Amun55's Profile

Member Info
Name: Amun55
Location: With my kitteh kitteh
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 22 May 2009
Membership: Member

Myspace: view

Personal Bio
Well. I already have a profile on here. And this one is about,well, me. You probably already know me. but DO you?
I love animals and all forms of nature.
I have a passion for my Native American culture.
I'm a Priestess. ;D shh! (PM)
My favorite colour is green, though i LURVE blood red(crimson) and black!
My favorite kind of music is Alternative
I can't help but dance to elevator music.
I'm Emo i guess. That's what some of my friends keep tellin meh.
I believe cheese itself should be a food group.
I'm not religious, i'm spiritual, and still trying to sort things out
i'm insecure about death as i'm not sure what happens after
I over think WAY too much.
I'm INCREDIBLY pessimistic.
I'm an analyst. and i always observe things people don't usually try to look for in and about people.
I watch football and play just about any recreational sport
I believe sex can be a recreational sport (Haha)
i think marijuana should indeed be legalized
I'm a psiVamp through and through
I think i may or may not be asthmatic
I weight more than i look like i do. (my muscle mass i guess)
(I'm not fat) Lol
I'm starting to become addicted to piercings, though i only have my ears, carteledge, and belly pierced.
I have blue/green eyes that like to change colors occasionally (nothing drastic or far-fetched)
I Love to be bitten (and would like to meet someone like that as well)
Not a slut, but i tend to flirt a little
i Will answer pretty much any e-mail unless it's just plain stupid.