themonsterrr's Profile

Member Info
Name: themonsterrr
Last Seen: Fri, 15 May 2020
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hey there! I've been in love with anything that has to do with magic and the stuff that comes with it. I've been using this site for three years now, so I guess you can say that's how long I've been doing magic. I'm 15 with a wonderful personality and likes anything that has to do with H2o. I'm not the only one in my family that does this, my aunt and mom also have been doing this since they were kids so I have some experience. I'm a listener and I can give good advice about mostly anything! I'm really crazy and funny and not really focused on what category I want to fall in. Black or white? Idk.. Help meh
P.s. I feel like I have a gift cause I feel when bad things are going to happen.. not what exactly its going to be just its bad