GanonTheGrey's Profile

Member Info
Name: GanonTheGrey
Location: Wandering between worlds...
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 26 Nov 2018
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Greetings! Thanks for stopping by, the name's Ganon (as you may have already gathered). I've been studying the mystical and occult for many years now, though I stay in the theoretical realm and do not typically practice. At great need however I have been known to conduct a ritual or cast a spell. Regardless, as oppose to the majority of the people on this site, unless it has much changed since last I was here, I am not pagan. I'm Christian; Roman Catholic in fact. If you want to know how that works feel free to message me, but please people lets be mature and save the trolling for other, less reputable parts of the internet. Otherwise if you have something you'd like to ask me, or want to have an intellectual reasoning , or are just wanting someone new to talk to, feel free to write me! I'm always open to new people, and am quite the talker myself. Peace!