
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Demon

Post # 1
Hello I am eclectic witch and been studying for two years I have recently discovered my path demonology and I have looked into all the stuff circles salt all of it and now I want to know how to summon one s/he must be a low energy creature thank you
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Re: Demon
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
If you do not possess the will and follow through to study enough to actually know of a spirit you wish to conjure, and what reason you wish to conjure it for, then you should not conjure what another suggests.
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Re: Demon
Post # 3
Why would you want to summon a demon? They tempt you with power (they might even give it to you), but you must ask yourself: if there are demons, isn't there probably a hell? Does that mean that I could go there? Does summoning a demon count as something which could lead to me going there? You must tread extremely carefully when dealing with the infernal.
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Re: Demon
Post # 4
This comment is for the majority of people who comment on posts like this. Do your research on demons. If and when you do that you will surely come to the conclusion that they are not all like the Christians portray them to be. Either way I have to agree with Awake on this post. If you have been studying this subject you would obviously know who and what you intend on summoning. Also what I gather from reading your post you don't know jack when it comes to evocation magick or demonology. Your best bet is to hit the books and try something more elementary before you try to tackle conjuring.
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Re: Demon
Post # 5

I agree with awake on this one, you need to be experiened enough to know hat your doing and whats going to happen, i dont even summon because am not that experienced i have only been practising magick for 4 nearly 5 years. so i suggest you study and practise until you really feel that you are ready.

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Re: Demon
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
Jason, the word Demon comes from Daemon, which in turn originates well before the modern concept of hell. It is a greek word for spirits that can be both good and evil, and are frequently the source of whim and imagination. It began to have negative associations as Persian influences and religion started to associate such things as evil - Zoroastrianism began to portray numerous different faiths and local spirits as evil if they did not fit into their monotheistic view of good vs. evil, as they developed the first monotheistic religion.

The demon concept was then born and subsequently evolved within medieval Christianity, along with the various concepts of Hell and Satan, Lucifer, and "The Devil." The names of various pagan deities,local spirits, divas, etc. are frequently all found together in the lists that we traditionally accept as studies in demonology, with descriptions that are based rather deeply on stereotype, fear and personal perception.

And then we have the various Satanic views, which are frequently obscured in modern conception and belief and frequently have little historic origin or links beyond what the individual or group attaches to it.

We've all got our own paths to Gnosis though, so view the demon however you'd like.
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Re: Demon
Post # 7
That's partially correct. Zoro'ism is the first religion to introduce the concept of duality. It was meant to explain opposites in the universe. Like light and darkness, noise and silence, hot and cold, summer and winter, wisdom and stupidity. When you literally translate the Avestean word "Ahura Mazda" (the Zoroastrian equivalent to God or Allah), it means highest form of wisdom and Angre Mainyu (the Zoroastrian equivalent of Satan) means bad mentality. All boiling down to your mindset. The founder of this religion was believed to be a persian mage. But like all religions get corrupted, so did Zoroastrianism. To control people the clergy began attributing Ahura Mazda to God and Angre Mainyu to his opposite.

If you study Zoroastrian demons and angels, you will discover that they were originally meant to describe various forces that run the universe.
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Re: Demon
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
Oh, true, but they definitely started incorporating local Devas and such as well.
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Re: Demon
Post # 9
I think it was simultaneous. Persians had issues with the devas, while the Hindus had issues with the Ahuras who they called asuras. For the sake of information, the avestean sound "h" is pronounced as the "s" sound in sanskrit.

So while iranian-aryans believed that devas were demonic and ahuras were Gods, the indo-aryans believed that ahuras/asuras were demonic and devas were Gods. Early Zoroastrianism was polytheistic so there were many ahuras, who I think eventually became the amesha spentas (origin of the 7 archangels in Christianity).

I wish people in general were a bit smarter. Because the war between ahuras and devas (perhaps the first angel/demon war) was just politics. Lol!
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Re: Demon
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10
You find that in subsequent Christian demonology as well.

But thank you, I obviously need to brush up on my Indo-Persian history!
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