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59 Unclassified Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 59 Unclassified Spells
59 Unclassified Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 59 Unclassified Spells
  1. Snow spell
  2. Fairy tale spell
  3. karma spell
  4. Spell for a Good Night with a Lover
  5. Mermaid Spell
  6. Healing Incantations - for humans
  7. The Guardian of the Scales
  8. Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection
  9. Binding spell
  10. Spell to become a witch
#11 - #20
#31 - #40
#51 - #59
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#31 - Snow spell

Make a snow day a possibility.
You may need:

  • White candle
  • Clouds in the sky
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Clouds in the sky
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    Seclude yourself in a quiet place. Light your candle, and repeat this spell ×3

    *Spring, summer, autumn, winter. As I light a candle representing heat, make a winter freezing sleet, make it cold as ice, I'll say it thrice. So mote it be.*

    Added to on Jan 15, 2020
    Last edited on Jan 16, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #32 - Fairy tale spell

    It's to turn you into a fairytale.
    You may need:

  • The fairy tale that you want to be.
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    You may need:

  • The fairy tale that you want to be.
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    Say fairytale

    Added to on Sep 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #33 - karma spell

    gives karma
    You may need:

  • alone
  • silence
  • outside
  • nighttime (12:00pm-3:00am)
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    You may need:

  • alone
  • silence
  • outside
  • nighttime (12:00pm-3:00am)
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    chant 3 times

    see the cruelty and the pain, that you have caused once again

    i turn the tables three times three bring light to you actions, i will be free,

    when light breaks and dusk comes through the pain you caused will come back to you

    i say this spell to karma tonight

    i am a witch, i stand and fight

    Added to on Aug 31, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #34 - Spell for a Good Night with a Lover

    this spell... well, to say the least, worked for me. it's meant to bring you and a lover together with the best night of your life, be it sexual or simply cuddling and kissing.
    You may need:

  • -rose water, rose essential oil, or ylang ylang essential oil
  • -a pink and red candle (or pink + pink for lesbian relationships, red + red for gay)
  • -rose bud or petals
  • -The Lovers or Two of Cups tarot card
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    You may need:

  • -rose water, rose essential oil, or ylang ylang essential oil
  • -a pink and red candle (or pink + pink for lesbian relationships, red + red for gay)
  • -rose bud or petals
  • -The Lovers or Two of Cups tarot card
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    - place each candle side by side, with the tarot card in the middle.

    - dress the candles with your essential oil or rose water. imagine your energy being transferred onto them.

    - as you light the candles, imagine your wish coming true. imagine what you would like from the night you see your lover.

    - let them burn for a bit, then blow them out.

    - bring them closer and light them again.

    -say: "me and [lover] grow closer on this blessed night,

    my wish carries out through the candlelight.

    as each candle inches closer, as do we.

    with passion, love, and lust,

    Blessed Be."

    - repeat this until the candles are touching the tarot card.

    - once they touch the card, let them burn out fully. keep the card on your altar until your wish is fulfilled.


    Added to on Aug 26, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #35 - Mermaid Spell

    This spell should transform you Into a mermaid idk if the spell works on guys. Message me if it works and what side effects you experience. My best friend and I made this spell together.
    You may need:

  • Clear quartz crystal
  • Colored in drawing of how you want your tail to look, it could look however you want, even with gems on your tail
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Clear quartz crystal
  • Colored in drawing of how you want your tail to look, it could look however you want, even with gems on your tail
  • Water
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    Take a shower before doing the spell, to purify your body.

    As you gather all the things you need think about how, when and where you're going to transform.

    Draw and color what your tail would look like and keep it beside you for the whole spell. Somewhere on the paper, put how, when, and where you will transform

    Grab your clear quartz crystal and hold it tightly in your dominant (writing) hand.

    Put the hand you're using to hold the crystal into some water. Get your whole hand wet up to your wrist.

