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7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7105 Spiritual Spells
  1. Soul reading (customizable spell)
  2. Wicked Things
  3. New Friend Spell
  4. Pumpkin Protection Jar
  5. Warding a House
  6. Curse an Object
  7. Casting out unwanted feelings
  8. Bring Happiness To Someone
  9. Protection chant
  10. Dragon's Blood Protection Spell (Alternative to Sage Protection Spell)

#631 - Soul reading (customizable spell)

A spell that allows the ability to percieve differently(sorry if I have some english problems)
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    So this is a spell that allows you to percieve differently than what you normally. This may or may not work and is super hard to get just right. Let's go over the details of the instructions.

    So imagine a game (or anything really) and imagine your life, but within the game example: normal life but with the ability to open up the undertale menu. This is not a physical spell and will obviously not create a actual menu screen or a health bar or anything of the sort.

    *Do Not Try anything dangerous like jump off a cliff because you can slow time in real life without any safety equipment*

    Good luck :3 ~<3

    Added to on Dec 17, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #632 - Wicked Things

    A curse to send back the pain someone inflicted on you. Curse contains poisonous substances and should be used with care.
    You may need:

  • Jar with three live bee's or hornets
  • Picture of enemy
  • Sulfur powder
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    You may need:

  • Jar with three live bee's or hornets
  • Picture of enemy
  • Sulfur powder
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    If you allergic to bee or hornet stings please just don't even attempt this curse!

    First you should clean your area of negative influences, burn some sage or sweep your area, despite being a curse you don't need the extra negative baggage hanging around. You actually want a nice clean atmosphere for the spell so that means physically you should be clean and so should your area. Once you got that together and your bee's or hornets are settled in the jar, you have a picture of your enemy, and sulfur powder ready on hand, draw in energy to your area. Personally i used Egyptian musk and boiled mandrake root to help infuse the right energies i was looking for and pulled in energy from the earth.

    On the back of your enemies picture write this and after fold it in half:

    "Slander me not your days of hurt no more, you challenged my patience and opened this door"

    Now the hard part, use something easily accessible to scoop out your sulfur powder, it is known to be toxic so wear a mask or something. Without letting out the bee's or hornets drop in a scoop of sulfur power, and the now folded up photo of your enemy. Close the jar and bury it in your yard or somewhere it can never be disturbed.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #633 - New Friend Spell

    Attracting new friends, simple and effective for beginner's working with mirror magick.
    You may need:

  • Black Mirror
  • Sage stick
  • Paper & Pen
  • Offering for God/Goddess's/Patrons
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    You may need:

  • Black Mirror
  • Sage stick
  • Paper & Pen
  • Offering for God/Goddess's/Patrons
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    Clean your area of all negative influences, use the sage, use a broom or even a bell, just clean it all out. Set up a lovely offering to your spirit's or Patrons, limited of course to your imagination. When your all set, sit in front of your black mirror with the pen & paper beside your writing hand and the bowl of water in the other. Write down all the attributes you want in a new friend, be realistic and logical. Now take the paper with your writing facing down and use the hand you didn't write it with to slowly push it down under the water. Gaze into your black mirror and say:

    "Fill my heart with wisdom as i call air to the creed, your servant of old awakens a blossoming seed, my attributes washed within water the demands i need, Hear me clearly as i speak into the black divide, gather my new friend at once i need her/him by my side!"

    Allow everything to sit over night, disturb nothing until dawn, take the ashes from the sage and add them in the bowl with the attributes to your new friend, take the offering and dump it in as well, go outside and dig a whole and dump everything inside and let the earth sort out the rest.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Last edited on Dec 09, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #634 - Pumpkin Protection Jar

    The spell is used for protection against evil spirits and people you don't want around your home.
    You may need:

  • Old pumpkin
  • Rusty nail
  • Empty veil
  • Dead fly
  • Hair from caster
  • Finger nail clipping's from caster
  • Galangal root
  • Cat Hair
  • Broken Glass
  • Melted candle wax
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    You may need:

  • Old pumpkin
  • Rusty nail
  • Empty veil
  • Dead fly
  • Hair from caster
  • Finger nail clipping's from caster
  • Galangal root
  • Cat Hair
  • Broken Glass
  • Melted candle wax
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    Create a sigil on a piece of paper, something personal for your own benefit that will represent your intentions well. Your veil or jar should be a decent size and be able to fit your items above in. Add in a chunk of the decaying pumpkin, fly, all hair, nail clippings, galangal root, broken glass, and finally the rusty nail. Add in the sigil you just made. Pour the hot wax over the contents in the jar, seal it well, bury it deep in your yard.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #635 - Warding a House

    This is combination of powerful words and herbs to create a ward used to keep people you really don't want around at bay. Intruders are known to get sick with headaches, and some lack the desire to enter.
    You may need:

  • Sage
  • Orris Root
  • Cinquefoil
  • Black Salt/Brick Dust
  • Charcoal discs
  • Offering
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    You may need:

  • Sage
  • Orris Root
  • Cinquefoil
  • Black Salt/Brick Dust
  • Charcoal discs
  • Offering
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    You will want to gather everything in one spot to begin, this is a powerful combination of herbs and direct intent. You should begin in the heart of the house, thats where you should set up your altar for your Godhead/Patron and display an offering. Generally i mix the sage leaves, orris root, and cinquefoil in a nice big pile and mix them together. Depending on how big the house is each level should have the three herbs burning with "secure and safe" ways using the charcoal to build the smoke up. Now once the herbs are burning start in the lower levels and work your way around in a clockwise manner to each level! As you walk around the room chant this:

    "Great spirits hear my rite as i speak the wards terms, none my enter here whose heart is of dirt and worms, none may enter this sacred space with hate, this ward will stop these intruders at my gate, let power and love enter this house with a touch of luck, to those who ae not true get stuck, i call to the darkest and the lightest of stars, lift a ward around my home like mighty bars!"

