Risen.'s Profile

Member Info
Name: Risen.
Location: In the grace of God
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 18 Apr 2019
Membership: Member

Youtube: view

Personal Bio

Who am I?

I am open minded Christian and I like studying other peoples beliefs. I love nature and as it being one of God's creations I think we should honor and respect it. Magick to me is a form of prayer and I like using the psalms and the bible within my spellwork. I want to be a healer and I love crystals.

My little tid bit

A lot of Christians give God a bad name these days. They don't cease to judge people and all they see are the sins of others instead of their own. Instead of building their own relationship with God they are focusing how others should build theirs. I am not against preaching God's word, but I do believe people should come to Jesus from their own free will instead of by force. Some people don't like Christians because they do all the stuff I just said and a lot of them are too judgemental. I am not one of those Christians and I believe everyone should worship whoever they feel close too.

Concerning Mail

I am free to talk to anyone about anything and I know a thing or two about magick so if you have any questions feel free to message me anytime you want. But please have a topic in mind before messaging me. I do not like it when people message me without one, so please make sure you have one before doing so.


Brighter blessings and God Bless!