AzureVeil's Profile

Member Info
Name: AzureVeil
Location: United Kingdom, Devon
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 16 Jan 2016
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Dear Readers,
My name is AzureVeil and I wish too keep it at that.
I am relatively new to the craft, but when put my energy into a Spell or Chant I usually always deliver. I have always had a love, and some need for the craft. I don't know why but it's always just called out to me, and I would love to call out to some of you and perhaps get a few pointers. Also my weather spells 'Always' Work, sun spells, rain spells, storm spells, they all work but you need to have a clear intention to control them.
I have had a few anomalies, for example putting your fingers near dying embers and watch it re-light for a second. Or the wind listening to my desires and commands. I am a Novice and need guidance, if anyone would like to take me into their wing, I would be most appreciative.
Thanks for Reading.
P.S If anyone needs a Wishing Spell, I think I might have one.
WARNING: Wish spells involve 'Personal Gain' and consequences may arise as it has for me.