Making magic useful

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Making magic useful
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

I want to make a proposal. I think it would be fantastic if on the next full moon, December 18, 2013 everyone who couldd used their magic to make a improve the very real issues going on in the world. There are a bunch of problems that could be solved:

  1. Bad leadership - many issues occur because those incharge cannot agree, have their hands tied, or don't look at long term consequences. Magic should be used to improve the wisdom of leaders and politicians, do damage to those who are corrupt, and improve the success of actions for everyone's benefit.

    What this could fix - Unnecessary wars, better legislation on economics, jobs, food production, and social welfare, destroy corruption

  2. Natural Events - Improve the abilities of scientists activists and politicians to better deal with what's going on around us like superstorms, droughts, destruction of ecosystems, flooding, etc. If you can do weather magic and impact the weather itself do that. Another issue is plagues. Anti-biotic resistant bacteria and rapidly spreading viruses may bring us back to the days when an infection was as bad as cancer
  3. Social trends - Use magic to ameliorate situations like discrimination, religious radicalism, chronic poverty, etc.

I think it should all be done on one night because it would improve the ritual aspect of magic, and I believe give more energy to the various causes. If you do this please try to keep personal politics out of it. As you can tell I'm liberal, but the magic I will do won't involve specific outcomes to match my politics. Instead I'll try to set up the best possible outcome whether I agree with it or not.

All schools of magical thought, enochian, hemetic, wiccan, voodoo, seidhr, etc. are applicable and welcome

If you want to try something like this on December 18, 2013 leave a post maybe saying what you'd like to try, to keep the thread up while being relevant. Try spreading the idea to others you know who do magic.

Please post and say what you think

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Re: Making magic useful
Post # 2
I am on board for this but i think there should be a specific time everyone should try to start thier ritual like they used to do on witchvox. I love it. I think it realy brings people together and helps our cause.
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Re: Making magic useful
Post # 3
I agree as well.
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Re: Making magic useful
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I feel this is a noble concept. I'm in if you can help me with a few points.

Who are the good guys? What makes you think those in charge do what they do out of ignorance? That is to say, they are somehow not aware of the consequences of their actions?

As far as getting any particular group to understand the big picture? That is a hugely complicated undertaking, but I'm in.

2: Natural events? Really?

Perhaps that we may stop building the wrong sort of structures in areas prone to extreme weather.

3: As far as the medical issues, nature will correct regardless of what we do. We are approaching 9 Billion people and that is about 7 billion to many. Modern medicine is only postponing the correction. Not that I am against medical care. Still, I understand the consequence of our collective actions.

Again, I will do my part to cure stupidity, but my powers against the natural course of the universe are like, let us say, the power of a burning match compared to our sun, on a quiet day...

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Re: Making magic useful
Post # 5
So let me get this straight also. 1. We are asking for evil to be banished from our world leaders and that they are protected from corruption. 2.we are asking that the world population be protected from natural disaster and medical epidemic. 3.irradicating damaging social trends such as racial, religous and sexual orientation discrimination and homelessness and poverty. I wouldnt worry too much about all the extra people. If we are truly to are protected then we will find room in space if we have to.
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Re: Making magic useful
By: / Beginner
Post # 6

I think to simplify it we are asking for:

a) having influential people make better informed decisions. Making them wiser, more empathetic, and maybe braver. So that way people who make decisions can finally do something about our problems

b) Use magics that are traditionally benevolent in nature to produce a better series of events for humanity in general. The weather working idea is far fetched, but all natural events are a game of chance. A small dip in temperature stops a hurricane, or the flight of a person with the next great pandemic is canceled, an earthquake isn't as bad as it could be. This could also be like, the diplomats at the UN have a really productive day, whatever you think is appropriate.

c) using destructive magics to get remove the influence of the corrupt, greedy, or even psycopathic.

About questions of how to decide who to get rid shouldn't be your decision. For example in galdr magic, there are offensive runes that only really work if the cause is just. If your magic doesn't have that idea built in you shouldn't use your magic to do that. The capacity to backfire is really obvious in that case.

The reason I'm not picking a specific time is because people have their own lives and there are time zones to deal with. I think that the full moon is seen as at best a strengthening element in spellcasting and and worst an inconsequential one. The concept of doing it on one designated day, with many other people, should be a boost on it's own

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Re: Making magic useful
Post # 7
If magick could be used as a cure all the world would be a happy place with unicorns and butterfly's!! Everyone would be rich! No one would get hurt! And most importantly we would learn absolutely nothing!! It's these bad things that teach us and mold us into better people. Theoretically! Of course some people just don't learn. You want to change the world start with yourself! If everyone in the world worked on improving themselves the world as a collective whole gets better. No magick required.
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Re: Making magic useful
By: / Beginner
Post # 8

Honestly what do you recommend using magic for? Are you only supposed to use it for silly personal wishes? I'm sure most peopel who use magic also use it to help people they love, but in a way is that any less selfish. If you believe you have magic, which is a gift that influences the world around you, why wouldn't you try to give future events a push in the right direction. How is casting a spell to improve the wisdom of a parliament, a congress, or a president any worse than casting a spell to help a friend make good decisions?

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Re: Making magic useful
Post # 9
Full moon is at 10:28 am dec. 17th pacific time according to my sources. If you want to know what your time is you will have to look up moon phases. On this site. I guess what im saying is that the idea is good. The format is good. Maybe a little too vague in a complicating way for some people. Well probably more than some. Please dont be mad. I think that most people would like to come together to make the world a better place. However, to get the most people its got to be something we all can agree on otherwise it could turn into uncontrolled chaos.
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Re: Making magic useful
By: / Beginner
Post # 10

Maybe it doesn't have to be something we all agree on. As long as we all just do spells with the intent of improving the world in general, I think it should be good. For example one person makes a spell to make peopl more interested in education, or another can help inspire those who need it, etc.

Right now I'm working on a spell to make leaders more compassionate, principled, and wise. My difficulties are figuring out who to target (maybe I'll do the U.S. congress), and how to represent so many people in a bind rune. Does anyone else have something they're planning on trying?

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