2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Isabelle's Curse
- To Make the Internet Work
- Magnify an Enchantment
- Lunar Eclipse Spell
- Get what they Deserve
- Reverse Eye Color Change
- Wish Ball
- Sleep
- Shapeshift
- Make Someone Go Away
#771 - Isabelle's Curse
Draw an X through your victim's face in permanent marker.Think of your victim as you say:
"I curse thou for the eternity of the quill's presence on the parchment. This shall be sealed with my consent of this individual's immolation."
Do not think of anyone else while you are doing this. They may also fall prey to Isabelle's curse, and could die.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#772 - To Make the Internet Work
Chant: "I have had it with this blight. Make the Internet work right."
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#773 - Magnify an Enchantment
Place the item in the direct light of the coinciding blood moon and super moon. Leave it there all night, and retrieve it after the sun is at the highest point in the day. Put it in a dark box, and leave it there for 24 hours. The enchantment is now magnified.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#774 - Lunar Eclipse Spell
To start this spell, it´s better if you start at eight o´clock at night, because you´ll meditate for three hours and after that you will do the wish and then the spell can be more powerful when the clock marks midnight because in the next day the moon its going to be a totally full moon. And you can do a very powerful spell.
1. Find a open and calm place.
2. Sit down and put one candle in front of you.
3. Meditate for three hours.
4. At eleven o´clock you need to concentrate and make your wish(be careful), to help you say this words:
"In this night and in this hour,
I call the Gods and Goddesses of the moon
Hear my words and hear my wish
(think in your wish and keep chanting)
I call the Gods and Goddesses of the moon
Make my wish come true
So mote it be and blessed, be."
5. Now, make a bow and thank the gods and goddesses of the Moon. Blow the candle out.
Last edited on Aug 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#775 - Get what they Deserve
This spll is for those who believe a harmful spell can backfire, in this case you're not causing harm, unless they deserve it.
Take your piece of paper write the words "Get what you deserve" on one side and on the other write the persons full name, with correct spelling, or just a picture.
Fold the paper anyway you like and burn it.
Let it burn to ash, and the spell is complete.
After you have completed this spell, it will take time for it to take effect, but have faith.
The person will get what they deserve.
-If the person doesn't deserve to be punished or harmed, the spell will simply give them good luck.
Last edited on Sep 26, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#776 - Reverse Eye Color Change
2) Visualize and think about how you want to reverse the eye color change. Make sure you really want it.
3) Call any deities you feel would help.
4) Recite if you want:
By myself or another
My eyes have changed color
My request for you today (or tonight)
Reverse this, if you may (or might)
-Repeat as much as you feel would work
5) Once you're done, thank any called deities and do whatever you do to finish any other spells.
This is my first spell, but if it works message me or something so I know. Then maybe I'll take requests for spells. Ya know, if you want to...
#777 - Wish Ball
Do anything you'd like with your hands just make sure you are not holding anything.When your hands are in that position your hands are tingling. Think over and over in your head what you want to happen, try to make it realistic. After you think you have done it enough you can stop thinking about your wish and you can stop holding your hands like that.Wait, sometimes I do it and it takes a couple of seconds, other times it takes a couple of minutes.
Here is some wishes you can do to get started:
- Don't get called on by the teacher.
- Someone doesn't take the thing you want.
- We do something fun next.
I will fall asleep.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#778 - Sleep
Relax fully and close your eyes and chant: "Gods of Power, gods of might. Take my pain take my fright I just want to sleep tonight. Let it be let it be." Repeat this three times getting softer and softer while getting more relaxed but the third you should almost be asleep.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#779 - Shapeshift
Light the white candle. Arrange the toys around it. Say this spell, while concentrating on the candle flame:
"Animals of all kinds,
So many,
So many I want to be them all,
So I may shift,
At my will, I will transform,
By the light of this candle,
This is my will,
Mote it be."
If you have a god or goddess, ask them to make the spell work. If you don't, just think about it and hope.
How to shift: This is quick. It won't take long to work. Maybe a day. But how to shift? If you want to shift, think really hard of the creature you want to be. Whisper this: "This animal form I will take now." When you want to shift back, really think of your human form. In your head, say: "My human form I will take now"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#780 - Make Someone Go Away
Say this spell while s/he is not paying attention. "(first name, middle name last name), you are a nusience. Nucience nucience go away, leave my side, nucience nucience bid goodbye."
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.