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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1230 Trick Spells
  1. Changing Room Temprature
  2. Cultivating Water Energy
  3. Ultimate Pyrokinesis
  4. Ultimate Ki Technique
  5. Controling Your Ki
  6. Ultimate Mana
  7. Less Gravity Spell
  8. Time Travel
  9. Ilusion Spell
  10. Mind Read

#1141 - Changing Room Temprature

Make a room cooler.
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    Changing Temperature:
    This technique is one of the more common you can find on Cryokinesis all over the web. It is using Cryokinesis to change the temperature of a specific area a bit, to make it colder.
    To start out, you may want to meditate a bit and clear your mind. Now, find the room, or whatever area you wish to change the temperature of, and you may want to check the thermostat first, and see what the temperature is. Now, stand there comfortably, with your eyes closed. Invision that you are standing in the middle of a blizzard, with snow blowing past you with gusts of frigid wind, ice forming on the ground. You must really get into this. Actually try to feel your body becoming colder. Picture the thermostat that you looked at in the beginning, and picture the temperature on it dropping. You could also picture ice forming around the room, all over everywhere, causing the temperature to drop. Now don't get discouraged, this takes practice. With enough work, you should be able to make the temperature a little colder.

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    #1142 - Cultivating Water Energy

    This will help you on cytokinesis.
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    Cultivating Water Energy:
    This technique you will need throughout most of cryokinesis, since you will be taking the water elemental energy and forming it to ice. To start, stand in a position you would for ki breathing or grounding. Close your eyes, and picture yourself standing in a peaceful place, surrounded by water, or waterfalls, whatever you want. Now, picture energy flowing from the water, into your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien, and flowing throughout your body. I picture this as a blue form of mana. Keep doing this until you feel that the technique has been completed, and that you have cultivated water energy.
    Cultivating Water Energy 2:
    This is another way of cultivating water energy, sent to me by my friend Richard. This is an easier way to cultivate water energy. While taking a shower close your eyes and let the water hit your front side of your body. Visualize the water energy coming from it into your Dan Tien or even just your body like it is absorbing it. After a minute or two you will have enough.

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    #1143 - Ultimate Pyrokinesis

    This has all the pyrokinetic abilities you can learn.
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    The Dancing Flame technique:
    The best way to develope and train your Pyrokinesis skills is a technique called the dancing flame. Get in a relaxed position, and grab a match. Light the match on fire and focus on the flame. Create a ''tunnel'' between you and the flame. Now visualize the flame going out. You must be focusing on only the flame. With enough will power, and hard concentration, the flame will go out. Putting a flame or fire out is the easiest part of Pyrokinesis. Making the flame or fire relight is the hard part. Once you can make the flame burn out, Focus on the flame relighting. After a few weeks of doing this, you will notice that once the flame is out, you will be able to see the ember start to turn red again as though it wanted to relight. Once you practice enough, it will relight. This is the easiest way to develope and train Pyrokinesis. This techique DOES WORK!! I started out a year ago by practicing the dancing flame, and now I can make a decent sized fire dim down and go out just by a wave of the hand. Then I can relight small parts of it.

    Creating a basic fireball:
    This is one of the basic techniques for learning pyrokinesis. You may want to have a heat sorce near by to do this, but it is not necessary. To start, get into your normal ki ball stance, and create your basic ki ball. Now, get into complete and utter concentration and focus on the element of fire. Picture it burning all around you, the air seeming to wave from the intense heat. Now focus on that fire, and see the energy that it holds. Draw the energy from it into your ki ball, and picture the ki ball turning red from doing this. Keep trying until you feel an unusual amount of heat between your hands. This should mean that you have made a fire ball, if your hands are hotter than normal. Don't worry if you don't get this on the first few tries, it could take practice.

    Raising temperature of an area:
    This is like the exact opposite of the Cryokinesis technique for lowering the temperature in an area. To start out, stand in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and focus. Picture the air around you seeming wavy because of heat in the area. Try to feel the heat on your body, picture yourself very hot and sweaty. You could also picture a thermostat raising. This could raise the temperature in the area a bit.

    Fire Blast:
    Place your hands at your sides as to perform an advanced ki blast. Charge up the ki into your plams but also visualise being engulfed in fire surrounding you. Let the flames build up and collect between your palms. Merge the ki in your hands with the fire between your hands. You should feel heat unless you are an advanced student (who should see a flame). Shoot your hands forward at the target and visualise the fire coming off your hands (just like shooting a psi ball) Warning If you aren’t prepared the flame can also attack you.

    The fireball is a hard move to learn to control, but it is also extremely effective. To start out with, put your hands in the basic ki ball position. Start adding Ki energy into your hands, except this time focus as hard as you can into making the energy warm. Try to make it as hot as you can. Don't worry; the heat will not harm you because it is your energy. Now once you have added a fairly large amount of energy to the ball, remove one of your hands away from the ball. Now you should have only one hand holding the ball. Raise the hand that is holding the ball in the air. Make sure that the ball is in your dominant hand. Grab your wrist with your other hand that is free. Now push your ki out of both hands so that some of it is coming out of your dominant hand that is holding the ball, and some is coming out of the hand that is holding your wrist. Push the energy that is holding your wrist into your wrist and into the ball. You know have the energy coming out of both hands. Now is the hard part. Start powering up and tightening your arm muscles. Focus as hard as you can on the ball turning into a huge flaming ball of energy. This is actually easier than it sounds because it is your energy. If you focus hard enough, then a friend about 4 feet away will probably say something like ''Wow! I just saw a flame.'', or, ''Dang, that thing is hot'', or something else like that. If you are a beginner, then for your first year of making it, the best you will probably make is a very faint ball of fire most likely. I would recommend that you have some experience in Pyrokinesis before you start really practicing the move because it is easier to perform.

    Fire Blade:
    Make fire energy pool at your index finger and middle finger. Force all of it into the finger tips. Move your Those two fingers in a circle, making a small ring of fire. Then fill those same two fingers with ki (hopefully you know what that is. If not, then it is your body's energy. For more info e-mail me). Then make a fing of ki in the middle of the ring of fire. Make three ki balls and but them in the middle of the ring of ki. Connect them with strings of ki and make a ki ball in the middle. Make the disc spin so fast that it creates the illusion of not moving at all. Finally, throw it.

    Fire Fuse:
    This is a technique, similar to that of the Earth Fuse, which will combine your ki with the energy of the element of fire.

    To start out, get into a position that you normally use for Ki breathing or grounding. Picture the element of fire all around you, with it's energy floating all around, like when you are Ki breathing. Now perform a ki breathing technique, only take in the fire energy instead of ki. Picture it fusing with your ki inside your Dan Tien and all throughout your body, turning your energy a swirling red-ish color, or whatever color you wish to use. Now you can perform the Hii Tate if you wish...

    Fire Shield:
    ''Hii Tate'' This is a technique I devised myself, which is similar to the technique in the Cyrokinesis section...Of course, with fire instead of ice. Before doing this techinque, you will need to perform the Fire Fuse technique.

    Get into a wide stance to start. Now picture your Dan Tien, fused with that Fire energy, swirling red, or whatever color you wish to use. Now, command that fire energy to flow throughout all your chakras and your whole body. Picture it flowing through you, starting to radiate out of you. Now, explode the fire energy out of you, similar to a ki flame, only this time, instead of turning it into a flame around your body, picture it forming a huge ball of fire around you, forming into a shield. Keep adding energy to it until you think it is strong enough. This technique works best if you are facing off against an opponent who uses Cyrokinesis.

    Dragon Blast:
    The dragon blast tech is for an intense blast of concentrated heat for torching the enemy.It helps if you have experience in Pyrokinesis.First,get into horse stance.Put your dominant hand in front of you,palm outward.Start drawing in fire mana for a ball.Create the mana ball with the fire mana.After this is done,concentrate hard on making all of your ki hot.After your ki is scorching,put it into your mana ball.No matter how hot your ki is,the mana will cool a little.Make sure that your ki does not overwhelm the mana ball.Only put a little ki into the ball.Now take every bit of the negative energy in you and make a shell over the ball.Do this twice just to be sure that all your negative energy has gone over the ball.Your hand should feel hot now.Now visualize the ball erupting into intense flames.Now fire it at the opponent as a beam,but instead of ki pushing out the ball,visualize a blast of fire pushing the ball to the opponent.When the ball gets to the opponent you can either just let it hit them or you can guide it inside of them and make it erupt into flames and explode inside of them.This is a very powerful tech to use and should be used as a finishing move to devastate your opponent or as a starting move to make them weary.If this tech is done right,you should have a small,reddish-purple circle in the middle of your palm,similar to the one with the super blue ball.

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    #1144 - Ultimate Ki Technique

    This has all the ki technique.
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    Stand in a fighting position. Feel the ki in your body. Now visualize roots shooting out of your feet and into the ground. Picture the roots planting into the ground and obsorbing ki. Then begin to visualize your energy merging
    with the Earth's energy. This is a technique that gives a little boost to the ki attack, and helps prevent burnout.

    Ki Ball:
    Cup your hands like you were holding a large baseball. Focus on your hara and the energy inside of it. Bring that ki up into your chest, then down your arms into your hands. When a descent amount of ki is in your hands, have it emerge out and meet in between to form a ball. You should be able to feel it's energy. Don't worry if you can't see it, you'll be able to when you become more advanced.

    Drawing ki:
    Sit in a cross-legged position. Back straight, chin up. Put your hands so that your left hand is holding your right calf muscle, and vice-versa. Close your eyes and begin to breath slowly. 4 seconds breathing in, hold for 2, breath out for 4, hold for 2. This is called the four-fold breath. It relaxes your mind and body. After about 10 times of doing that, start doing the following: Breath in like you normaly would, but this time picture breathing in the ki around you. Have it go up you nostrols and stop there when you hold your breath. As you breath out, Focus on the ki traveling down your body and splitting in to two parts so that it can go down both your arms. Let the ki flow down both arms and into the calfs. Keep the ki flowing up your legs untill it winds up at yo ur hera. Repeat this untill you feel you have drawn enough energy. After a while you'll be able to draw in ki while you're doing something.

    Ki sensing:
    Close your eyes and think of someone standing around you. Visualize the ki inside of their body. Now reach out with your ki and touch their's. The stronger their ki power is, the larger the knot in your stomache.

    Ki Sheild:
    Feel out th ki in your body. Feel it flow through your merideans(energy channels). Now start having ki come out of your hera, and more ki out of your body. The ki that comes out of your body have form around you in a crystall shape. After a minute or so you should have an entire outer shell around you. Now start filling the space between your body and the outer shell with ki. Once this is accomplished, visualize the outer shell of the full sheild turning in to hard, invincible metal or steel. The harder the concentration, the stronger the sheild.

    Attacking with ki:
    To attack with ki, do this. When you shoot your ki at something/one, you need to shoot it THROUGH the opponent. The reason for this is that the ki will act as a sonic boom and create a shockwave. This rupters their ki and will sometimes send them crumbling to the ground gassping for air. But there is something to remember. Closing the distance increases the results of the attack. When ki travels too far, it begins to fall apart. Also, a physical attack that's charged with ki is much more devistating. Because there is no space between the ki and the opponent.

    Basic Ki blast:
    Put your hands to your side and make a ki ball. You should be standing in a wide stance. Focus on the opponent, but keep concentration on the ki ball. Keep adding energy to it untill you think it has enough. Focus on the ki inside of you radiating out about to explode with it's true force. Lean foward and thrust your hands out in a double-palm strike. Tighten you hands and explode the ki inside of you to let it out in a short, devistating, blast. Push the ki ball away from your body and through the opponent. This will likely only cause the opponent to loose stanima and concentration. NOTE!: Do not perform this technique and make physical contact. Only do that as a last resort. If the blast is powerful enough and physical contact is made, organs can dissentigrate, and the person could die or blow up.

    Ki Punch:
    Begin to feel out the ki in your body. Now let it flow in to the hand that is going to attack. Keep the ki inside of the hand. Once you have collected a sufficient amount of ki, start focusing behing your opponent. Focus on the space behing him. Then tell yourself you're going to punch that space. Attack and let out a shockwave of ki going through the opponent the instance you make contact.

    Ki kick:
    Fill your leg with ki and repeat the instructions for ki punch, replacing hand with foot.

    Ki flame:
    A version of the power up. Start drawing in energy ands letting it flow through out you entire body. Keep drawing in more and more. Fill your inner and outer body with ki. Next, make all of it explode and come outwards so that it is outside of your body surrounding you like a flame. For visualization: If you watch dragon ball z, this is the power up they use.

    Ki to Increase Speed:
    This is farely simple. Wave your hand in the air in front of you. As your doing this, visualize an image of the hand moving at a faster rate. Bring your hand back and perform a front punch. As your arm extends, picture the mental fist drawing back. As your real fist draws back, picture the mental one striking. Practice this with both hands. After continuos practice, you will begin to see results. It's a mental trick, I honestly don't know why it works.

    Basic Ki Healing:
    Place your hands on the wounded or painful area. Let your ki flow into the injured area. Picture your ki as the color yellow, and the pain as the color red. As your ki enters the other person's body, have the yellow energy overpower the red energy. In your mind it should look like the yellow is eating away at the pain. After about a minute, their should be no more red, meaning no more pain.

    Ki Healing version 2:
    Place your hands about an inch above the person who is injured. Wave your hands accross their body and pay attention to any of their energy that feels different than the rest. That it the source or their pain. Touch the injured area and picture grabbing the pain and releasing it into the air to be cleansed. Replace the energyless area with some of your own ki. Healing takes about 5 minutes to go into effect.Ki
    The techniques I have so far on this page listed in order are the advanced ki blast, jing blast, multiple ki balls, ki matoshi, genki dahma, spirit up, burning knuckle, big bang blast, sudden impact, and spirit mine.

    Advanced Ki Blast:
    Stand in a wide-stance position with your hands cupped by your hip about 5 feet from your opponent. Power up using the ki flame method. Push the energy in the flame around to your hands. All of the energy from your ki flame should try to be pushed into your hands. The purposes of having it IN your hands instead of between your hands like a ki ball, is so that you can control the blast. Create a mana ball in between your hands. Then create a ki ball so that you have a mana ball inside of a ki ball. Use the energy from the ki flame in your hands to merge the energy of the ball with your hands. Once again, focus on your ki radiating inside of you, ready to explode with it's true force. Thrust your hands foward in a double open-handed strike and shoot the blast. Note: This is how I perform an advanced ki blast. Play around a little and try to create your own.

    Jing Blast:
    Go set up for a regular ki blast. Place your hands to your side and create a ki ball between them as you normaly would. After the ki ball is created, begin to visualize the ki hardening into a solid object. I visualize it hardening into a rock. When in your mind it looks like a rock in between your hands, Thrust out like you normaly would. When the "rock" is released, visualize the stream of ki pushing it as a Pole or peice of two by four. I visualize a huge telephone pole emerging and shooting at the opponent. Ram the pole straight through the opponent. This will give a visible effect of the damage. It may cause a red mark or something the first few times you try it. Practice it on a friend first. But make sure he has propper gear on. I did this to a friend of mine before when he wasn't wearing any gear. He bent down and acted like he had just been punched real hard in the gut. When he recovered he commented that it felt like a telephone pole was rammed through him.

    Multiple Ki Balls:
    Draw both hands back so that your right hand is next to your right ribcage(loading), and vice-versa. Create a ki ball in each hand. Thrust one hand foward and launch the ki ball at the opponent. As you draw it back, do the same thing with the other hand. While one hand is loading, quickly charge it back up with ki and create another ki ball. The object is to be able to quickly create ki balls in case of emergency. But you have to remember that the more ki balls you blast, the more energy you use, so the weaker the balls become.

    Ki Matoshi(disk):
    Put one hand up and create a mana ball. Have it hover about 4 inches above your hand. Now, there is a red orb of energy located in the center of your palm called the palm chakra. Open it by visualizing it filling with light and beggining to spin fast. Once opened, it will spin at about 600 times per second. Create a link from your hand to you mana ball. The spinning of the chakra will naturaly make the mana ball spin. Use your will power to flatten out the ball into a disk. You should now have an energy disk spinning at about 500 times per second. through it at something about feet away and watch what happens. If it was strong enough, a slash should have been created. Practice this technique untill you can cut through trees and fence with it.

    Genki Dahma:
    More advanced version of a mana ball. Raise both hands into the air. Now go into a standing mediation. Bring mana in from all around you. Have it collect over your hands. Keep drawing untill you have a mass of mana over your hands. Now use your will power to compact it and form it into a ball. Let the energy ball rest about 1 foot above your hands. Keep drawing mana to it untill it has sufficient energy needed to perform it's task. Power up(any type) so that you can keep control of it. Focus on your opponent and throw your hands foward. Launch the Genki Dahma through the opponent and have it explode about a foot behind the opponent.

    Spirit up:
    Get in a ready stance. Start drawing in energy. Let the ki fill you up. In your mind visualize your body as empty and the ki coming and filling it up. After about a minute you should feel warm inside. This means that you were succesfull. This allows the ki to flow easier and make energy easier to control.

