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2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2351 Luck Spells
2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2351 Luck Spells
  1. Discord and Darkness
  2. Ahura Blessing
  3. Talking to Spirits
  4. Bell Witch Curse
  5. Undo A Protection spell
  6. Pain Ritual
  7. Wish
  8. Very Simple Luck
  9. Nose Cripple Curse
  10. Writing Your Own Spells

#2151 - Discord and Darkness

A spell to bring chaos.
You may need:

  • Thick string or yarn
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    You may need:

  • Thick string or yarn
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    You will tie 3 separate knots a couple inches apart as you recite the following.

    "With this knot I seal this hex you will not sleep, you will not rest. Knots of anger, knots of hate. Discord brings you to your fate. I tie this second knot makes two. Bringing darkness over you. Slander, discord, evil too. Bringing darkness straight to you. With this third knot, I do bind. Weaving chaos in your mind. Hex of anger, hex of hate. Bring him down, I will not wait So mote it be!"

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    #2152 - Ahura Blessing

    This spell is for luck and blessing.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say the following three times: "Ay Ahurai Bozorg Man Niazmand va bande to am mara. Amorzesh Kon Va Shans Va Movafaghiat ra dar Man Ashkar Saz Va mara be rahe Rast Hedaiat Kon"

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    #2153 - Talking to Spirits

    Use this spell to talk to a spirit.
    You may need:

  • A 2p coin
  • A bowl of water
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    You may need:

  • A 2p coin
  • A bowl of water
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    Sit down in a room and place the bowl of water in front of you. Hold the 2p coin in the palm of your LEFT hand and put your right hand top. Then sqeeze the coin for 20 seconds thinking of the spirit you want to talk to and chant:

    "I wish to hear you now, from a silent wisper, to a hoot of an owl. Take the power from this 2p, and communicate to me!"

    After put the coin in the bowl of water and close your eyes. Sprinkle some of the water on your face, and then you will be able to hear the spirit you chanted for 1 minute, then you will no longer hear it.

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    #2154 - Bell Witch Curse

    A simple and effective curse.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Touch someone with your index finger and whisper, "Bell witch".

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    #2155 - Undo A Protection spell

    this spell is to remove a protection spell you must have had to have casted one on them before doing this spell so after you do this spell you can get revenge so it doesnt back fire on you
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • 1 container
  • a cup of peroxide
  • a cup of salt
  • cigarette ashes
  • 1 bar of soap
  • 1 cup of water
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • 1 container
  • a cup of peroxide
  • a cup of salt
  • cigarette ashes
  • 1 bar of soap
  • 1 cup of water
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    1.Take the white candle and light it

    2.Take the container and fill it with ashes and after your done filling it up say:''Within These Ashes i take back thee and all that came along with the fame''.

    3.take the bar of soap and put it in the container and say:''From this cleaner make this spell meaner and cleaner i wash this spell off from whence it came he/she will be in shame''.

    4.take the salt an say:''Salt Make This spell a vault to take back and remove from whence it came''.

    5.Take The Peroxide and pour the whole bottle in and say:''Peroxide Toxify the deroxified and shine the light through the protection and break and make a snake to decieve like on all hallows eve''.

    6.Take The Water And Pour until container is full and say:''I take back what i put attract this quality to me this is my will so mote it be''.

    Light The Candle for one more day for 6 mins for it to be complete

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    #2156 - Pain Ritual

    Make your enemies feel your pain three fold.
    You may need:

  • A Picture
  • A Clear Visual Image
  • Something to Represent Your Enemy
  • One Black Candle
  • One Red Candle
  • One White Candle
  • Patience
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    You may need:

  • A Picture
  • A Clear Visual Image
  • Something to Represent Your Enemy
  • One Black Candle
  • One Red Candle
  • One White Candle
  • Patience
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    When the sun is gone, and night is about preform this spell.
    Place the red candle in front of you, the black on to the left of you, and the white one on the right of you.. Place the object that represents your enemy in the middle.
    Light the Candles while chanting:
    ''My Enemy shall feel my every pain.'' at each candle before you light it.

    When the candles are lit, begin to think of negative energy flowing into your enemy. Image his very soul engulfs in black negative energy. Finally, image that all that energy finds rest on the outside of his skin. Pick up the picture and run it through each candle slowly while chanting:
    ''I bind you [INSERT NAME] to feel my every pain. Feel the pain of [VERY BAD MEMORY], feel it times three! So mote it be!''

    Finally, take the rest of the picture and let it burn over the red candle until the ashes fall into the candle's wax.

    Blow out the red, black, and then white candles.

    You're victim can have any type of pain, from family loss, going in debt, or a bunch of other possibilities. Use with caution.

    Don't forget to say thank you to your divine god/goddess!

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    #2157 - Wish

    This spell has been used many times and the wished things have happened usually in a short time.
    You may need:

  • 1 sheet of quality paper/parchment
  • Pen/pencil used in magickal works
  • Candles (usually white, can change depending on your wish)
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    You may need:

  • 1 sheet of quality paper/parchment
  • Pen/pencil used in magickal works
  • Candles (usually white, can change depending on your wish)
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    Do a relaxation ritual before this and clear your mind well. Concentrate on the spell not the joy afterwards.Take the paper or parchment and draw a pentagram in the middle of it. Then draw a ying-yang symbol in the middle of it. Now write down your wish on the top of the sheet. Write your wish such as ''make me get rich, make my mother/friend etc. get healed, make me get 'the thing you want''...

    Then fold the sheet 2-3 times and seal it with your candle. Then burn it with the fire of candle you sealed it. While it turns into ashes, repeat your wish inside yourself or out loud. When it's all ash,sprinkle the ashes from a window or such.

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    #2158 - Very Simple Luck

    A very simple luck spell to improve bad luck.
    You may need:

  • One scented orange candle
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    You may need:

  • One scented orange candle
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    At midnight on the night of a new moon repeat the incantation below three times while seeing yourself bathed in an orange light.

    "Brimstone, moon and witch's fire,
    good luck I shall now acquire.
    Midnight twelve, the witching hour,
    by wax and wick now work thy power,
    harming none, this spell is done,
    my luck to change by moon and sun,
    by law of three, so mote it be".

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    #2159 - Nose Cripple Curse

    A spell of revenge from long distance at those who have done you wrong.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Stare at the target's nose for ten seconds while you chant, quietly, "Monstrous bully, leave me alone. For now you will have no nose!". The targets nose may begin to bleed.

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    #2160 - Writing Your Own Spells

    Use this when writing a spell.
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Chalk (At least 2 if one breaks)
  • Match
  • Book of Shadows ( Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Chalk (At least 2 if one breaks)
  • Match
  • Book of Shadows ( Optional)
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    Draw a pentacle on the floor with the chalk. Then stand inside of the pentacle. Light the candle with a match. Once done, you should concentrate on a specific emotion you feel. If you are angry, make a short rhyme about anger and so on. When chanting, lay your writing hand over the fire of the candle. Once done, blow out the candle and end with, "Harm to none, so mote it be".

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    2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters