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Search Results for death
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The ArArnamagn'an Codex: Baldrs Draumar
...Nordic manuscripts that were Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. After Arnas' death, his Collection Collection has been housed inside of the University's library. BALDRS DRAUMAR 1. Once were the gods | together met, And the goddesses came | and council held, And the far-famed ones | the.......
 A summary of different ideas of life after death. This is a debatable topic by many. Heaven And Hell: Christians believe that we go to Heaven or Hell when we die, depending on your life on Earth. Heaven is seen as a beautiful place and is supposedly an eternal place with...
night fury
...fury speed unknown size unknown the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself itself never in gage this dragon A fearless beast dark as night a creature strong and noble on wings of courage shall take flight as soon as i am able i will breath fire blue and bright a fly.......
Spirit Sending
...Rated 3/5 Stars This ritual is to help send a spirit on after after its' death, and to help you cope with the.......
LloydCipher's Profile - Membership Area
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...only those who have suffered look forward to the great ecstasy that is is.......
scum's Profile - Membership Area
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...Thu, 10 Mar 2016 Membership: Member Personal Bio patience flowers into death. And And I will die, and you will die, and we all will die, and even the stars will fade out one after another in time. -Jack Kerouac, Desolation.......
Immortality Spells do not work
...magic. I know that most people are going to be sad about this this but death is inevitable, we are all going to die one day and nothing can stop it, not even magick. Some spells on this site are dangerous such as one I read a long time ago.......
Prayers to Santa Muerte
Articles a list of prayers to invoke Sante Muerte, the Mexican folk saint saint of death. This document is readable only by members of Christian.......
Divination15's Profile - Membership Area
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...and singing (although that list could go on). I love my friends to to death, and my cat, even though I am a pretty big loner. I am learning/practicing: Astral Projection Dream Entering Lucid Dreaming The Gaelic language Healing Magick Kuji-in and Kuji-kimi A few others,.......
PalsiCk's Profile - Membership Area
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...Info Name: PalsiCk Gender: Male Last Seen: Sat, 04 Jan 2020 Membership: Member Member Personal Bio ...............(Ministery of Death)............. I identify myself as a Psychic/Teleapathic.My esp.......
The Other Side
...The Other Side Rated 1/5 Stars Where we go when we die. Sleep Sleep and death are one in the same. We cross over to the other side, the dream world by many names: Heaven, Aster, Elysium fields, Hades, the underworld, and the garden of shadows. Home it is within.......
Articles favorite forms of Divination. This is a popular divination method for death death witches like myself. Osteomancy: How to Divine by Bone Throwing: Bones arent placed on altars for just aesthetics. Magicians use these bones for spirit work, magic, and divination. One of the.......
Types of Psychic - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Types and Methods of Psychic Abilities . . Astral Projection(or astral travel) :An esoteric interpretation of a type of out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an ''astral body'' separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection is experienced as being ''out of the body''. Unlike...
How to change one's aura?
Forum Post
...Does anyone have any tips on changing personality, inducing ego death, or changing your own mannerisms? I have some ideas on how to change, since Im highly adaptable and can model myself after certain energies that I look up to and revere personally. How ever I get these drives and habits...
The Charge of the Dark God and Goddess
 The Yang side represents all the bad parts of nature, which arent actually bad. We just view them that way. Without the rain there would be no flowers, and everything would turn into a desert. The Yang side represents all the bad parts of nature, which arent actually bad. We just...
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