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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Waxen Heart Love Spell
  2. Raspberry Leaf Love Spell
  3. Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love
  4. Apple Seed Love Spell
  5. Advaced Love Spell
  6. Attract the Perfect Lover
  7. How to attract a new Love
  8. To Bring Back Lost Love
  9. Wishing spell
  10. Becoming Mermaid Spell

#2891 - Waxen Heart Love Spell

Love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, so it is only fitting that advanced love spells are among the most potent spells that one can cast.
You may need:

  • 2 White Candles
  • 2 Pink or Red Tapered Candles
  • Jasmine or Vanilla Incense
  • Rose Quartz Crystal
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • A small red pouch or knotted handkerchief
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    You may need:

  • 2 White Candles
  • 2 Pink or Red Tapered Candles
  • Jasmine or Vanilla Incense
  • Rose Quartz Crystal
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • A small red pouch or knotted handkerchief
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    Love Spell Timing

    The best time for casting a love spell is on a Friday, as that day is associated with the goddess of love, Venus. The ideal moon phase is the Waxing Moon, which occurs during the period when a New Moon transitions into a Full Moon. Spells cast under a Waxing Moon are usually reserved for bringing new things into your life or gaining something. The time of day is of no particular importance, but be sure that you are relaxed, yet alert and fully attuned to your magical deed(You may also wish to drink a cup of mint tea afterwards)
    Melt the pink or red candles in a pot (or cauldron if you have one) stirring frequently. Once the candles have melted, remove from heat and let cool. When the wax has cooled but is still malleable, take it to your altar and begin to shape it into a small heart. While you are working the wax with your hands, reflect on all the qualities that you would like in a lover or companion. Let the thoughts flow from your head, down your arms and fingers and into the wax. Picture the words flowing out of your fingertips and being moulded into the heart.

    Once the heart is shaped, take a pin and carve the initial of your first name into the center of the heart, and then anoint the heart, the two white candles, and the quartz crystal with the peppermint oil. When anointing an object with oil, rub the oil in a downward motion as this signifies bringing the magic into you. First rub from the top of the object to the middle, then from the bottom to the middle. Never rub up and down as this defeats the purpose. Rub the excess oil on your third eye (middle of forehead) and breastbone.

    Once that is done, light the white candles and incense and pass the crystal through the smoke of the incense three times. Repeat this action with the heart. Focus on the smoke tendrils curling around and enveloping the crystal and heart as you move them and repeat these words:

    "My love is pure and my heart is full,
    Venus, hear my plea,
    Bring my true love to my side,
    Wherever he may be."

    Hold the wax heart in one hand and the crystal in the other hand and close your eyes. Engage in quiet meditation and focus on your breathing. Imagine that you are surrounded by a fiery red haze, and with every inhalation, the haze fills your lungs and strengthens the love and power inside of you. Continue meditating as long as you deem adequate. After the candles and incense have burned down, place your homemade wax heart, the rose quartz crystal and some ash from the incense into the red pouch or knotted handkerchief. Place this homemade talisman someplace where you are able to see it daily, i.e. on your dresser or night table, on a window sill, or in your car. You may also choose to place it underneath your pillow each night so you may dream of your lover

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    #2892 - Raspberry Leaf Love Spell

    If you are impatient and anxious for the one you love to love you back, this is the spell you seek.
    You may need:

  • Raspberry Leaf Tea (loose leafs available at most health food stores)
  • Lavender Oil
  • 3 Floating Candles
  • Bowl
  • Lock of your Hair
  • Piece of your Clothing
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    You may need:

  • Raspberry Leaf Tea (loose leafs available at most health food stores)
  • Lavender Oil
  • 3 Floating Candles
  • Bowl
  • Lock of your Hair
  • Piece of your Clothing
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    This spell must be performed three nights in a row. Begin two nights before the full moon. On the third night you perform the spell, the moon should be full. The spell is far less potent if performed during any other time. This spell is also best executed outside under the light of the moon and barefoot (so that you are firmly connected to Mother Earth).


    Begin by preparing the tea. Next, fill the bowl with water and add 3 drops of lavender oil. Place the candles in the bowl and light them. Cut off a lock of your hair, add it to the bowl and place the bowl on the ground. Take three sips of the raspberry tea. Place the tea on the ground next to the bowl. Walk around the bowl seven times, repeating softly to yourself the name of the one you love. Take three more sips of tea. Walk around the bowl another seven times repeating "I (your name) desire (your love's name) love". Blow out the candles. Cover the bowl with your piece of clothing. Finish the rest of the tea before you go to sleep.

    Repeat this ritual on the second and third night. On the third night, the night of the full moon, bury your lock of hair. Pour the water from the bowl onto the bare earth over it. Wear the piece of clothing while you finish the tea. Give the candles to a close friend for safekeeping.

