moveing back to salem

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moveing back to salem
Post # 1
I'm moveing back home to Salem and my family's name is not welcome there anymore we were asked to leave and never come back but its kind of my fault I scared the older people in my community being a young witch but I feel the need to return home what should I do about people not wanting me there?
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Re: moveing back to salem
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Prove to them that you are kind. A little courtesy and politeness goes a very, very long way.
People will always have their ignorance, but never stoop to their level.
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Re: moveing back to salem
By: / Novice
Post # 3
interesting that Salem wouldn't want you since Laurie Cabot has a shop there among other people, stores, events and so on. but, i've read history books, i know how Salem residence once felt about witches so i don't know if things have changed. personally, i'd ignore them, i've dealt with stares and insults, even dealt with a priest trying to convert members of my coven. you've got to be the bigger person.

put a protection over your house and loved ones, but other than that, just be yourself. as a witch, i'm going to assume you're nice, might even volunteer or help others in some way. while you won't ever win everyone over all you can do is be yourself. don't go out of your way to make the community hate you, but don't go out of your way to make them like you either.
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