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Search Results for wish
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749 total matches
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Wishing Ritual
...Aesir Sunset Articles Wishing Ritual Rated 1/5 Stars A ritual to let you you wish for anything You will need: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet flower petals A small, crystal bowl A filter Rainwater Sunshine Red, silk handkerchief Small, glass.......
Angelic Wishing Meditation
 A ritual to aid in Angelic Wishing Meditation. To begin, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Make yourself comfortable, either by laying or sitting in this space. Begin to relax yourself, pushing out unwanted thoughts. Shut your eyes and focus on relaxing. As you are doing this,...
Wish spells - Magic Forums
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...Is there a wish spell that actually works? Site Spells Discussion wish spells Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest wish spells.......
Wishing Ritual
 A ritual to let you wish for anything You will need: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet flower petals A small, crystal bowl A filter Rainwater Sunshine Red, silk handkerchief Small, glass bottle Cork Collect all of the petals, and place them in a dry, crystal bowl. Put the bowl...
Ash's Ultimate Wish Spell
Forum Post
...This is a wish granting spell I made up: Everytime between the hours of 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (NOT a minute before and NOT a minute after) AND during any season that is NOT winter, if you already have a candy necklace or bracelet make 1 wish (do NOT put...
Powerful wish spell? - Magic Forums
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...I need a spell that will grant wishes. Not impossible ones! Just ones that are possible but unlikely. {(Example[not} my wish\]: I wish to get the newest MacBook computer for Christmas this year). That is not my wish. It's just a random example. Anyway, any spells like that? I would prefer...
Wishing spell? - Magic Forums
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...So I want to do this spell but I need to know if/when I get to pick up the charm again. thanks! Site Spells Discussion Wishing spell? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Wishing spell?.......
Wish spell? - Magic Forums
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...So I need a wish spell that will work and doesn't involve candles. I want to go to this convention thing but I need a plane ticket and the money to go. I want to ask for Christmas but it's sort of expensive. So I'm just hoping that my family will...
Wish Spell Help - Magic Forums
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...So I heard that when doing a wish spell you have to think realistically. And one of the biggest goals I want to achieve For early next year is get my license, get a car, and be good at it. So my question is how do I put those 3 things...
Free Wish Granters? - Magic Forums
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...I know it is a big ask to ask someone to do something for free, but I am unable to pay people. If there are any generous souls willing to assist me with a wish, I'd be ever so grateful. Thank you, Beth Site Spells Discussion Free wish Granters? Reply to...
Eye of the moon: When a wish can be made.
...Spell Casters Articles Eye of the moon: When a wish can be made. made. Rated 3/5 Stars The eye will commit one wish from one human every time a year ends with 13 An eye of the moon happens when a years numerals endwith.......
Overnight Wish Spell - Magic Forums
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...From time to time I use the Overnight Wish Spell. But I was Just wondering something can you cast the Overnight Wish Spell anytime after 7.00pm or can you only make a wish at 7.00pm or 2.00 am as incarcerated Site Spells Discussion Overnight wish Spell Reply to this post oldest...
Read if you wish. - Magic Forums
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...I made this post to ramble about a couple of things and ask a couple of questions. =) First of all Congrats Ragnarok on becoming the priest of this coven. I mean realy you poofed out of nowhere and became priest with your awesome knowledge. Second from what I've read Witchie...
No ingredient wish spell - Magic Forums
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...A wish spell that doesn't require candles? paper is fine, just nothing having to do with fire. Site Spells Discussion No ingredient wish spell Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest No ingredient wish spell.......
Working wish spells - Magic Forums
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...I really urgently need a wish spell that actually works instantly and only needs a voice. Are there any spells like that? Site Spells Discussion Working wish spells Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Working wish spells.......
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