    As you walk by doors and windows through a pinch of black salt or brick dust on them, take all discarded herbs and bury them at the north part of your home.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #636 - Curse an Object

    You pretty certain someone is touching your things? This spell puts a curse on your personal items!
    You may need:

  • Mandrake root (Handle with care Mandrake is poisonous.)
  • Crystal Cup
  • Your finger nail clippings
  • Pot/Pan/Cauldron
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    You may need:

  • Mandrake root (Handle with care Mandrake is poisonous.)
  • Crystal Cup
  • Your finger nail clippings
  • Pot/Pan/Cauldron
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    On a waning moon night, you will bring water to a boil and mix in your finger nails and the mandrake root. Allow the mixture to cool off so you can touch it without harming your skin. Fill the crystal cup with a glass of the contents inside the pot. With both hands high above your head the crystal cup in hand and the waning moon high say the following:

    "My touch to you is the only one safe, I bless you with my own grace, upon this construction I do place, a curse of sickness within the base!"

    Use the contents in the crystal cup to place powerful sigils, symbols, or wards on your items using your index finger to dip in the cup and trace your mark.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 15, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #637 - Casting out unwanted feelings

    This is a simple spell to help control your emotions and even store them inside a stone.
    You may need:

  • Any rock or crystal
  • Paper
  • Black candle wax
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    You may need:

  • Any rock or crystal
  • Paper
  • Black candle wax
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    On a piece of paper write on it everything that upsets you or is strongly on your mind. Wrap the stone up in a tight ball and visualize yourself draining your negative jo jo into the ball, now seal it with black wax. It takes a second because you want an actual ball of wax. When you get the ball of wax, freeze it. For the next thirty days just get it out of the freezer when your upset and hold it in your hand to "freeze your problems" and drain the unwanted feelings into the stone. After a months use you should make a new one and bury the old in the yard somewhere it can't be disturbed.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #638 - Bring Happiness To Someone

    This spell will bring happiness to a person. It can work on either a friend or yourself.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Faith in this spell
  • Trust in the selected person.
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Faith in this spell
  • Trust in the selected person.
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    Begin by focusing on what you know about the person. Think about the times where you have seen them smiling or times in which they seemed happy. Focus on those times and think of things that make the person happy.

    Next, if you worship a god of any sort, say the following, "(Name of god), I ask you to bring (person's name) happiness, to bring them joy, mote it be."

    If you do not worship a specific god, say, "By the North, West, East, and South, bring joy to (name of person). Bring them thoughts of joy and cheer, fill them up with happiness. So Mote it be."

    Afterwards, meditate if you prefer. The spell should work in one hour to one day.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #639 - Protection chant

    This spell is a chant that I developed when I was younger cause of,all the stuff I had going on
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    For this just simply chant as many times need for you to feel safe:

    From the four corners of the earth I call upon the four elements to protect me in this hour of need water earth fire air protect me now so mote it be

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #640 - Dragon's Blood Protection Spell (Alternative to Sage Protection Spell)

    This Dragon's Blood Protection Spell is designed to protect the area that it is being Cast in, and the order must be followed to the letter otherwise it will not work.
    You may need:

  • A Quiet Room
  • A Table or Alter
  • A Black Candle
  • Dragon's Blood Incense
  • Four Charged Black Tourmaline Crystals
  • Salt
  • Anointed or Blessed Water
  • Your Written Ritual of Protective Intent
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    You may need:

  • A Quiet Room
  • A Table or Alter
  • A Black Candle
  • Dragon's Blood Incense
  • Four Charged Black Tourmaline Crystals
  • Salt
  • Anointed or Blessed Water
  • Your Written Ritual of Protective Intent
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    The first thing you will need is a quiet room to set up a table or alter, and then you will need to set up Four Charged Black Tourmaline Crystals at the North end of the table or alter to represent the protection of Earth.

    then you will need to set up a Black Candle to represent the protection of Fire at the South end of the table or alter.

    Next you must set up the Dragon's Blood Incense to the East end of the table or alter to represent the protection of Air.

    Next will come the Anointed or Blessed Water to be placed at the West in of the table or alter to represent the protection of Water.

    After the Elemental Protections are set into place, you will have to place a complete circle of salt around the table or alter to form a barrier of protection for the fifth element of Spirit or Akasha.

    After the Salt has been place down, you must stand in the circle of Salt, and read your written ritual of protective intent to the Dragons of the elements do not demand from them or show fear as you read, as you dowse your hands in the protective element of the Blessed Water as you continue to repeat the written protective ritual of your intent at each of the elements for Air as you light the Dragon's Blood Incense as you wave your hands through the smoke, as you repeat the written protective ritual of your intent next move to the element of Fire using caution to wave your hands slowly over the Flame (DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HANDS OVER THE FLAME OR EXTINGUISH THE FLAME),as you repeat the written protective ritual of intent for Earth picking up each of the Black Tourmaline Crystals do this four remaining times as you state the ritual for the last time move in the direction of North, East, South, West to close your written ritual of protective intent.

    With that the Spell is done, So mote it be.

    Added to on Dec 11, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters