who just want to have a bit of fun or those looking to just toy around with them. Be careful, be respectful.

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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 5
I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the heads up (all of you) on summoning. I do think I will have to do alot more research before I get into something like this.

(This is Road's new accound, please don't be alarmed)

Thank you again!

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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 6
Right, well there are many of ways. Some posted on this site. However I do not recommend attempting to do so, and to truly understand what necromancy is before going after that risk.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 7
Why summon spirits if you can channel them.Channeling is easier then necromancy.Plus necromancy have cautions if you don't know what your doing.Channeling is simpler then summoning.Summoning can take up years if you don't what your doing.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 8
Just remember both have risks.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 9
Summoning would be evocation, Channeling is a more advanced form of invocation. I think different people have different strengths, personally I find evocation much easier.

Both are not for people who have little experience in magick and in controlling the mind and dealing with spirits. Personally, I would say evocation has less risks than channeling.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 10
I always read that summoning can be very dangerous. As I do not believe that anything can happen at all (I do not believe in summoning, evocation or anything of that sort) I tried already so many summoning spells, yet without any noticeable effect at all. What are this so dangerous things that can happen?
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