2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Misfortune
- Werewolf Transformation
- Heart Protection Spell
- Super Hearing
- To See In The Dark
- Good Luck Necklace
- Vengeful Misfortune
- Wish Ring
- Good Luck
- Calm
#931 - Misfortune
First you must light the candle near the bowl of water. Write the full name of the person whom you wish to cast the spell on, on the strip of paper. Speak the spell into the flame, making it flicker. The spell for misfortune:
"Alaka Mon At-tu Ala (Al-aka, mon, at-too, ay-la) May luck fade, dying away Kissa ra oreume (key-sa, ra, or-em) Luck burns away from thee, until thy water sets thy free Quet Revera Sef Mopilee Aquar Pudeo (key-et re-vehr-a seph mop-e-lee aquar pood-eo)"
Now light the flame and place the paper into the fire. As soon as it disappears and turns into ash, say the following;
"Seven days of misfortune torture thee, but after the spell will be released Meria colenso peressi alakanomen nerye duli (mur-ea colenso par-e-see ala-ka-nom-en near-ye duel-e)"
Dip the candle into the water until the flame sizzles out. As soon as this happens the spell will instantly show effects and will last for seven days. I guarantee it will work if used properly although sometimes the misfortune may not appear so obviously.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#932 - Werewolf Transformation
Go outside around midnight stand in the full moons light and say this spell 4 times:
Werewolves of our days
Give me your strength, speed, fangs,
Keen eye sight and the power to transform
I will prowl in the night when the moon is full
My fur will be (fur color)
My eyes will be (eye color)
That is my wish
So mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#933 - Heart Protection Spell
Write on the paper the feeling or emotions you would like to protect your heart from. On the other side write the exceptions (i.e. side A might protect you from feeling romantic love while side B might give the key to unlock your romanticism to a partner that will be safe to give those emotions to)
Seal the heart with a spray of your favorite fragrance on both sides.
Bind the heart with tape or string while repeating, what you are protecting your heart from (i.e. I bind my heart from feeling unrequited romantic love)
Light a fire in a safe bowl or cauldron. Stare into the flames and envision the your heart completely protected as you desire. Once you are able to feel a sensation in your chest, put the heart into the flames and say:
''So smote it be, this is my will so let it be''
Optional: As the flames dies down, throw the ground sage on the fire and say authoritatively:
''It is so!''
This was the first spell I wrote and it worked great for me. Message me if it works for you as well. Blessings!
#934 - Super Hearing
Cup your hand over your right hand then say: "Some sounds are heard, some sound are astray, give me the hearing of far away".
Last edited on Aug 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#935 - To See In The Dark
Place two black candles on either side of you, with the blue candle in front and behind you. Sit in the middle. Stare at the moonlight. Write down on the paper with the pen what you want: to see in the dark. Then go to the fire and burn the paper while you chant:
"Dark lord, hear my plea. Let me see the moon's creatures of the night. That is my wish, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#936 - Good Luck Necklace
Hold a necklace that has a charm on it and say the following three times at least
"Bless this necklace, charm it well.
Give the wearer good luck, make the luck swell.
Bless all around them and bless the wearer.
May good luck spread and get rid of the terror.
This is my will, so please, mote it be."
Spray the necklace with perfume and it will give the wearer and those around them good luck.
Last edited on Aug 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#937 - Vengeful Misfortune
- Light the candles (lavender first).
- Then write the persons name and what they have done to you.
- Think of all of your anger going into the paper.
- Burn the paper and say: "What you have done to me, shall be returned to you, by the power of three so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#938 - Wish Ring
First, take the ring and put it in the cup of water, then put your hand on the cup and close your eyes and imagine your ring doing what you want,then open your eyes. Then put a strand of hair in the cup,put your hand in and say:
"God and goddesses of the air, fire, earth and water, give this ring the magic that I deserve, if I do evil with it, break the ring in pieces and burn it, as I will never be able to use it, thank you!" Now get your hand out of the water and put the ring on your hand and say: "So mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#939 - Good Luck
''Lady of Luck come out of your hidden course,Bless your light upon me as the light of the Moon shines above,and in the Light of Luck will be Blessed I,when the Moon is next to be Full.''
#940 - Calm
Light your candle, incense and/or oils. Fill your bowl with clean water, and place your crystal or rock in it. Try to calm down, clear your mind, have nice thoughts. Try your best to project this calmness into the water, let it absorb your energy.
When you feel content enough, take your crystal/rock, out of the water. Dab some oil on it or hold it above the smoke of the incense, try to associate this smell with your calm, clean energy,
When you're done then warm the crystal slightly over the flame of your candle. You can do this for as long as you like, but stay safe. If it doesn't dry properly you can use a cloth or something. You can chant something, feel free to alter this spell any way you choose, nothing bad will happen if you follow the lines to an extent, don't be afraid to personalize this.
arry your crystal/rock around with you! Hold it or fidget with it to calm down, to feel safer.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.