seeing auras

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seeing auras
Post # 1
i have always been able to see the clear outline of auras (if i work at it) since forever, and if i try for hard enough and for long enough i may be able to get a color. i would really love to improve at this skill, does anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: seeing auras
Post # 2
Just keep practicing. If you're open about your beliefs with your friends and family, it would be beneficial if you could practice on willing participants. You could ask questions to confirm color meanings, for example. And they are more likely to stand still against a wall for you to get a good look at their auras.
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Re: seeing auras
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I get more of a color impression in my head when I meet someone. Like seeing it with my 3rd eye, don't try looking so hard just let it flow into your mind.
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