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1 Spiritual Spells from The Paladins

Covens The Paladins  ► The Paladins's Spellbooks  ► 1 Spiritual Spells
1 Spiritual Spells from The Paladins

Included in this list of 1 Spiritual Spells
  1. Weapon Charging
#1 - #1

#1 - Weapon Charging

A spell to improve a weapon.
You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Sword or weapon of some kind.
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Sword or weapon of some kind.
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    1) Hold the weapon away from your body

    2) In your minds eye imagon yourself in the exact pose your in incuding your weapon.

    3) Imagon your energy filling you

    4) Imagon that dark blue energy is coming in to your body form the sky and berit green energy coming in thew the soles of your feet.

    5) Imagon it all mixing together in till it becomes fire energy.

    6) Allow that to flow threw the sword your holding.

    7)Your done.

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    Last edited on May 25, 2016
    Part of the The Paladins Library.

    1 Spiritual Spells from The Paladins
    #1 - #1