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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2350 Luck Spells
2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. destined to fail
  2. Sleepiness/Tiredness
  3. 7-Day Magick Orange of Energy
  4. Amazing good luck
  5. 24-Hour Good Luck
  6. Ugly
  7. From Geek to Popular!
  8. Forget
  9. Kiss Me
  10. Get what you want

#2161 - destined to fail

Curse an enemy to fail.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant one time:"By the forces of evil I want (him/her) to fail (what you want them to fail in).

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    Last edited on Jul 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2162 - Sleepiness/Tiredness

    This spell will make you more tired than you really are.
    You may need:

  • Warmth
  • Comfortable Place to Sleep
  • Radio (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Warmth
  • Comfortable Place to Sleep
  • Radio (optional)
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    Get into bed and say: "All the things I went through today; will make me tired, so I won't say. Bugs and lizards may be able to scurry; I just want to be put to sleep in a hurry. So mote it be!" If you say it powerful enough and believed that you will fall asleep quicker, it shall work.

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    #2163 - 7-Day Magick Orange of Energy

    *This Spell Will Help You Get Rid Of 1 Problem, or Attract 1 Desire Over The Next 7 Days. It Can Be Any problem Or Desire You Wish, As Long As You're Hurting Anyone Else...
    You may need:

  • Read The Instructions...
  • read The Whole Thing Before You Do This Ritual So You Know Waht To Do And What You Need...
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    You may need:

  • Read The Instructions...
  • read The Whole Thing Before You Do This Ritual So You Know Waht To Do And What You Need...
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    Step1. Choose a beautiful, healthy orange.

    step2. Carefully use a needle to pierce it with holes: only pierce through the skin of the orange, not the underlying fruit.

    Step3. Stick a clove into each hole. So, at the end you'll have cloves covering the orange.

    Step4. As you place the cloves, focus on the problem you want to banish, or the desire you want to attract. Feel the emotions you'll experience when you've got the results.

    Step5. Roll the orange in orrisroot and ground cinnamon.

    Step6. Tie it up with red ribbons and hang it anywhere in your house for 7 days.


    Questions or comments just message me.

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    #2164 - Amazing good luck

    Makes you attract good luck every were you go. Animalborn
    You may need:

  • Green candles, one or two (optional)
  • Full moon
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    You may need:

  • Green candles, one or two (optional)
  • Full moon
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    Chant this spell on the full moon:"I summon earth, fire, water, and air to protect me with the strength of a bear. Let me be healthy, let me be wealthy, lady luck shine your light upon me.
    So shall it be."

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    #2165 - 24-Hour Good Luck

    Use this spell to receive good luck for 24 hours.
    You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    Close your eyes and focus. Push all worries from your mind. After you have reached a meditative state, simply chant the following: "Spirit, earth, air, water, and fire. Come to me and give me what I desire. Waves of luck fall down on me and complete my wishes effortlessly. May this spell take toll for one whole day and after midnight strikes, may it go away. As I will, so mote it be." The spell lasts until midnight.

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    #2166 - Ugly

    Makes the one you despise the most uglier.
    You may need:

  • Mud
  • Picture of the person
  • Candle
  • A pot of water
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    You may need:

  • Mud
  • Picture of the person
  • Candle
  • A pot of water
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    Light the candle. Set the candle in the water where it won't fall and burn out. Take the picture and say: "Here you are. You will grow uglier by the day till I delay. So mote it be". Spread the mud over the picture of the victim, then set the picture on fire within the pot. Once done, throw the picture into the trash.

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    #2167 - From Geek to Popular!

    Are you a geek? If so, read on. If not and are just reading, well, read on! I can tell you one thing, this: It Works!
    You may need:

  • 1 candles
  • 2 towels
  • Sea Salt
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    You may need:

  • 1 candles
  • 2 towels
  • Sea Salt
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    Sprinkle some sea-salt in a circle. Put your towel in the circle. Light candle. Relax. When calm, chant:

    Today I am a geek,
    Tommorow I am not.
    Today I call upon
    The gods and goddesses of Popularity
    To make my energy
    Go free. Take it and make me popular!

    But remember one thing- This means someone who is popular, will not be anymore!

    Tommorow you will be popular!
    Thanks!- Sweethrt676

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    #2168 - Forget

    A spell to make somebody forget.
    You may need:

  • 2 Green candles
  • 2 Red candles
  • 4 Black peices of cloth
  • 1 large glass/silver bowl of water
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    You may need:

  • 2 Green candles
  • 2 Red candles
  • 4 Black peices of cloth
  • 1 large glass/silver bowl of water
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    Start by lighting the candles in this order; green, red, red, green. Next, place all 4 of the candles in a compass like position around the bowl, in any order you wish, extinguish the candles, slowly breath in the smoke and visualise nothing but a vast expanse of white. Now visualise the persons face appearing in the white expanse, imagine their face blending into the whitness. Plunge your face into the water, and imagine all of that persons body flowing away, now relight all of the candles and let them burn away, leave the water to rest for one hour then pour it into the earth.

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    #2169 - Kiss Me

    A simple spell to get the kiss of who you love intertwined with a love me spell
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Lay down on whatever you've chosen. Close your eyes and say:

    "Fiery spirits of love,
    Hear me, Thou Above!
    Under blue skies
    Our lips will meet
    We'll savour the Moment,
    Heavenly sweet,
    This kiss will not be
    Against your will-
    Even better, after that
    You'll love me still!
    As I Will, So Mote It Be!"

    While imagining who you want to kiss you being with you and the two of you being in love. It will not work if you don't love the person beforehand.

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    #2170 - Get what you want

    A spell for beginners who don't have a lot of supplies
    You may need:

  • Geranium essential oil
  • Tigers eye stone
  • Assortment of seashell that you FOUND
  • Assortment of rocks that you FOUND
  • Paper
  • Feather or pointy shell
  • Paper
  • Silver candle and candle with color corresponding to what you want (red for love, green for wealth, etc.)
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    You may need:

  • Geranium essential oil
  • Tigers eye stone
  • Assortment of seashell that you FOUND
  • Assortment of rocks that you FOUND
  • Paper
  • Feather or pointy shell
  • Paper
  • Silver candle and candle with color corresponding to what you want (red for love, green for wealth, etc.)
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    Rub the essential oil all over the tigers eye, rocks and shells. Using the pointy shell or feather, write your name and what you want in essential oil by dipping your writing utensil in it. Don't use too much! Put the oil on the wicks of both candles. Charge everything under the moonlight for at least 3hours. Arrange five of the rocks into the points of a five point star on the floor, large enough for you to sit cross legged in the middle. Light both candles in front of you. Be careful, the oil might make them flare up. If you can't actually light them imagine them burning. Take the piece of paper with what you wanted written on it and tear it into 13 pieces. Make 1 bigger than the rest, big enough to draw something small on it. Put every piece other than the larger one in the non silver candle. Then on the larger piece draw a symbol that you thinks represents what you want on it using a mixture of ink and oil. It should be a thin mixture. Put that piece in the silver can del and let it burn. Durring the burning, chant:
    Relese my dream into the sky, spirits, know that it is mine. The night of the full moon my dream will be real, I thank you for your guidance, spirits, before you I kneel.
    This actually works. I use it for everything, love, money, popularity, beauty.

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    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters