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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2350 Luck Spells
2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. Luck be Upon Thee
  2. Spell to become a mermaid
  3. Very Powerful Wishing Spell
  4. Blessed Water Wishing Spell
  5. Glass Eye
  6. Bad Luck to Enemies
  7. Turn Into Any Animals that aren't Extinct
  8. Summon A Fairy
  9. As Below Up Above

#2301 - Luck be Upon Thee

If you open this some positive changes will happen in your life within the next year or two. But I don't mind if you use it on another to bring good luck to them, too.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "For all those whom this ye see,
    By the powers within me,
    Luck be given unto thee,
    So mote it be!"

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    Last edited on Oct 29, 2015
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    #2302 - Spell to become a mermaid

    This can make you become a mermaid and control when.
    You may need:

  • You
  • Voice
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • You
  • Voice
  • Water
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    You must be wet while reciting this. You don't have to be drenched, just one part of you must be wet. This spell is like another but makes you in control of being a mermaid and takes 1-6 weeks to completely work.

    Say this ten times.

    Insouciant Inclemency
    Redoubtable Mediocracy
    Refutable Humanity
    Make me in control of when I want to be
    Witches one and witches all
    Please make my wish come true.


    Magic spirits of the sea
    Turn me into what I want to be.

    And to be human say the top line and Turn me into what I'm meant to be.

    Don't be mad if it doesn't work at first it may take a while!


    Itchy or irritated legs
    Legs crossing by themselves
    Legs wanting to be together or sticking together
    Legs becoming harder to move
    The urge to swim or touch water
    Water burning or getting extremely cold when it touches you
    Scales appearing on the skin

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    #2303 - Very Powerful Wishing Spell

    Very Powerful Wishing Spell
    You may need:

  • pure rainwater
  • crystal bowl
  • white paper
  • blue pen
  • black pen
  • one feather (same colour as the candle)
  • matches
  • coffee filter
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    You may need:

  • pure rainwater
  • crystal bowl
  • white paper
  • blue pen
  • black pen
  • one feather (same colour as the candle)
  • matches
  • coffee filter
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    Pour the rainwater into the coffee filter, so the filtered water drips into the crystal bowl. Next, cut a circle out of the white paper. Draw a star within it (The biggest star you can make) to form a pentagram, with the black pen. When the ink dries completely, write your wish over the pentagram in blue ink. Wait for the blue ink to dry completely. Dip the feather in the rainwater, while saying:
    ''With the water that I spread,
    I'll make my wish and so I said,
    I hope to live through no more dread,
    So I can live in happiness instead. ''
    After you say that, say your wish, and cover your paper on both sides with the watre. After it dries, light the corner of it on fire and place it in the dried crystal bowl. Repeat your wish over and over again while it is burning. Blow the ashes into the wind. When all the ashes have touched the ground, your wish will come true. Thank you!,

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    Last edited on Oct 25, 2015
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    #2304 - Blessed Water Wishing Spell

    You can use this spell at anytime, all you have to do is make blessed water!
    You may need:

  • 1 Blessed water
  • 2 paper
  • 3 pen
  • 4 a voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 Blessed water
  • 2 paper
  • 3 pen
  • 4 a voice
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    Consintrate on your wish, write it on paper,and say this spell,

    I call upon the forces of the sun, moon, stars, and sky.
    Make reality turn and fly.
    With this blesed water, bold and blue.
    Plese make my wish come true.

    After the spell is complete, pour a drop of blessed water on the paper and watch your wish come true.

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    #2305 - Glass Eye

    A spell to help widen your third eye.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Black calligraphic pen
  • Rose paper
  • Rose water
  • Glass stone or sea glass
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Black calligraphic pen
  • Rose paper
  • Rose water
  • Glass stone or sea glass
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    First of all you need to have rose paper. But to have rose paper, you must have rose water- composed of rose and fresh water.First get a jar and fill it to the brim with the water. Then add a freshly cut rose. Any color. Seal jar and let sit in cool place for at least 3 months. And there you go!

    Dip paper in rose water jar. Let dry, then with pen draw an eye. Small enough so that the glass can cover it completely. Let the ink dry. Place glass stone over drawn eye. Put both of your pointer fingers and thumbs on either side of the stone. Like you’re holding it in place.

