help wanted

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help wanted
Post # 1
I need help. I want to start studying Dragon magick, but i don't know where to start. I was thinking of buying D.J Conway's Dancing with Dragons,would it be any good? If anyone can help me it would be appriciated!
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Re: help wanted
By: / Novice
Post # 2
not a good choice, D.J. Conway is widely known as a fluffy bunny. she is believed to be the one who started Dragon Magick, it's really spiritual though, and if it's true or not, it's grow so much since then. I own a copy of the book, if you can find one at a used book store [like i did] then i'd say pick it up, but it doesn't have that much information. Conway's famous for contradicting herself and making up 'facts', the only thing i found helpful in the book was a guided meditating. there's not a lot of information out there sadly, because very few practitioners write things down. it's all passed down verbally, and when they do write it down, it's rarely given to people not in the clan [coven] couple sites you should check out though are: [amazing source] [good for starting out]

there are more, but it'll take some searching for them, try typing in 'magick' not 'magic' when your searching. it won't get rid of all the RPG sites, but it will get rid of a lot of them. there's also a book, i haven't read it, but it's said to be good, not great, better than Dancing with Dragons, Sea, Land, Sky: A Dragon Magick Grimoire by Parker J. Torrence.
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Re: help wanted
Post # 3
Thanks, I'll try them out.
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