7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Psychic Link With Pet
- Imagination Stretching Spell
- Make a Poppet Doll
- Artemis Goddess Protection Spell
- Protection
- Lovers Trust
- Lucifer Blood Summoning Spell
- Make Someone See Their Errors
- Psychic Training
- Shield of Dagda
#6801 - Psychic Link With Pet
Every day look at your animal in the eyes for about 10-40 seconds imagining a beam of light that is your thoughts going into the animal. Eventually you should be able to hear small sentences coming from the animal. You can ask it questions but the answers are almost always completely irrelevant. If you master this little ability it can be done at a glance.
#6802 - Imagination Stretching Spell
#6803 - Make a Poppet Doll
How to do it.
1. First get the picture of the person you wish to Hex, Small not large ex Passport photo.
2. Then the strand of the persons hair.
3. Take the piece of fabric and cut and saw it into a shape of a person.
4. Once the Poppet is ready cut a small hole into the belly then place the photo, the hair and the 3 thorns inside the Poppet, Then saw it back up.
5. Now your ready to say the spell of your choice, for this poppet is now a strong force of misfortune for the person and when you say the spell it will be more potent.
Be Warned: Choose your words carefully.
There are stories I could tell you about this spell that show just how dangerous it is and what it can do.
If you are not sure on anything please PM me.
The poppet.
#6804 - Artemis Goddess Protection Spell
Cast a circle first before doing this spell, circle will aid you in spell.
Burn the white candle untill it is used completely ,burn the candle thoughout the whole 1st week.
While burning the white candle through out the whole week chant every day.
"I invoke you Artemis asking you for powerful protection, and hoping you would guide me even through my darkness days, I invoke you Artemis Goddess of light, asking for protection and insight, I ask that you protected me and send all evil too a dark place, I invoke you Artemis and ask for protection from all the sources necessary, of your grace and power too protected me and send the evil towards the darkness,a place where can never return, and hurt, touch, or grab a hold of me, So shall this be."
Burn the silver candle until it is used completely, burn out through the 2nd week of the spell.
The 2 week, burn the basil and sage in a large cauldron burn up too a week.
while burning the silver candle chant everyday the second part of the spell for 1 week.
Then Chant:
"I need your help artemis I invoke thee I ask that you swiftly remove all evil from me and around me, I ask artemis that you shine ever so brightly, so that my enemies may see you, I invoke you artemis, asking you not just for your indivual help, in this matter but for everlasting protection for myself, so mote it be."
After spell is completed burn frankinsense 3 sticks per day .
When frankinsense is finished spell is completed and then close circle that you casted earlyer on in the spell.
by: modelavery
#6805 - Protection
Using chalk, draw a pentagram inside a circle (you can use a pen and paper if this is not an option for you). Then place dots at the hour positions, like a clock, outside the circle. Step inside the circle and chant the spell below:
"Hear these words.Remember this rhyme. Protect this person/object at this time. I sent to thee a magic sign: this magical pentagram of mine. This person/object I say, protect them all through night and day. Whoever invades this sacred space, shall feel a great pain upon their face".
#6806 - Lovers Trust
First, get the red candles and rearrange them into a star pattern. Take the black candle and put it into the middle of the formation. Use the petals and connect all the red candles to the black candle. Add the belonging of the lover into this arrangement. Say, "My love is dear. There is one thing I fear: I want to know if he cheats on me, so I can tell him that we cannot be".
#6807 - Lucifer Blood Summoning Spell
First you need to image lucifer in your mind. Then take the athame and point at lucifer's picture.
Then chant:
"I invoke thee lucifer bright morning star you are to show me power and wisdom and help me gain my ever lasting desires."
Then light the candles on the altar all 4 of them .
"I invoke thee lucifer,this is my oh divine purpose lucifer to have communations with you, do my bidding lucifer with no strings attached.
I ask for the powerful goddess Tyche to aid me in getting you lucifer to obey me."
Then drink the 1 glass of the goat's blood .
The 2 glass leave as offering to lucifer and goddess tyche.
Then wait but something will happen after you do it, make your wishes and demands when you hear the voice of lucifer.
This is extreme black magic! And this spellis extremely dangerous. I assume no responsibly for what may happen.
Spell by: Modelavery
#6808 - Make Someone See Their Errors
#6809 - Psychic Training
Tie the string to the weight and hold the end of the string. Focus on your energy flowing like a beam of soft light to the weight (or send it through the string). Slowly tell the weight in your mind to move left to right, right to left. After you have a rhythm going, you should tell the weight to move in a circle getting slowly wider. When you want to stop, or when you begin to feel tired, slow the weight down.
#6810 - Shield of Dagda
Chant: "I bind unto myself today in the name of Dagda. By invocation of the same. The three in one, the one in three. I call this day to me forever, the Dagda's many arts: His mounting of the River women, his siring of the God of Love, His fury on the field of battle, His druidry so strong, His majesty as High King, His sympathy for the despised.
I bind unto myself today: the Good God's mighty seed, His eye to watch, His might to stay, His ear to harken to my need. His wit to teach, His hand to guide, His shield to ward, His fire to enflame my speech, His mighty club to be my guard.
Dagda be with me, Dagda within me, Dagda behind me, Dagda before me, Dagda to my left, Dagda to my right, Dagda beneath me, Dagda above me, Dagda in quiet, Dagda in danger, Dagda in the hearts of all that love me, Dagda in the mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself today in the name of Dagda. By invocation of the same. The three in one, the one in three. The mightiest of all the gods, Father of the Queen of Arts, the supreme Knower, Lord of Fire, and King of Druids. So be it!"