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Search Results for death
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Articles favorite forms of Divination. This is a popular divination method for death death witches like myself. Osteomancy: How to Divine by Bone Throwing: Bones arent placed on altars for just aesthetics. Magicians use these bones for spirit work, magic, and divination. One of the.......
ProfGoldRing's Profile - Membership Area
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...Info Name: ProfGoldRing Birthday: Jan Gender: Female Last Seen: Tue, 09 Feb 2016 2016 Membership: Member Personal Bio Things Ive Published On This Site: Articles: How To Make A Candle In A Jar.......
coldkiller's Profile - Membership Area
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...alike I come from a family of magic from my great grand mother mother whos death was tied to black magic some how and my sister is.......
Types of Psychic - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Types and Methods of Psychic Abilities . . Astral Projection(or astral travel) :An esoteric interpretation of a type of out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an ''astral body'' separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection is experienced as being ''out of the body''. Unlike...
How to change one's aura?
Forum Post
...Does anyone have any tips on changing personality, inducing ego death, or changing your own mannerisms? I have some ideas on how to change, since Im highly adaptable and can model myself after certain energies that I look up to and revere personally. How ever I get these drives and habits...
KSCP's Profile - Membership Area
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...smacking me again. This prompted me to get and read some books on on near death experiences and the afterlife. It also prompted me to get a reading. I am convinced beyond all doubt that I was in contact with Christi. We talked about too many things known only to us....
The Charge of the Dark God and Goddess
 The Yang side represents all the bad parts of nature, which arent actually bad. We just view them that way. Without the rain there would be no flowers, and everything would turn into a desert. The Yang side represents all the bad parts of nature, which arent actually bad. We just...
Life After Death - Magic Forums
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...Where will we go once we die. Do we choose were we go. Also i worship lucifer do that mean ill burn in hell for eternity. .......
Learning about Ascending - Magic Forums
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...Ascension is a process of letting go of all limiting beliefs and becoming one with the godself. Once that has been accomplished, a person can ascend into heaven or attain nirvana without going through the death process. It is physical process, as in the ascension of Jesus, as well as an...
new bee - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...For so long I believed that there was something wrong with me. Something always called my name, the darkness, the chaos. I just thought it was death knowing my name. Finally seeing- letting it all come rushing in. It was always the sinner, the manic, the chaotic soul deep within, waiting-wanting...
LulzBoat's Profile - Membership Area
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...Info Name: LulzBoat Birthday: Aug 20 1998 Location: Walla Walla Gender: Female Last Last Seen: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 Reputation: Novice Novice --> Membership: Contributor Personal Bio death is coming........
Spirit Sending
 This ritual is to help send a spirit on after its' death, and to help you cope with the loss. It can be done for people and animals. Materials: White candle Blue candle Bread crumbs Water A quiet place where you will not be distrubed and can focus Procedure: Light the...
RaineMoon's Profile - Membership Area
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...Thu, 31 Jan 2019 Membership: Contributor Personal Bio A coma. Its like death death without the commitment. Unfortunatly I am an extreme introvert. I am open to friends, but I am very busy and cannot always be on. Im 20. Weve all had our fair share of life hit us in...
.ChennyVoo's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile help is his, He only succoureth. Let mine eyes see thee, and and then see death. ~ St Teresa of Avila Im a.......
ChennyVoo.'s Profile - Membership Area
User Profile help is his, He only succoureth. Let mine eyes see thee, and and then see death. ~ St Teresa of Avila Im a.......
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