Calamideus's Profile

Member Info
Name: Calamideus
Birthday: Jun 17 2001
Location: Why should I tell you that?
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 11 Sep 2017
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
Simply put, a boy who really wants to protect the people he cares about. Any means necessary. For a more detailed description. I'm 16, I enjoy roman culture, I've been practicing magick/Magik/magic for about 2-4 years now. I try to use logic, and make sense of these things you really can't make sense about. (Btw, I don't enjoy roleplay. Or playing pretend, if I contribute any spell, ritual, etc. ever. Do note I take time, in planning these out and or doing all that I can to make it work. Any means necessary.) Also I've been trying to learn Voodoo or Voudon, and at the least the basics. I'm quite interested. Thank you for your time.