    Say this spell 3 times:

    Creatures of the sea, please hear me. I want to be a mermaid. I have the drawing beside me, these are the colors my tail should be. With powers of (you may have up to 7 powers) with a gemstone on my tail of (your favorite gemstone or your birthstone). Please, oh please dear creatures of the sea As I wish upon this stone of quartz a mermaid I dearly wish to be.

    Added to on Aug 05, 2019
    Last edited on Jul 28, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #36 - Healing Incantations - for humans

    These incantations (spells) are ones I have made, and the language used to make them is: latin.
    You may need:

  • Energy
  • Healing stones (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Energy
  • Healing stones (Optional)
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    To heal a wound chant: per potentiam quae est in me: Ego ad sanandum vulnus meum, et in potentia modo, modo sana!

    To stop a injury from bleeding chant: flumina influunt, quae est in sanguine, non potest esse concretus cruor et sanguis non tenetur

    To stop the bleeding 2: necesse est in sanguine flumina quae influunt in sanguinem, non tenetur, et quid ibi concreti sanguinis est.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #37 - The Guardian of the Scales

    This Spell/Ritual is to both Cleanse and purify energy,auras,homes,ones inner cosmos. The Ritual also helps purify entities that may be in limbo/purgatory and invoke the Guardian of the Scales so they may cross over, as to exorcisms & expelling ones Which eradicate and or destroy the spirits or demons.
    You may need:

  • A gold Bowl
  • A smaller bowl (imbued with Ancestral energy).
  • An amulet with an ank in one side and the eye of Raw in other.
  • An Amulet imbued with 1000 Chants by Tibetan Monks
  • Artifact which represents your Spiritual guard.
  • A Cooper Band with magnetized ends
  • The 4 elements Deities = Sea-Deity(obtained at beach), Terra-Deity(obtained from Mountain), Air-Deity( obtain from self), Heat-Deity(obtain from volcano)
  • SeaGlass (emerald)
  • Sage Stems&ashes
  • Dry Leafs from tree, or plant surrounding you
  • Cotton ball
  • cannabis stems
  • poin of A-pex energy
  • Blood from a God
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    You may need:

  • A gold Bowl
  • A smaller bowl (imbued with Ancestral energy).
  • An amulet with an ank in one side and the eye of Raw in other.
  • An Amulet imbued with 1000 Chants by Tibetan Monks
  • Artifact which represents your Spiritual guard.
  • A Cooper Band with magnetized ends
  • The 4 elements Deities = Sea-Deity(obtained at beach), Terra-Deity(obtained from Mountain), Air-Deity( obtain from self), Heat-Deity(obtain from volcano)
  • SeaGlass (emerald)
  • Sage Stems&ashes
  • Dry Leafs from tree, or plant surrounding you
  • Cotton ball
  • cannabis stems
  • poin of A-pex energy
  • Blood from a God
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    The ritual must be performed at the apex point where the energy or occurrence is at its strongest. There the Vail between worlds and energy are both at there strongest as they overlap and create a Window both ways. When Apex point has been found place Gold Bowl in the location. Place the imbued amulet of the 1000 Chants in bowl. Place Second Bowl withing the first one on top of amulet. Items being used to represent the 4 elemental Deities are to be place in side the first bowl appositely from one another. In the second bowl place :cannabis stems,cotton ball, dry leafs, sage stems and ashes. the cooper Band to be curve angle and placed on top of second bowl. The emerald sea glass is to be placed on top of Band. Once this has been done pour the Blood of a God over inner items, set flame to blood and allow for the flames to thrive. Once the flames have subsided leave everything there over night, the following day place Sea glass out side so all impurities that it absorb may be released back into the ether.

    Added to on Apr 04, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #38 - Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection

    Astral Protection for a safe trip
    You may need:

  • 3 Yellow gem stones
  • Any kind, some examples are Citrine, Yellow Sapphire, Amber, Even Gold
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    You may need:

  • 3 Yellow gem stones
  • Any kind, some examples are Citrine, Yellow Sapphire, Amber, Even Gold
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    Hold the Gemstones in your hands, while you practice and travel. Also place a Gemstone on your Third Eye Chakra. This will provide divine protection.