    Close eyes and Chant these words, as many times as it takes: "Now open my unseen eye so I may see what is to be seen through thee". When your head starts to ache, you know its working. You can stop anytime, but don’t strain yourself. If you do, you could hurt yourself.

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    #2306 - Bad Luck to Enemies

    Bring bad luck to your enemies
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Say ''Spirits of the night and bats that fly by the light of the moon, come forth from the Astral Realm and jinx the person for all time.''

    Say the person's name

    Say ''Darmastro Aspecti martain''

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    #2307 - Turn Into Any Animals that aren't Extinct

    You can turn into an animal and turn back into a human.
    You may need:

  • 1 Picture of the Animal You Want to Be (One of the internet is fine)
  • 1 Item that relates to your animal (Such as a chew toy)
  • 1 picture of a human
  • 1 item that relates to a human (such as a fork. Animals don't use forks)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Picture of the Animal You Want to Be (One of the internet is fine)
  • 1 Item that relates to your animal (Such as a chew toy)
  • 1 picture of a human
  • 1 item that relates to a human (such as a fork. Animals don't use forks)
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    To turn into an animal you must follow these steps: Take the picture of the animal and place it beside you Hold the item that relates to your animal in your hand while you recite the spell On verse one, in the blank you must say your name On verse three in the blanks you must describe your animal (example: Loving,Furry, Purring) On verse four in the blank you must say what animal you want to be My name is _______ and I will be
    The animal I was always meant to be
    The ________, ________, and _________ creature
    Known as a __________
    ----------------------------- To turn back into a human again remove the photo from from your side and don't hold the item in your hand anymore and think this in your head: My name is _________ and I will be
    The wonderful ________(Woman or Man) I used to be
    With only two hands and only two feet
    Who stands strait and tall that are made of human meat

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    #2308 - Summon A Fairy

    You can summon a fairy by chanting this
    You may need:

  • 1 Black or Blue Pen
  • Hope
  • 1 peice Computer paper or Notebook paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black or Blue Pen
  • Hope
  • 1 peice Computer paper or Notebook paper
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    In order to summon a fairy you must get your piece of paper and draw a picture of the fairy you want to come. You will draw it's hairstyle, it's clothing, it's shoes, etc. You will make up a name for it and write it on the piece of paper. Once you have written the name, write the gender of the fairy. After writing the gender of the fairy, write it's powers. (Don't create an evil fairy please.) Then, for about 10 seconds, imagine the fairy coming, and concentrate really hard on that.(Not so hard you feel pain) Once the 10 seconds are up the fairy will come in about 5 minutes or so.

    NOTE: If it does not come in a day, that's natural, sometimes it takes a while for them to recieve your message.

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    #2309 - As Below Up Above

    Spell sneaks up on the person and can be disregarded as a foot fungus or a common cold. Though really it infects the person virally and can subdue or handicap them.
    You may need:

  • 4 black candles
  • Strong hateful emotion
  • Personal item of the person
  • Dry graveyard dirt
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • 4 black candles
  • Strong hateful emotion
  • Personal item of the person
  • Dry graveyard dirt
  • Bowl
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    Before doing this if you don't want to be attacked or harmed by evil use my other spell called 'The Field of Protection'one or two days in advance. This spell is simple but a whole lot of dangerous. This is for advanced witches only. Please dont be bold or stupid to try this because it can backfire terribly on the common practitioner.

    Light the candles,crush the dirt and mix it with the personal item. Then chant 4 times: "I need revenge and I need it now, Another way I don't know how. I summon you dark witches guide, My word and rule you will abide. Meririon, Ichthion, Sphandor(sa-fan-der), Atrax destroy him/her you know why. After 120 hours then you die. Let the council of magic justice watch over you: To make sure you do what i summoned you to."

    Now sprinkle the dry dirt where the person has to walk everyday. The spell's effect takes longer if the person wheres shoes on the floor you sprinkled the dirt on.

