MothWan444's Profile

Member Info
Name: MothWan444
Birthday: Apr 4 2001
Location: Somewhere in east coast USA
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 12 Apr 2019
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
So here's a funny story, I deleted my first account because my Bio wasn't showing up, and I couldn't mail people. So I had to create another account on this website, because I think it was something I put in my bio (though that might be superstition). So yeah this is now truly my only account on this website.~~~~ Greetings I am a Chaote, who takes discordian influence, but there is way too much that goes into my craft at the moment. My family has ties to the Mothman (Long Story). I love blue roses for their symbolism. Also it's not fun to limit yourself. Thank you for reading this, have a nice day. [I am also known as MagicWolf133 on steam and other social media]