Yuna_witch's Profile

Member Info
Name: Yuna_witch
Birthday: Jun 17 1996
Location: Illinois
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 24 May 2024
Membership: Contributor

Website: view

Personal Bio
Hello, everyone!
Throughout my life, I've always felt that there was more to it than what's seen. I was raised Christian, but around age 14, I began to lean more and more towards wicca. Soon after, I began researching on subjects such as witchcraft, astral projection, psychokinesis, lucid dreaming, and other metaphysical topics. With each discovery, my eyes were opened, my horizon grew wider...eventually, I became the girl I am today-wiccan. I practice my craft as often as I can, and continue to learn in time.
If you'd like any help, (or if you'd like to offer it), I'd be glad to give/receive it. Wouldn't mind giving a helping hand. (: I don't mind making friends here, so send me a message if you'd like ^_^ (I also love anime).
P.S. I'd highly recommend reading Scott Cunningham's books if you're practicing. Very informative:)