    Burning Knuckle:
    Stand in your fighting position. Draw the hand that you are going to attack with back. Now perform a ki flame power up. Force ALL the energy in the flame into your hands. Let the flame expand a little and engulf your entire hand. In your mind it should look like your hand is on fire. Focus behind your opponent and attack. Once contact is made, let the flame go as a blast. Turn your knuckle a little. Even after you've made contact, still try to reach the air behind the opponent. WARNING!: THIS ATTACK WILL CAUSE VOMMIT OF BLOOD AND CAN EVEN PARYLLIZE! USE AS A LAST RESORT!

    Big Bang(for lack of any real name):
    Note that this is a finishing attack and is meant for when your opponent is wounded. It won't destroy them in most cases, but it will end the battle. Stand in a straight-back stance with the opponent about 2 feet away from you. Have the opponent to the side of you. Look in the direction of the opponent and extend the arm on that side. Have the palm facing towards him/her. Create a block in your wrist that will not allow ki into your hand. create another at the shoulder that lets ki in, but not out. Start letting ki flow into your arm and try to reach your hand. Make it keep pushing the block. The more ki, the stronger the push. Fill your arm with ki as much as you can. This builds up the pressure pushing against the block. When you just can't hold in any more, quickly remove the block. This will have the effect of a pressure hose. The ki will come racing out at an enormous rate. It will be too much for you to control, so don't even try, just let it come out. This will bewind the opponent and he will no longer have the strength or stanima to continue fighting you.

    Sudden Impact:
    This is a technique I devised from the one below. Create a genki dahma and throw it at the opponent. Instead of having the dahma go through the opponent, have it stay inside of him/her. Once the "mine" is placed in the opponent's body, charge your fist with a burning knuckle. Perform a ki punch and make contact directly on the area where the mine is placed. Send the ki in your fist out as a shockwave immediatly. About a decisecond after impact, the shockwave will detonate the mine, causing the effect that your punch was like a nuce to the person. Inside and out. THIS TECHNIQUE CAN KILL, AS CAN ANY TECHNIQUE IF DONE PROPPERLY!

    Spirit mine:
    Bring one hand up and create a strong mana ball filled with the energy of living organisms all around you(Genki Dahma). Once you've created this ball, "lock on" to your opponent. Throw the ball but do not let the ball go through him/her. Instead, keep the genki dahma inside of the opponent. With the hand that created the dahma extended in front of you, tell yourself(in your head) that when you close your hand into a fist, your hand will act as a remote for the "mine" inside the opponent. Then that when you open it, the remote will be triggered, and the mine will explode. Practice this technique on a tree, or someone equaly as powerful as you. All questions about this tech should be sent to The Truth Keeper, one of my students(he created the tech,

    Upward Spiral:
    Focus on the enemy and get in ready stance. Feel out ALL of the energy around you. Let you own ki out into the air, wrapping around the mana around you. Make 4-6 balls of mana-filled ki balls. Concentrate them down into the Earth, also taking earth element energy. Bring the balls up circling around the opponent. Make the mana inside of the ki balls shoot out like spikes at the opponent as they are going up. This will barrade the enemy with about 60 spikes of energy, which hurts like heck. As you get better, make more balls and make them hold more mana. Also extend the distance between you and the opponent.

    Mega Ball:
    Raise your dominant hand up as if you were going to create a mana ball. Power up using the ki flame technique. Push all the energy into that hand and form it into a ball. Power up again and repeat. This takes about 4 power ups. Once that process is complete, draw in some energy. Create a block as you would for the big bang. Once suffecient pressure has been created, throw your hand foward and let it fly, use the access energy from the block to push it off. It will move slowly because of the amount of ki in it.

    Ki Drill:
    Stand in a wide stance with your body facing the opponent. Bring up your dominant hand and extend the index and middle fingers on that hand. Place the hand about 6 inches off your chest. Close your eyes and begin focusing all your ki into those two fingers. Once you've generated as much ki as you can, let some of it come out and rotate around your fingers like blades. Load that hand and thrust it staight foward. Project the ki with a spear point at the tip of the beam. Create rotating blades around the beam. Focus it drilling through the opponent. WARNING: IF USED IN EXTEME ANGER, THIS TECHNIQUE CAN DRILL A HOLE IN AN ENEMY!

    Multi Convergence:
    Also known as the tri form technique, it allows the user to create spiritual, sometimes physical replicas of him/herself. Stand in a straight position and power up. This time keep ALL the energy from the power up inside of your body. Feel the ki moving inside of you. Use your will power to make it move faster. Make the ki inside of you move through your body at an incredible rate. Draw in ki to fill gaps of energy. In your mind you want the ki to move so fast it doesn't look like it's moving. When you feel that this has been accomplished. Extend your dominant leg and side step. As you step visualize the ki being left where you were. Also picture giving a little of your own spirit to it. When you have fully stepped out, visualize the ki hardening into a human form and taking on the image of you. Once accomplished, you have full control over the clone. If focus is lost, or the clone is hit with a ki technique that overpowers it, it will melt away and return to you. If you give a peice of your mind to it, it can think on it's own and you don't have to focus on it.

    Choko blast(edited version):
    This is a technique I devised with one purpose, to completly over power the opponent and win the battle with ONE attack. Stand about 4 feet away from the opponent and go into regular ki blast position. Place your hands down by your hips and power up with ki flame and spirit up. Push the ki flame in between your hands to create a ki ball. Let it expand around your wrists. Double fill the inside of the ball with the eternal energy from the spirit up. Now create a block in both wrists and another at both shoulders with the same programming as the big bang attack. When there is sufficient pressure created, let SOME of it expand about 1 inch off your arms. Create a wirlpool of mana around your hands to add to the energy in the ball. Merge the ball with the hands so that in you mind it looks like your hands ARE the ki ball. Thrust your hands foward. As your hands go foward, so does the wirlpool. Shoot the blast and use the momentum of the wirlpool to create a sling-shot effect by swallowing the blast and slinging it towards the opponent at a speed of about 150mph. This blast, if done properly, will devistate the opponent and make him gasp for breath. It should take about 10 minutes before he can breath normally again.

    Minor invisibilty shade:
    Relax your mind and focus on your surroundings. Feel the heat of the light from the sun hitting you. In your mind, visualize the rays of light going straight through your body. You must remember that we only are seen because the light reflects off of us for other's pupil's to gather which allows you to see. That's why we can't see in the dark, because there is no light for the pupil to pick up. If the light goes through you, there is no reflection of light for other pupils to pick up. This normaly only works in crouds or forests where the is plenty of surroundings to throw someone's concentration off.

    Fire ball:
    The fire ball is a hard move to learn to controll, but it is also extremely effective. To start out with, put your hands in the basic ki ball position. Start adding Ki energy into your hands, except this time focus as hard as you can into making the energy warm. Try to make it as hot as you can. Don't worry, the heat will not harm you because it is your energy. Now once you have added a fairly large amount of energy to the ball, remove one of your hands away from the ball. Now you should have only one hand holding the ball. Raise the hand that is holding the ball in the air. Make sure that the ball is in your dominent hand. Grab your wrist with your other hand that is free. Now push your ki out of both hands so that some of it is comming out of your dominent hand that is holding the ball, and some is comming out of the hand that is holding your wrist. Push the energy that is holding your wrist into your wrist and into the ball. You know have the energy comming out of both hands. Now is the hard part. Start powering up and tightening your arm muscles. Focus as hard as you can on the ball turning into a huge flaming ball of energy. This is actually easier than it sounds because it is your energy. If you focus hard enough, then a friend about 4 feet away will probally say something like "Wow! I just saw a flame.", or, "Dang, that thing is hot", or something else like that. If you are a beginner, then for your first year of making it, the best you will probally make is a very faint ball of fire most likely. I would recommend that you have some experience in Pyrokinesis before you start really practicing the move because it is easier to perform.

    This technique uses a spiral force to hit the enemy from multiple directions, then downward spiraling into their organs causing a drill effect(OUCH!). Stand in a regular wide legged stance(horse stance) and plave your hands palm out with your palms facing the opponent. What you want to do is create a ki 'magnet' that will collect the ki and mana within a certain range. Let your ki outside of you to be drawn around your body into the magnet. Now make the magnet spin, so that the ki it has collected, and will collect, begins to circle as well.

    At this point, begin to draw mana into the magnet. The mana should be spiraling towards the hands because of the magnet. Now merge the ki with the mana so that the ki uses the mana to climb out in to the air and cirlce around your palms as one with the mana. Start to charge your arms with any ki you have left. Use the ki in your arms to project the magnet out of your hands and through the opponent. This will cause the spiral of ki/mana around your hands to go inside-out and follow the magnet at a high speed. This will cause the mana and ki to go drilling through your opponent.

    Ki Essence:
    This is the ability to force TONS of ki into a bottle, capsule, water drop, or small peice of food, for recoverative purposes. This is a VERY strong healing technique that I devised myself. In this I will use a small bottle as an example. Sit down and summon as much energy as you can. Bring all of it inside of you. Then become 'one' with the ki, and place your hands about 4 inches above the bottle. Visualize your palm chakra extending out and reaching the bottle. Fill that chakra with ALL the ki in your body at that time(keep enough to stay ALIVE!). Imagine a hole in the palm chakras forming and pouring all that ki into the bottle. Bring back your hands and use mind power to create a mana sheild in the shape of the bottle so that no ki leaks out of it. If the needed amount of ki was added, it should look a little foggy inside of the bottle. I've seen someone light up a bottle like a light bulb before(gave me the idea). Program the sheild to keep energy in, but not out. That makes it safe to put 1-3 drops of water(particularly enchanted) into the bottle. Thus making it an elixer with the 'essence' of ki inside of it. ANYBODY who has 1 drop of it, will be fully recovered. I HAVE TESTED THIS! IT DOES WORK, AND IS SAFE! The only thing that matters is how well you do it. And after the technique, or 'ritual', DRAW SOME ENERGY.

    Sonic Boom:
    This a technique named after guile's attack from street fighter, due to simularity. I was submitted this technique by a friend of mine, who can be reached at It has been changed a little from it's original format.
    Place your hands down by your waist. Left hand on left side, and vice-versa, with your palms open. Begin to collect energy into the hands. Focus as much energy as you can into it(ki, mana, and psi). Push all the energies within your power into your palm. Now shape the energy so that your hands are surrounded by balls of energy. Now clinch a fist, and raise your hands to chest level, while focusing on the damage you will cause. Quickly lock your arms into a position like this: Right fist inside of left elbow, and left fist ON your right elbow.
    This position will send the two "mega" balls created swirling in your arms. They should swirl like a circle, with the ball created in your right hand shooting into your left arm, then into your chest, immediatly followed by circling back into your right again, and vice-versa. This will create a continuing circle for the energy, and as it travels over and over in that circle, it will gain more momentum and power. The instant that you break the circle by extending your arms back out, with your palms facing your opponent, the balls will collide and come out through your hands as a devistating shock wave of dissrupted energy. Note that this attack is mentally, spiritually, and physically devistating to your opponent if fully developed. This should only be used on a living organism as a last resort.

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    #1145 - Controling Your Ki

    Helps you to control your ki energy.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Controlling your ki: Now you will learn how to move your ki to different areas of your body. This is a great practice for those who are just starting out. This will give you a good feel for visualizing, make your will power stronger, and it will give you a good idea of what your ki feels like. Now to start. Close your eyes, and concentrate on the fact that your ki is flowing around inside all of your chakras(or just all through your body if you don't know about chakras yet)and inside of your dan tien. Now, pick a body part that you would like to move your ki to. For example, we'll start out with your hand. Now, start to visualize your ki moving and flowing smoothly into your hand. You can picture it one of three ways. The first way, you can visualize it coming from your dan tien, flowing up into your chest, down your arm, and into your hand. The second way is to visualize it flowing from your dan tien, out of your body, through the air, and back into your hand. The third way, is to just picture your hands starting to glow because of the ki you put in them. If you feel anything such as warmth, tingling, electric feeling, magnetic feeling or coolness, you have just moved your ki. Practice this technique until you can do it easily, and visuaization is no problem for you. A good way to practice this technique is to move your ki all around your whole body. Like hand, forearm, bicep, chest, bicep, forearm, hand, leg, foot, leg, foot. Do that until you can move it around your whole body pretty quickly, then everything will be much easier for you later.

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    #1146 - Ultimate Mana

    All the mana teachings
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Making a mana ball: Now, if you read the section on different energies, you would know that mana is free-flowing energy that flows everywhere and is also inside all non-living things. Now, to make a mana ball, it's basically the same as a ki ball, only instead of visualizing your ki from inside your body making the ball, visualize mana energy flowing from everything around you, the sun, and through the air. Visualize it flowing in between your hands, and swirling around forming a ball. If your hands get warm/tingly/electric/magnetic, you have just made a mana ball.Mana

    Advanced vortex:
    Create an energy vortex. Once around you, project it a little off your body so that it's about 2 feet away from you. Power up with the ki flame technique. Now project you flame to the left of you to create a magnet for mana. Create a second vortex by using more mana, and a little from the first vortex to give it a boost. Do this untill you have four vortexes. Link the vortexes to eachother. Start making all four rotate around you. Rotate them so fast that their energy begins to combine. When this happens you will be standing in the center of one large vortex.

