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Search Results for death
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Death_Melody's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: Death_Melody Birthday: Jul 11 2001 Location: For me to know Gender: Gender: Male Last Seen: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 Membership:.......
Frostedlife's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...2/09/1110 Gender: Man Country: somewhere in the middle east Cause of death: sword sword in lower abdoman. Reason for the reincarnation: To learn to not be greedy or envious. To continue my work as a guide and teacher. To heal and help fellow man. I can possibly help you with.......
Death spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I saw a death spell that i made success in though they didnt die literally they became very sick. I saw the spell on this site Other Spells Discussion death spell Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Death and the afterlife - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I was wordering what are the ideas on what happens after we die as it relates to more non-mainstream religions. I know that Christianity, jeudaism, and Muslims believe in a definite heaven and hell where sinners are punished and the righteous are rewarded, but what do the wiccans and pagans believe?...
Death: Customs and Mythology
 Submitted by Ally.Laura There is a lot of mythology surrounding death. One of the most well known myths connected to death is the Irish Death Messenger, the Banshee. There are many variation around different parts of Ireland about what the banshee looks like, what her activities involve i.e. combing her hair,...
Death penalty - Magic Forums
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...Has anyone heard about this woman who is said to be a witch in Saudi Arabia, and cos this is against Islam she is to be beheaded this week.Comments death penalty Reply to this post oldest 1 2 3 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2 3.......
death_spell's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: death_spell Location: in the shadow of the moon Gender: Male Last Last Seen: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 Membership:.......
Death by Name? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I was simply wondering if, through Black Magic, anything similar to a Death Note is possible. If the answer is yes, here the things the spell/ritual must do: Must: Kill anyone who's name is written in it as long as I have the face in mind Be able to manipulate the...
the death of a familiar - Magic Forums
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...may I ask, just out of curiousity, what happens when a familiar has passed away? General Info the death of a familiar Reply to this post oldest 1 1 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Life after Death? - Magic Forums
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...Hey SoM members, I realize their people on here from a number of different faith's and philosophies, and I Thought it'd be interesting to here what others believe. So post away brothers! I'm a Catholic and subscribe to that view of life after death, that is, that after you die your...
Delving into Death - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Delving into Death: Exploration of the concept of death. Philosophers and non-philosophers stand on a level of equality with respect to death. There are no experts on death, for there is nothing to know about it. Not even those who study the death process have an edge on the rest of...
The Circle of Life - Magic Forums
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...The Circle or Wheel of Life is the manifestation of the Divine in a polarized universe. With each quality, a corresponding ''opposite'' quality exists. Thus we experience life and death, up and down, past and future, gain and loss. On opposite sides of the Wheel, this creates balance, which allows the...
cheating death - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Alright, time to address a subject that few of us consider seriously enough: could a user of magic with enough power cheat death, perhaps even indefinitely? Now please, no garbage about becoming a vampire or spiritual eternal life, i mean this thread to be a hub of serious discussion on the...
reversing a death curse..
Forum Post
...A friend I have had a death curse placed on him. He has told me he ticked a witch off, but this particular witch, i know not whom, knew him well, so she was easy to tick off, and she cursed him by completely removing him of his emotions and heart....
Undertaker's Parlor - Magic Forums
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...Welcome to my parlor, where we will be discussing topics on the ''darker'' spectrum of magic and practices. In this Parlor there will be no judgments made about one's practice but questions are always welcome so I shall lists the main topics I will be discussing in my first few posts....
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