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    #2310 - ANTI-LOVE

    You may need:

  • 1 Black Couple Candle or 1 Black Figural Break-Up (Divorce) Candle
  • 1 bottle Crossing Oil
  • 1 packet Crossing Sachet Powder
  • 1 packet Crossing Incense Powders
  • 1 packet Hotfoot Powder
  • 1 packet Goofer Dust
  • 1 Bottle containing
  • 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Nails, black dog hair, black cat hair
  • 1 packet Devil's Shoe Strings Curio
  • 1 packet Devil Pod Curio
  • 1 packet Hyssop Herb
  • 2 White Offertory Candles
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black Couple Candle or 1 Black Figural Break-Up (Divorce) Candle
  • 1 bottle Crossing Oil
  • 1 packet Crossing Sachet Powder
  • 1 packet Crossing Incense Powders
  • 1 packet Hotfoot Powder
  • 1 packet Goofer Dust
  • 1 Bottle containing
  • 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Nails, black dog hair, black cat hair
  • 1 packet Devil's Shoe Strings Curio
  • 1 packet Devil Pod Curio
  • 1 packet Hyssop Herb
  • 2 White Offertory Candles
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    Preparation: This spell is presented in several degrees of
    severity, allowing you to choose just how much trouble you
    want to make. In addition to the items here, you will need
    something personal from both parties, such as their hair,
    footprint-dirt, menstrual blood, semen, photos, business
    card, or the like. The more intimate the better. In
    addition, you should symbolically write their full names on
    two pieces of paper 9 times. Use black ink for the one you
    want to have get away and red ink for the one you want to
    stay near you. Use black ink for both, if you want both to
    get away. Whatever item you use, those things, plus the
    name-papers, will be referred to as ''the couple's personal
    items.'' Work during the waning of the moon).

    Doing the Job: Make the Crossing Incense Powders into cones
    (use a twist of paper, pack the incense in with your finger,
    and turn it out of the cone). On the Black Couple Candle
    carve the couple's full names with the words BREAK UP
    between their names. Dress the candle with Crossing Oil and
    sprinkle it with Crossing Powder. For each of the next seven
    days burn a portion of the incense and one section of the
    candle. Pinch the candle out between times, never blow it
    out. During these 7 days, you will work the spell itself.

    The bottle contains 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Rusty Nails, the
    Hair of a Black Dog, and the Hair of a Black Cat. These are
    to cause pain, anger, emotional incompatibility, distance,
    and quarelling between the couple so that they will ''fight
    like cats and dogs'' and seek to part from each other. You
    have 3 types of powders. Each is alleged to produce a
    certain result. The more you use, the more mischief is
    believed to result. Hotfoot Powder is to drive someone away.
    Crossing Powder is to bring about bad luck, trouble, and
    illness. Goofer Dust is to mess people up seriously, even
    unto death. Choose 1, 2, or all 3 powders; blend them
    together if you want.

    Mix the couple's personal items with the powder(s) you have
    chosen, then put the mix in the bottle with the pins,
    needles, nails, dog hair, and cat hair; stop up the bottle
    and bury it under their doorstep. As you do this, pray aloud
    for their intranquility and break-up in your own words; ask
    in the name of your God or Saint. If you can't put it under
    their doorstep, hide it in a hollow tree where they can't
    find it, or carry it to the nearest graveyard and bury it
    (praying for the death of their relationship), or carry it
    to a crossroads and throw it into center of the road
    (praying for them to travel apart from each other), or throw
    it into running water (praying to have them both carried out
    of your life).

    CLEANING UP: Wrap up any left-over candle wax, incense
    ashes, and unused materials in a piece of black cloth.
    Secure it with black thread and tie it. Throw it out at a
    crossroads or bury it in a graveyard.

    PURIFICATION AND PROTECTION: Because breaking folks up is an
    Enemy Trick, you must cleanse yourself and protect from
    retribution. To take off your sin, prepare a bath by
    steeping the Hyssop Herb in a pot of boiling rain water or
    spring water. Light the two white candles, stand between
    them, and pour the Hyssop bath over your head while reciting
    the 51st Psalm (''Cleanse me with Hyssop; wash me and I shall
    be whiter than snow''). For protection, drive the 9 Devil's
    Shoe Strings into the dirt across the path to your door-step
    to tangle up anyone who may try to retaliate and cross you.
    Put the Devil Pods outside or behind your front and back
    doors to repel any evil work that may be directed toward

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    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters