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7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7105 Spiritual Spells
7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7105 Spiritual Spells
  1. Calming Princess Milk Potion
  2. Getting Rid of Unwanted Company
  3. Anger Revenge Spell
  4. Cleanse nearby Air
  5. To Find Love
  6. Spirit Summoning
  7. Enchanting Spell
  8. To Contact a Spirit
  9. How to make a Death Note Spell no. 1
  10. Summon The Fairies

#6401 - Calming Princess Milk Potion

This is a potion that when drank, toattaly calms you and puts you in a peaceful and relaxing mood. Best used when fired up over a frusterating situation.
You may need:

  • Milk
  • Brown sugar
  • Honey (or banana)
  • White sugar
  • A pot
  • A stove
  • A wooden spoon
  • A cup for afterwards
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    You may need:

  • Milk
  • Brown sugar
  • Honey (or banana)
  • White sugar
  • A pot
  • A stove
  • A wooden spoon
  • A cup for afterwards
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    Set the pot on the stove and fill it with 1 & 1/2 cups of milk (you can use more or less, you'd just have to equal out the ingredients). Turn the stove on LOW Let the milk start to just slightly bubble a little bit. Then you poor 1/3 of a cup of brown sugar into the pot and stir for about 15 seconds. Now pour 1/4 cup of white sugar in and stir for another 15 seconds. Then you pour in some honey (however much you want or think you need)or if you don't have honey, you can substitute for 1/3 of a banana. (If you use the banana, make sure it's mushed up and stirable, but still just a little chunky)

    Let it sit for about a minute and then turn the stove off and let the potion cool, just as you situation will cool after drinking the potion. After it's a little cooled off but still warm, pour it in a cup and say this spell before drinking: "Calm me down, safe and sound. Bring me peace, so my mind's at ease. As I say so Mote it Be."

    Before taking a sip, be sure to thank the God and the Goddess. After you swallow, imagine pure peace flowing through your body. (I always keep this stuff with me just in case I get angry and can't meditate at the time)

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    #6402 - Getting Rid of Unwanted Company

    This is a simple spell to make unwanted guests leave.
    You may need:

  • Broom
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    You may need:

  • Broom
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    Place the broom upside down in a corner of your house where it wont be seen. And thats all you have to do! Your guests will leave within 30 minutes to an hour.

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    #6403 - Anger Revenge Spell

    A spell to release anger you have on an Enemy. I suppose you could call it black magic. Should really only be used if needed. not to be taken lightly.
    You may need:

  • Name and/or photo of the Victim.
  • A candle in which you can drip wax from.
  • Anger.
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    You may need:

  • Name and/or photo of the Victim.
  • A candle in which you can drip wax from.
  • Anger.
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    Light the candle and let it burn. The candle color should be ether Red or Black. If you don't have those colors and can't get them, just use any.

    Stare at the flame, holding the photo of the person/Name of the person in your hand.

    Chant the following four times:
    ''Hass, Zorn.
    Hate and anger reborn.
    I summon the Queen of sorrow.
    To make you feel regrets from tomorrow.
    No one will hear your cries now.
    Choke on your lies now.''

    **Hass and Zorn means Hate and Anger in German**

    Now, set the photo/name down and and douse it completely in wax. Use this time to explain why you are angered/hurt by the person and why you are hexing them right now.

    When its done, you can ether do one of the following for the result you want:

    * To give the Victim Nightmares:
    Put the wax covered Item in a dark and unused area such as a basement or attic.

    * To give them regrets and sorrow:
    write the word ''Regret'' on a piece of paper, 100 times, wrap the paper around the item and tie it closed, then throw it into a lake or somewhere near water. If you can't get to a place like that, simply bury it and pour water over the dirt.

    * To make them fear you:
    You do this if your super pissed really. Simply take the Item outside and start a small bonfire and throw it in. Watch the flames burn and charge the fire with your anger and hatred.

    * To make them feel lost (emotionally):
    Go somewhere high like a hill or cliff. Or on a very windy day and throw the item and allow the wind to carry it away.

    I hope it works for the best for you guys.
    blessed be.

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    #6404 - Cleanse nearby Air

    Cleanses the nearby contaminated air in a given area.
    You may need:

  • Contaminated Air
  • Voice
  • Staff enchanted by Air: (not needed, but increases the range and purification of the spell)
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    You may need:

  • Contaminated Air
  • Voice
  • Staff enchanted by Air: (not needed, but increases the range and purification of the spell)
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    Hold your staff (again, not needed) on your lap. Next, chant the following:

    ''Air around me, may you be poisoned no more.
    Your body shall be cleansed by mine.
    Our minds linked, our souls pure.
    Now be cleansed.''

    This should make the air around you able to be breathed in with ease.

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    #6405 - To Find Love

    This spell will help you find your lover in 3 days at the most.
    You may need:

  • 1 pink candle(if you are girl)
  • 1 red candle(if you are boy)
  • 3 drops of your blood(fresh)
  • 1 piece of paper(big)
  • 1 red marker or pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 pink candle(if you are girl)
  • 1 red candle(if you are boy)
  • 3 drops of your blood(fresh)
  • 1 piece of paper(big)
  • 1 red marker or pen
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    On the paper draw a medium sized pentagram with your marker or pen. In the middle of it place the pink/red candle and light it. Then drip the blood on the candle. As you do say this once:

    "I call upon the goddess Aphrodite to find me my lover."

    Then blow out the candle and then chant loudly:

    "Whether he/she be cute or he/she be ugly I plea you find my lover."

    If you have any questions or comments please mail me.

