DieingBlood's Profile

Member Info
Name: DieingBlood
Birthday: Apr 6 2000
Location: it doesn
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 28 Sep 2013
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Nothing really matters much anymore, I'm not sure that it ever really did. I feel like life just left me hanging with a rope around my neck, but I guess that what I wanted right? To kill the pain, but all did was make it worse. Everyday I would think about dying, every piece of my hopeless existence burning in a fire. I thought about it until I reached the pit of my existence, I gave up all hopes of it getting better, and filled my head with ashes... My ashes. I didn't realize it at the time, but it wasn't me whom I wanted to burn. I wanted to burn everything, bring down an endless rain of fire on all that lived. I wanted to kill everything beautiful until there was nothing left but despair. I remember how I had nothing, so I took everybody else's everything, I caused as much pain as possible. I became heartless, I didn't care anymore.