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2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2351 Luck Spells
2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2351 Luck Spells
  1. Full Moon Fruition Spell
  2. To Banish Bad Luck
  3. Banish Spell
  4. Bad Luck Hex
  5. Concentration Spell
  6. Making a Hex
  7. Revenge Spell
  8. Green Light
  9. Become a Mermaid when you Touch Water
  10. Cursing an Enemy

#2291 - Full Moon Fruition Spell

A Full Moon is the perfect time to bring things to fruition. If you have something in your life that is hanging in the balance, this is the spell for you.
You may need:

  • You will need:
  • Parchment seal
  • Dragons or Doves Blood ink
  • Brown Candle
  • Sprinkling Herbs or Spell Powder
  • Fireproof vessel
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    You may need:

  • You will need:
  • Parchment seal
  • Dragons or Doves Blood ink
  • Brown Candle
  • Sprinkling Herbs or Spell Powder
  • Fireproof vessel
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    On the Full Moon, gather your ingredients and depending on your needs will dictate what Seal, herbs and Blood ink you need to use. Ex. If you have a house closing that is just not going through, use a Parchment seal for Earthly matters, herbs could be (powdered) Bay leaves or Earth Spell Powder and ink, Doves blood. Carve into your candle three symbols for the Moon, light candle. Write in ''Blood Ink'' on parchment seal your name and date of birth along with any other appropriate symbols. Sprinkle a SMALL amount of herbs or Spell Powders on your parchment seal, focus on seeing your need fulfilled, light tip of seal in candle flame and place in vessel, and as it burns recite this incantation:

    ''On this right and ready hour,
    I call upon the mystic powers. ,
    Secret parchment, ancient fires,
    bring to me my hearts desire.,
    Let the wheels in motion roll,,
    All I seek will now unfold.''

    Let candle burn out or snuff before leaving.

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    #2292 - To Banish Bad Luck

    If your day was full of crap and you feel down.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant as many times as needed

    Today is not my day
    Everything has gone astray
    To keep me sane
    To keep the peace
    Bad luck coming my way shall cease
    I banish pain
    I banish sorrow
    Gods and Goddesses bless my tomorrow

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    #2293 - Banish Spell

    Never use this spell, it is black magic meant to harm people. I posted it for you to know the consequences of black magic. I repear, don't use it.
    You may need:

  • White or Black candle
  • lighter and matches
  • Photo of the target
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    You may need:

  • White or Black candle
  • lighter and matches
  • Photo of the target
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    "Filled with hatred,
    Filled with fear,
    Anger inside it's already clear,
    Death and suffering
    suffering for him/her
    he's/she's so annoying
    that I can't bear.
    Kill him!
    Destroy him!
    No more of his/her prescence
    I ask thee for your help
    elliminate ______ from this world."

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    Last edited on Nov 26, 2015
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    #2294 - Bad Luck Hex

    A spell to cast a bad luck curse on someone. Warning: Do it under your own risk.
    You may need:

  • Black or White Candle
  • Photo of the Target
  • Lighter or Matches
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    You may need:

  • Black or White Candle
  • Photo of the Target
  • Lighter or Matches
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    "Gods hear my plea
    someone hurt me
    and made me sad
    now I've become really mad."

    "Fire of the candle
    Heat of the flame
    strike of the thunder
    and the demon's name.
    I call upon you now
    to bring revenge upon him/her
    make him/her suffer
    make him/her cry
    take him/her down
    with just one try
    make him/her think twice
    not to hurt me again
    and bring him/her
    the bad luck chain."

    (burn the photo in the candle as you chant this. picture him/her suffering as you do)

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    #2295 - Concentration Spell

    Do before a difficult spell to strengthen concentration and reduce chance of backfire.
    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
  • Ability to cut yourself.
  • Crystal Bowl.
  • Cutting Tool.
  • 1 piece of paper.
  • Blessed Pen.
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
  • Ability to cut yourself.
  • Crystal Bowl.
  • Cutting Tool.
  • 1 piece of paper.
  • Blessed Pen.
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    This is a spell i made myself to enhance concentration and to reduce chance of backfire. You should perform your other spell straight after this.

    Mind the three fold rule you should, three times bad and three times good.

    Remember this when deciding whether you should follow this spell with a dark magick spell.

    Take the candles and place the black on the left side and the white on the right side of the crystal bowl.
    Light Candles
    Take a piece of paper and Write on it your name and your wish ( enhance my concentration ).
    Place the piece of paper in the bowl.
    Take a cutting tool and cut your index finger and middle finger.
    Allow the blood to drop onto the paper, while chanting:

    My Blood It Soaks
    The Paper Red
    Send Me Guidance
    And dispell Dread
    I pray for help
    In my time of need
    So mote it be

    Make sure there is some blood left in the bowl that is not on your paper, you will need it to end spell.

    Once the paper is completely red, or your fingers have ceased bleeding, take the paper and dry it over the white candle.
    Then burn the paper using the black candle.

    My grogginess, It Burns
    On Paper Of Red
    Send me guidance
    Dispell all dread
    I pray for help
    in time of need
    So mote it be
    Once flame takes hold, place on non-flammable surface and allow to burn completely.

    Dab your fingers in the blood in crystal bowl and use to extinguish white candle ONLY.

    Take the black candle in your projective hand and chant:

    I pray for concentration,
    In my time of Need,
    Help me achieve my goal,
    So Mote it be.

    The spell is done.
    If your fingers still throb, draw power and concentration from the pain.
    If not, your spell will still grant you concentration.
    - Blessed Be.

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    #2296 - Making a Hex

    This is not 100% true.
    You may need:

  • Piece of Paper
  • Magic Pen
  • Picture of Person
  • 1 Marble
  • Black Candle
  • Small Bottle
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    You may need:

  • Piece of Paper
  • Magic Pen
  • Picture of Person
  • 1 Marble
  • Black Candle
  • Small Bottle
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    1. You need to write the name of person on the paper.
    2. You draw a hex, by using the magic pen.
    3. Put the marble in the center of paper and the picture.
    4. Burn it by using the black candle.
    5. Put the ashes inside the small bottle.
    6. Put the bottle that have the shes on the home of your enemy.

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    #2297 - Revenge Spell

    This spel is only to harm but not to kill.
    You may need:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • 1 Piece of Paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • 1 Piece of Paper
  • Pen
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    Write down the name you want to get your revenge from(full name is better)then light the black candle with your left or right hand and say :

    "What goes around comes around"(10 times) then burn the paper on the flame of the black candle."

    Extinguish the flame

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    #2298 - Green Light

    This spell causes a Red Light to change to a Green Light
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Red Light
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Red Light
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    All you have to do is concentrate on the Red Light, Picture it turning green while you chant.

    ''Light that is Red,
    Shall now turn Green,
    In this time and at this scene,
    I say it now so mote it be.''

    To make all red lights turn green when you come to them do the same thing except say,

    ''All lights that are Red,
    Shall turn green,
    When i enter into there scene,
    I say it now so mote it be.''

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    #2299 - Become a Mermaid when you Touch Water

    I know this spell works but it may not work for you only some people become a mermaid from it.
    You may need:

  • Saying it in the bath with the door locked.
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    You may need:

  • Saying it in the bath with the door locked.
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    "Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, anwer my want answer my need, make me a mermaid."

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    #2300 - Cursing an Enemy

    An easy curse for someone you dislike.
    You may need:

  • 1 Purple candle (Spirit)
  • 1 Blue candle (Water)
  • 1 Red candle (Fire)
  • 1 Green candle (Earth)
  • 1 White candle (Air)
  • Pentagram
  • Picture of person you are cursing
  • Athame
  • Lock of persons hair
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    You may need:

  • 1 Purple candle (Spirit)
  • 1 Blue candle (Water)
  • 1 Red candle (Fire)
  • 1 Green candle (Earth)
  • 1 White candle (Air)
  • Pentagram
  • Picture of person you are cursing
  • Athame
  • Lock of persons hair
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    First draw a pentagram in someplace dark and quiet. Make sure that there is nobody to distract you and nothing. This is important because you have absolute focus. Put the purple candle at the top of the pentagram. Place the blue candle at the middle left point. Put the red candle on the right middle point. Place the green candle on the bottom right and put the white candle on the bottom left.

    After this start chanting the following.(You may say this as much as you like it doesn't matter.) "Goddess Hecate here My plea let me curse My enemy"!

    Now after you are done chanting: Put the lock of hair from the person on their picture and put the athame right through the picture.

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    2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters