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Search Results for death
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Grim Reaper Origin And History
 The following lines will reveal the origin and history of Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper or the ''Angel of Death'' is a conceptual entity that is depicted as pale skeletal figure in a long black cloak with a hood and scythe in hand. The Grim Reaper, a diabolically dark figure has...
death spells - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...i need a good death spell. preferably without needing items. but whatever you have that will work .......
Voodoo Spells - Free Magic Spells
...death by Voodoo Doll This spell is for the purpose of killing somebody somebody using a poppet, please be responsible and use it only if really necessary. read more Even more great.......
Spirit Communication! - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH SPIRITS BY MIRROR GAZING I came across this spell to communicate w/ spirits & thought it may help someone! I pass in communicating w/ spirits for now! I feel I'm not ready yet. I first need to control my fear & not let it take over me....
superboss1's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...god by the god spell.Mess with my friends u will die a slow slow but painful death........
Candle meanings, and what they are used for.
...I will share a list of color meaning for candles, and what they can be used for. I will also share some ways to use them for spells, and rituals. Black Candle: A black candle can be used for defense and change. A black candle can represent hidden knowledge, and death....
 This is going to be on how to divine by bone throwing also known as Osteomancy. This just so happens to be one of my favorite forms of Divination. This is a popular divination method for death witches like myself. Osteomancy: How to Divine by Bone Throwing: Bones arent placed on...
Seventh-day Adventists
 its about death and afterlife Seventh-day Adventists The Seventh-day Adventist Church, teaches that the first death, or death brought about by living on a planet with sinful conditions (sickness, old age, accident, etc.) is a sleep of the soul. Adventists believe that the body + the breath of God = a...
The ArArnamagn'an Codex: Baldrs Draumar
...The passage below is an excerpt piece from Arnas Magnusson's the Arnamagn'an Codex before the Harbarthsljoth fragment. Arnas lived from (1663-1730). He was born in Iceland and attended the University of Copenhagen. He spent much of his time creating scripts which were acquired in the Arnamagn'an Manuscript Collection. In the Collection...
Guide To The Meanings of Colours
...In this article, I am going to teach you the meanings of colours and how knowing them can help improve your spells. Here is the table of colours: RED: Love, Energy, Passion, Danger ORANGE: Health, Attraction, Stand Out, Wealth, Youth, Happiness YELLOW: Cheer, Attention, Childish, Fresh, Warmth, Energy, Optimism GREEN: Soothing,...
The Wiccan Year
 Brief summary of the eight sabbats. Modern witches see the year as a wheel that constantly turns from birth to death to rebirth and the believe that just as a plant grows and dies, leaving behind its seeds that give life again, so do they. They believe that they are constantly...
Deadly Nightshade Flying Ointment
 If you are not experienced with potion making, do not attempt to create this. This ointment is based on Atropa Belladonna, a highly toxic plant. If done wrong, side effects are seizures, difficulty breathing, lethargy, excessive sleepiness, muscle weakness, skin flushing, constipation, difficulty urinating, or agitation, resulting in death. Do not...
Land Creatures
 A list of the symbolic meanings of a variety of terrestrial animals. Ant: Ants are industrious, community oriented, single minded builders. They symbolize patience, self-sacrifice, planning, trust in the future, stamina, completion, storing energy, work, thrift, forethought, virtue, and orderliness. They are connected to Wang-ta Hsien, Demeter, and Ceres. Bat: Bats...
 Information on demons, how to protect yourself, how to get rid of them, how to summon them, and what they are. Demons are vengeful spirits, so first of all, they are not just from hell. Vengeful spirits can be born by a violent death, like a murder, or suicide. They can...
Spirit Sending
 This ritual is to help send a spirit on after its' death, and to help you cope with the loss. It can be done for people and animals. Materials: White candle Blue candle Bread crumbs Water A quiet place where you will not be distrubed and can focus Procedure: Light the...
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