    Added to on Mar 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #39 - Binding spell

    This spell is a Black magic spell if your definition of Black magic is any magic which involves Controlling ones Free will and useing your will to over power others. If your definition of Black magic is any magic which calls upon Deities which are from not judeu-christian-islamic tradition such as pagan deities or satanic beings then this spell is not considered Black magic.
    You may need:

  • Items:
  • Quran ( )
  • Sahifa Alawiyahh ( )
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Thread
  • Sandalwood incense
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    You may need:

  • Items:
  • Quran ( )
  • Sahifa Alawiyahh ( )
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Thread
  • Sandalwood incense
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    Magical ritual to Bind someone

    Pre Work

    Light Incense stick


    Supplication of Day(sahifa 154-160)

    Supplication when siting the moon.(sahifa 30)

    Supplication mentioning the Name(sahifa 8)

    Begin work


    In the name of God the most Gracious the most Merciful, to Whom belongs Everything in Heaven and Earth,The one who created Paradise for the Righteous and Hell for the Wicked,The one who created the Night and its darkness and the Day and its brightness,The one who created the Earth and its greenery and the Sky and its blueness, and then made them thy Mother and Father of everything which lies in between,The one who created Man and his strength and Woman and her beauty,The one who makes one man hate another and makes the other love another,The one who created Evil and its Fierce Flames which burns through the morality of mankind, and before it created Good which blooms in the hearts of the Glorious,The one who who created the Planets and Stars and then set them in there celestial motion, The origin of the Universe, to Him alone we belong.

    The Lord of the Throne

    The Lord of the Worlds

    The Lord of the Prophets

    The Lord of the Imams

    The Lord of the Angels

    The Lord of the Jinns

    The Lord of the Men

    The Lord of Hidden and Visible.

    Write name of Victim

    Oh Spirit of N, Oh Mind of N. Oh Blood of N, Oh Bones of N, Oh Organs of N, Oh flesh of N. Oh body of N- and blow on the written Name(repeat 3 times).


    By the Power of thy Divine name and by the Power thy mighty Word, By the heat of the fierce flame in my spirit and by the swiftness of the Arrow in my Eye, by the wrath of my will and by the ink of the pen, by the beloved angel Jibrael master upon the bright moon, which shines mighty with its magnificence in the Dark Sky, i bind N from the front, i bind N from the back, i bind N from right, i bind N from left so that his/her mind and heart is under my will, transparent he/she will become, and when i desire to call upon her she/he will come forth and when i banish her/him she/he furthers away both under my power so that All of is her/him is under my power , will above will, will below will,power upon the mind, Mind upon the power, As above so below, As below so above.

    (Blow on the Tip of the pen if your using ink and Quill blow on the ink. Then draw a square around name the in the order (1) Top line:Right to left (2)Bottom line: left to Right (3) Right line: bottom to top (4) left line: Top to bottom (5) left line: Bottom to top (6) Right line : Top to bottom (7) Bottom line: Right to left (8) Top line: left to right) (repeat 3 times)

    Oh Spirit of mine, Oh Mind of Mine, Oh Blood of Mine, Oh Bones of Mine, Oh Organs of Mine, Oh flesh of Mine, Oh body of Mine- and blow on of thread.(repeat 3 times) tie it around the paper tight.

    Surah al qamar (Quran 54)

    Added to on Mar 10, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #40 - Spell to become a witch

    This spell is supposed to bind you to the Rede, therefore becoming a Witch.
    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • A sink, bath, anything that makes steam
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    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • A sink, bath, anything that makes steam
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    Look at your reflection, and allow the steam to distort it. You'll still be able to see yourself. In the mirror, say calmly and with complete reverence:

    "I openly accept the Rede, dark forces have no sway. I accept the forces that cause night and day, and guide myself in the Witch's foray."

    This works for both witches and warlocks, if you replace the words.

    Added to on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    59 Unclassified Spells from Spell Casters