Eum's Profile

Member Info
Name: Eum
Location: North Carolina
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 26 May 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Greeting, my "name" is Eum*. I am 15 years a practitioner of witchcraft. I have been practicing for about 4 to 5 years of my life. Exploring everything from Wicca to LaVeyan Satanism I am decently versed in the various new age religions and the magickal practices of others. As for my own personal path, I shape it as I go, forming it through experience, logic, research, and faith. In fact, the whole reason I decided to join Spells of Magick is to help me form a more solid structure for my practice and decided what I believe in and what truly works for me. I am generally a friendly person who loves to have conversations with other individuals about the craft, magick, and each other's personal practice and beliefs. I will not cast spells for you although I may give you tips if you really need help or want to learn. Other then that, I thank you for reading this bio and wish you the best. *Latin word for him