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Search Results for death
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Undertaker's Parlor - Magic Forums
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...Welcome to my parlor, where we will be discussing topics on the ''darker'' spectrum of magic and practices. In this Parlor there will be no judgments made about one's practice but questions are always welcome so I shall lists the main topics I will be discussing in my first few posts....
Charge of the Dark God - Magic Forums
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...Version I: The Charge of the Dark God I am the fire within your heart - the yearning of your soul. I am the hunter of knowledge and the seeker of the Holy Quest. I - who stand in the Darkness of Light, am He whom you have called Death. I...
Guede - Magic Forums
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...According to Vodou practitioners, ''Baron Samedi'', also known as ''Papa Baron'' and ''Gran Brigitte'', represent Guede's parental lineage. Guede's parents are considered the lord of death. Baron is the spirit who presides over the {dead;} the loa decides the faith of all human beings on earth after death. It is relevant...
Swastika - Magic Forums
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...What does the Swastika means to YOU? -There is a great debate as to what the swastika means now. For 3,000 years, the swastika meant life and good luck. But because of the Nazis, it has also taken on a meaning of death and hate.. I was wandering around the forums...
Life..By Twisted Pig - Magic Forums
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...The reaper's traveling at full throttle, There's no escape form death, torn from the womb, And Dead on Arrival...Life is something to be cherished, Troubles come and Troubles pass. In life We have our possessions of Value and Sentimental attachment. But In the end if Death stood over you as you...
Death: Customs and Mythology
 Submitted by Ally.Laura There is a lot of mythology surrounding death. One of the most well known myths connected to death is the Irish Death Messenger, the Banshee. There are many variation around different parts of Ireland about what the banshee looks like, what her activities involve i.e. combing her hair,...
Ego Deaths and Past Lives
 Years ago while a member of this website, I was introduced to a form of ego deaths. Whether or not this is the same form as commonly referred to within the occult community, I don't know. It was never a point of much research for me during this time, and so...
The Gate of Death? - Magic Forums
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...Ok, so a friend of mine went to some blood drive thing. Now heres what happened. about halfway through it he passed out. In his unconsiousness he had a siezure, bent his arm and ended up bleeding ALL over the library and woke up about 30 sec later . (i mean...
What is death like? - Magic Forums
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...I've noticed that a few people say that they have died before and I'm just wondering what it's like. Other Spells Discussion What is death like? Reply to this post oldest 1 1 2 3 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2 3.......
Death penalty - Magic Forums
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...Has anyone heard about this woman who is said to be a witch in Saudi Arabia, and cos this is against Islam she is to be beheaded this week.Comments death penalty Reply to this post oldest 1 2 3 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2 3.......
Vampiric Elegance's Articles
...Magick (members only) An association of Black with evil and with death Glossary Glossary (members only) Commonly used termsLeaf Blessing (members only) Blessing of Autumn LeafLessen a Craving (members only) A ritual to help those with energy deficiency. Lessen a Fear........
List of Archangels 1-4
...This is a list of the first four archangels in Christianity. 1. Archangel Michael: Prince of the Heavenly Host. Commander of God?s army. Also an angel of death and healing. He is the archangel of protection, Spiritual Warfare, courage, death, sick people, and war. He is known for leading the angelic...
Celtic Goddess of War: Ways to Work With The Morrigan
...The Phantom Queen on the battlefield. The crow that soars above the wreckage and ruin. The seeress, the warrior, the protector. Yet also the goddess of Summer, Love, and Fertility of the land. The Celtic Goddess of War, The Morrigan, has become a popular pagan deity in modern times. And with...
Death Spells - Magic Forums
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...Do death spells work? Can you reverse a death spell on the same night you cast it? Site Spells Discussion death Spells Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Death is not Bad - Magic Forums
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...Hello everyone. Im new to the site but not new to magick. I have been doing Dragon Magick for near 2 years. Also I do readings. I have recently ordered the Celtic Dragon Tarot. Will be arriving in a few weeks. I have recently succeeded in casting weather spells. It snowed...
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