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    #6406 - Spirit Summoning

    It summons a spirit great for beginners it was my first spell.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Say with eyes shut in a quit room.

    "(Name of spirit) I summon you here today to walk among us and speak to us."

    Then chant come intell you feel like its there.

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    #6407 - Enchanting Spell

    Protects the area which you have casted the spell.
    You may need:

  • Athame
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    You may need:

  • Athame
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    If you are out side take the athame and stab it in to the ground and chant the following 7 times: ''The power of the god and godess help protect, serve and, guide me.'' once you are done raise your athame to the sky and say ''so mote it be!!!'' If you are inside then tap the floor and do the same as the top says.

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    #6408 - To Contact a Spirit

    This is an ancient text that came from my people the Druids.
    You may need:

  • A candle (white works best)
  • Any type of blood (chicken blood works best)
  • A mirror
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    You may need:

  • A candle (white works best)
  • Any type of blood (chicken blood works best)
  • A mirror
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    Sit in front of your mirror with your candle between you and the mirrior.The blood on your right hand side.Make sure that the only light in the room that you are in is the candle you lit.You everything is set up and when you are ready you may chant-

    "In the stones of our twilight we seek to help those on their way, we see their shadows stirred, we hear their whispering word, we hear the cries of their uncertainties as they gather with their kind, protect us now as we guide them to heaven or among firing rocks."

    Then when you finish and you are ready pour the blood on the flame.

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    #6409 - How to make a Death Note Spell no. 1

    This is based on the anime called Death Note. Ones created by magick can be deadly and have consequences unimaginable for the foolish and dabbling. Make sure you have enough magickal experience before trying this.
    You may need:

  • A Note Book
  • Any Undecipherable font or language
  • Paper to copy the font on
  • Menses, Blood, or Saliva
  • A Pen and a marker to write it on
  • A Pen to inscribe the note book
  • Dragon's Blood Ink to hide fluids
  • Full Moon (optional)
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    You may need:

  • A Note Book
  • Any Undecipherable font or language
  • Paper to copy the font on
  • Menses, Blood, or Saliva
  • A Pen and a marker to write it on
  • A Pen to inscribe the note book
  • Dragon's Blood Ink to hide fluids
  • Full Moon (optional)
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    (Note: This is for people age 18 and older and have no history of serious mental illness or Are pregnant. If your mental illness is taken care of by meds, please be careful for a minor mistake makes you have serious problems due to forces of darkness. Cutters should use menses and saliva instead for the risk of cutting is greater than personal well being for these people.)

    First buy a note book from any store in the innocent manner.

    Then a pen and a marker.

    But if you have a notebook, tear out its pages if it is the blank one.
    It is the cheaper way to have them. Same goes for a light colored pen and a marker to mark it with.

    Then go to and go to translation. Copy and paste it in word or in the preferred dicitionary of fantasy and magickal language online.

    Use undecipherable language or font (For font Elvish and Enochian works best for some people. In English, I would advise you to write in Drow or other transliterate language in English since only you can translate it unless some religious freak or a pig (anarchist slang for cop or a detective cop) gets a hold of it.)

    For example, since I will use drow: ''Memory of Death'' goes like this: Zha'linth d' Elghinn for translation. But if you want to make it truly undecipherable type in the font of your choosing as long as no one reads it.

    Print it off, and write down in your blood or spit by copying from the paper you've printed off. I prefer spit since it doesn't get you into trouble with the psych police and you can easily disguise it into your dragon's blood ink available from many occult stores. I have this ink since I have been involved with the occult in my life and let me tell you, it works like real blood when you combine menses, spit, or blood in it.

    Now inscribe one of the phrases for the pen with the marker by saying, ''I'm the lord your god,'' ''Will of god will be obeyed'', or ''Sword of God's will''. Or put the word Goddess or God/dess or even Satan in it by dipping it in ink and writing in the language of your choice.

    Put it on the altar with two white or black candles, one near each side and say, ''By the powers of Darkness, I ask this book to kill those with names written into it. By the darkness and might, I summon the angel of death (or Shinigami) to activate this book in pure darkness.'' Then meditate while the candles burn down before snuffing them. Let the darkness get sucked into the book and turn darkest greyish black.

    Or if you don't have time, let the candles burn down while meditating on it all day and night long.

    The Full moon is optional but grants certain powers to it

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    #6410 - Summon The Fairies

    This will summon the fairies and in day they will play with you if your lonely they will talk(faries are patient) Good luck this works all the time for me :)
    You may need:

  • x1 Green candle(or any other colour that represents nature)
  • x1 Gift for them made from sticks or something e.g. a chair made out of sticks
  • x1 Flat, peacefull place near a tree
  • x2 green leaves from any tree,bush or flower
  • 100 percent concentration
  • 100 percent believance
  • And imagination
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    You may need:

  • x1 Green candle(or any other colour that represents nature)
  • x1 Gift for them made from sticks or something e.g. a chair made out of sticks
  • x1 Flat, peacefull place near a tree
  • x2 green leaves from any tree,bush or flower
  • 100 percent concentration
  • 100 percent believance
  • And imagination
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    1. Put the candle in place. Concentrate on what it is you want to do (obviously summon the fairies). Now light the candle.
    2. Place the 2 leaves on each side and your ''gift'' infront of the candle. Now imagine you and the fairies foing something.
    3. Now chant:
    ''Fairies of all kind here my call,
    Nature fairies, house faries, Let me see you all
    Fairies O fairies here me now
    Let me hear and see you and your sounds
    So mote it be!
    (that night you should here voices talking to you so dont have much sound in your room the voices will be the fairies. Now befriend them and you can do anything, talk even play good luck)

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    7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters