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Search Results for death
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Pentagram and a Pentacle. - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...First, you must know the difference between a Pentagram and a Pentacle. A pentagram is just a fancy name for a five pointed Star, which are very important to witches. But a Pentacle on the other hand is a very sacred and ancient symbol to a Witch. Each of it's points...
 Information on demons, how to protect yourself, how to get rid of them, how to summon them, and what they are. Demons are vengeful spirits, so first of all, they are not just from hell. Vengeful spirits can be born by a violent death, like a murder, or suicide. They can...
death spells - Magic Forums
Forum Post and do death spells work I want to know thanks to all of your reply's .......
Deadly Nightshade Flying Ointment
 If you are not experienced with potion making, do not attempt to create this. This ointment is based on Atropa Belladonna, a highly toxic plant. If done wrong, side effects are seizures, difficulty breathing, lethargy, excessive sleepiness, muscle weakness, skin flushing, constipation, difficulty urinating, or agitation, resulting in death. Do not...
twb49's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...dreams, this was a gift that has been passed down, the areas are are water, death, and weddings and of course being.......
Deities of Marriage
...happiness. She invited devoted husbands and wives to her hall after death so so that they might never be parted again and so is goddess of fidelity. As Ostara, goddess of spring, she was known among the Anglo-Saxons and is remembered in the festival of Easter as a.......
Land Creatures
...Demeter, and Ceres. Bat: Bats symbolize rebirth, reincarnation, ritual death, initiation, confronting fear, fear, letting go of old habits, happiness, good luck, health, wealth, long life, peace, unhappiness, unrest, chaos, incomplete understanding, avoiding obstacles,.......
C.Lothric's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: C.Lothric Birthday: Aug 8 1997 Location: Lothric Castle Gender: Male Last Last Seen: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 Membership: Member Youtube: view Personal Bio Why not a Dark Souls Themed account?.......
Seventh-day Adventists
...Spell Casters Articles Seventh-day Adventists Rated 3/5 Stars its about death and .......
...Spell Casters Articles Triskelion The symbol of Avalon. The triskelion is a three three swirl symbol that represents many things. First off, it represents a trinity. This can be multiple different.......
Relationship Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Erectile Dysfunction Hex A spell to ensure your husband/boyfriend cannot physically cheat on on you. read more Even more great spells..... 7 Day Candle Love Spell Candle Spell.......
AliveInDeath's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...demons with a concentrated thought.. Ever since I came back from death, I I found that it is rather easy to communicate with other realms. --Chances are, if you ask me anything related to any subject Im interested in, Ill know about it.----- Likes/Interests: Music,.......
Guide To The Meanings of Colours
...In this article, I am going to teach you the meanings of colours and how knowing them can help improve your spells. Here is the table of colours: RED: Love, Energy, Passion, Danger ORANGE: Health, Attraction, Stand Out, Wealth, Youth, Happiness YELLOW: Cheer, Attention, Childish, Fresh, Warmth, Energy, Optimism GREEN: Soothing,...
The Charge of the Dark God and Goddess
...into a desert. This is the side that balances everything. You must have have death to have life, you must have rain to have sunshine. You must have sadness to be assured of happiness. I dont think that the Dark God and Dark Goddess get enough credit, so this is another reason.......
Candle Color and Meaning
 Which candles to use for more effect in spell casting. White Candle: Represents Purity, Spirituality, and Peace. In some cultures it is the color of Death and Mourning. Red Candle: Represents Health, Energy, Strength, Sexual Virility,Courage,and the Masculine Principle in Nature. Pink Candle: Represents Romantic Love, Affection, Friendship Yellow Candle: Represents...
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