    Elemental Energy:
    To use elemental energy, do the following. Focus on your spirit. Visualize it melting away. Now make your spirit change into the appropiate color for the element you wish to use:
    Air: Yellow
    Fire: red
    Water: Blue
    Earth: Green and/or brown
    Bring your spirit back up as the color of the element you are to use. Now put your hands up to your chest so that index finger is touching index finger, thumb and thumb, etc. Visualize rays of light coming from your spirit and in between your hands. Create a ball of light colored the element's energy. From here you can do as you wish. Here are a few ideas:Create a fireball(Fire), iceball(Ice), wind blast(wind), or give yourself more strength(Earth).

    Mana Quake: Start drawing mana towards you. Create a wirlpool of energy around you. Be sure not to touch the mana, there should be a gap in the center of the wirlpool for your body. As more mana is being added, make it spin faster. Once there is suffecient energy in it, make it stop spinning. Make your ki touch the mana. This will set off a chain reaction of explosions that will travel down to the end of the wirlpool. This technique is only effective if the mana from the wirlpool is touching the opponent.

    Mana ball:2
    Put your hand palm up with your arm bent. Your hand can be either head or chest level. Use ki sensing to feel the energy all around you. Breath in and draw this energy(mana) into a ball about three inches off your palm. Breath out and stop drawing mana. Repeat. Draw in mana from the Earth, wind, water, and fire(helps if you ask spirits for fire). After about a minute, you should have a farely charged mana ball.

    Mana sheild:
    Feel out the mana around you and focus on the elements. Start pulling energy from them. You should be standing in a fighting position. Visualize the mana enclosing you in a ball. Keep adding mana to this ball around you so that you create multiple layers of the sheild.

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    #1147 - Less Gravity Spell

    Makes you jump higher for a day.
    You may need:

  • Imagination
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    You may need:

  • Imagination
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    Imagin you are flying in the sky and chant:

    "I want to fly like a bird,
    I want to jump like a frog,
    Hear me and gain me that power,
    So Mote It Be!"

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    #1148 - Time Travel

    You can only travel two years in the future and three years in the past. When you return the hour and minute and second will be the same from when you left. You can take up to three people with you but you have to be holding their hand!
    You may need:

  • 1 Pocket Watch
  • 1 Crow Feather
  • 1 Jay Feather
  • Water with ice
  • Paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 Pocket Watch
  • 1 Crow Feather
  • 1 Jay Feather
  • Water with ice
  • Paper
  • Pen
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    Put the pocket watch's time on the tenth hour.
    Put it in your pocket.
    Hold the crow feather and chant:

    ''This will help me get to the time I wish!''

    Then pick the jay feather up and chant;

    ''This Feather will get me back!''

    You need to put the jay feather in your pocket oppiite from the pocket watch. Only touch it when you want to get back to our time. With the piece of paper write the exct year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and place. If you dont detail the place or the year, month, day, hour, minute, second you will only go in between the years and never return again! So youd be freezing time forever! When your in the other time then you have to check your watch, because when the pocket watch gets to the twelth hour you must leave or youll get sucked in the between years. HAPPY TRAVELING! If this doesnt make sense leave me a message. I am witch_09!

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    #1149 - Ilusion Spell

    This spell is used to make someone see an illusion of which you state in the spell.
    You may need:

  • Your voice.
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    You may need:

  • Your voice.
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    Look at the person or visualize them in your mind's eye.

    Chant: ''Make them see what cannot be; (state what you want them to see) to make them flee.''

    EXAMPLE: To create the illusion of fire: ''Make them see what cannot be; flames that leap to make them flee.''

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    #1150 - Mind Read

    You can only use this spell if you are a Scorpio.
    You may need:

  • You need to be strong minded
  • Have a weeker mind like a mortal or a dog, cat, monkey, ext.
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    You may need:

  • You need to be strong minded
  • Have a weeker mind like a mortal or a dog, cat, monkey, ext.
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    Focus on the person or animal for a long time till you can see what they are thinking it takes a lot of energy so be carful.

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    1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters