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Search Results for wish
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Devluv's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile long as it doesnt have anything do do with Satanism. I am am a Leo. I wish to learn healing and natural magicks, as I have always been interested in helping others and I do not believe that magic should be greedily used, but used to make the world a...
WiccanG's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile world and my belief. I try to be my very best and and treat others how I wish to be treated. Blessed.......
Melody777's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...or insights from my new magical sisters and brothers. My greatest wish is is someday soon living on a tropical island on the beach. I am especially drawn to ocean for some reason. My favorite vacation place is the Outerbanks, NC. When I go there I feel that I am at.......
RosaleenXOX's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...energies personally but have been interested in the world all my life. I I wish to learn and grow, evolve and see what I find. My friend and I have started two discord servers(one is none pg) in order to help people share their stories and find a community of people...
solarbaz's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Happiness Embrace Life Find Her Bring Prosperity to my family If you wish wish to know more about me just mail me.......
Beebee6's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: Beebee6 Location: California Gender: Female Last Seen: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 2013 Membership: Member Personal Bio Hello, Im 19, have been interested in the craft seance long ago, probably.......
salt protection
...protect an area from malevolent entites You will need: salt area to protect Sprinkle salt around the area you wish to protect You will need: salt area to protect Sprinkle salt around the area you you wish to.......
Mind Reading Spell
...interwine.we meld our souls and journey to the one whose thoughts we wish wish we.......
If you want a spell ask. - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I am adding spells and creating new ones soon although all I need is a specific type in mind. Tell me what you wish spells for and I will see if I'm willing to make one such spell. Vladimiersoon although all I need is a specific type in mind. Tell me...
shadowdemon's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Personal Bio Hey Ive been here for awhile now, long enough that I I really wish I could change my username as its not the best, but there isnt much reason to do so considering Im rarely on anymore. So theres no point in that or in making a new account....
Candle Magic
 This article is all about candle or sympathetic magic. Introduction Candle magic is among the simplest forms of magic, called sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic substitutes one thing for another, so for example, a poppet or doll can be used to represent a specific {person;} magic is performed on the doll to...
Luvgaming's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...2020 Membership: Member Website: view Personal Bio T!male and a weeb, I wish wish you all.......
_Hailey_'s Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Membership: Contributor Youtube: view Website: view Personal Bio Make a wish: .......
Explain to Your Parents Wicca and Basic Skills to Learn in Wicca
 Two articles from talking about telling your parents you've converted {[or} wish to\] and what you should learn if they say yes or no. If youre underage, then whether you like it or not your parents are responsible for you, and ultimately get to make decisions for you. If youve...
Sympathetic and Candle Magic
 The following article pertains to sympathetic magic and its most common form (candle magic). Sympathetic magic, also known as Imitative magic, is a type of magic in which the ritual performed imitates the real actions or results that you wish to bring about. Forms of this magic include: candle magic, poppets,...
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