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2 Spiritual Spells from The Sword and The Feather

2 Spiritual Spells from The Sword and The Feather

Included in this list of 2 Spiritual Spells
  1. Hand Protection
  2. Living Elemental
#1 - #2

#1 - Hand Protection

This will help protect you thru the day.
You may need:

  • A pen of none smudging ink
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    You may need:

  • A pen of none smudging ink
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    Hold the pen with your weak hand and start drawing the pentacle symbol on your
    strong hand (on your palm). When you start drawing, say these words and
    concentrate on the symbol you are drawing:

    "I draw the pentacle on my hand
    To be protected
    From harm from anyone and all negative energies
    With the pentacle on my hand
    I will be at full strength
    And full power
    So mote it be."

    Make sure you finish drawing the pentacle before you day the words:

    "So mote it be."

    When the symbol fades away from your hand, so will the protection spell. So
    don't use an ink pen that smudges easily and don't try to not get sweaty hands.

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    Last edited on May 26, 2016
    Part of the The Sword and The Feather Library.

    #2 - Living Elemental

    How to make a companion that will stay with you till you no longer need it.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    In order to do this you must first know how to focus your energy into a certain space. It doesn't matter what element you are , you can always create a helper in other elements. Your helpers can also help you in your Quests.

    Envision a ball of light. ( Green for Earth, Red for Fire, Blue for Water, Yellow For Air, and White for Spirit ). Now picture that ball of light getting bigger, Start to imagine the ball of light taking shape into an animal, or what ever you want it to be. Put alot of energy, but not all of your energy into it, Now when you feel you put enough energy into it then give it a name, and what its job is. ( Rather it be Extra Protection or keep track of your things, or even just to be a garden of books ).

    Added to
    Last edited on Jan 18, 2016
    Part of the The Sword and The Feather Library.

    2 Spiritual Spells from The Sword and The Feather
    #1 - #2