    This is a powerful spell. Do not practice it lightly!

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    #2893 - Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love

    This spell is meant to heal a troubled relationship. We all know that relationships are prone to ups and downs. Occasionally, mystical help can be useful in restoring the strong love on which a relationship is based.
    You may need:

  • Two White Candles
  • Two Candle Holders
  • One Red Cloth
  • Three Onyx Stones
  • Three Rose Quartz Stones
  • One Velvet Pouch
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    You may need:

  • Two White Candles
  • Two Candle Holders
  • One Red Cloth
  • Three Onyx Stones
  • Three Rose Quartz Stones
  • One Velvet Pouch
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    This spell should be cast at dawn, as this is a time of new beginnings. You should perform the spell during the first dawn following a new moon. In casting the spell at this time of the month, when natural cycles are beginning again, you are creating a new start within the cycle of your relationship.


    This spell should be performed facing east, the direction of the sunrise. As the sun rises, the increasing light and warmth will mirror the warmth of your heart.


    Place the two white candles, in their holders, side by side on the red cloth. These candles represent you and your partner. Light the candles so that they burn in unison.

    Sit quietly and meditate on the happiness your relationship has brought to you. Release your judgements, anger and preconceived ideas. Focus on what you want from your relationship and what you can give to it.

    Six is the number of marriage, harmony, balance and equilibrium. For this reason, you will use six stones during this spell. Mystically, Onyx is used to help change habits. Rose Quartz is used for forgiveness and to open the heart.

    Pick up the first stone. With the stone in your hand, say out loud one gift you have received from your relationship. Place this stone next to the burning candles.

    Pick up the next stone. Say out loud one positive energy or quality that you want to bring to your relationship. Place the stone next to the burning candles.

    One by one, pick up the next four stones. With each stone in hand, verbalize a different gift your relationship has given you or a new energy you want to bring to the relationship. Place the stones around the candles so that when each stone is placed, a perfect circle has been formed.

    Allow the candles to burn down. Once the candles have burned out, place the six stones in a velvet pouch. Sleep with this pouch under your pillow until the next new moon.

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    #2894 - Apple Seed Love Spell

    It is recommended that you cast this spell on a Friday, as Venus, the planet of love and romance, also rules this day.
    You may need:

  • Piece of Rose Quartz Crystal
  • Red Rose
  • Red Apple
  • Green Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • Oil Burner
  • Rose Essential Oil
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    You may need:

  • Piece of Rose Quartz Crystal
  • Red Rose
  • Red Apple
  • Green Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • Oil Burner
  • Rose Essential Oil
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    Pick a time when you know you will not be disturbed. While getting all the things you need together, think of the love you would like to invite into your life.

    Light the oil burner and the red and green candles. Place the red rose in front of the burning candles. Hold the Rose Quartz in your hand and as you stare into the candle flame, repeat the Angel Invocation below:

    "Archangel Anael I invoke thee on this Venus eve,
    to grant me my wish.
    I ask for love eternal and true,
    may the flame of the candle.
    The fragrance of the Rose,
    carry it afar and grant me my hearts desire.
    So mote it be!"

    Thank the Archangel Anael for helping you and leave the candles to burn out. Eat the apple and save the seeds.

    Place the rose, the apple seeds, and the rose quartz crystal on a window ledge where they will attract the magic of the moon. The following morning as soon as you wake up, plant the apple seeds in a pot with suitable growing medium.

    Look after your seeds in a caring way and as the seedlings begin to grow, love will come into your life. Keep the rose in a vase and when it wilts, dry the petals and keep them in a special place along with your rose quartz as a keepsake of your love spell.

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    #2895 - Advaced Love Spell

    An advanced love spell.
    You may need:

  • Two candles
  • One white
  • One in your favorite Color
  • Two Holders
  • Rose colored Altar Cloth
  • Piece of Red Chalk
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    You may need:

  • Two candles
  • One white
  • One in your favorite Color
  • Two Holders
  • Rose colored Altar Cloth
  • Piece of Red Chalk
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    This love spell can be performed at any time. I usually find that the evening is the best. When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents you. Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring to an intimate relationship. Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one. This represents your ideal partner. Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire in a mate, and ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.

    Now place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart on the center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders. Each day thereafter, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles an inch close together. If you started on the new moon, then by full moon the candles should be touching in the center of the heart. When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first one, raise energy by singing your favorite love song, and charge the candles.

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    #2896 - Attract the Perfect Lover

    Attract someone just right for you.
    You may need:

  • Jasmine Incense or Jasmine Essential Oil
  • Rose Quartz
  • 2 Small White Votive Candles
  • Garnet
  • Carnelian
  • Few Beeswax Candles
  • Few drops of Human Pheromones
  • Red Candle
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    You may need:

  • Jasmine Incense or Jasmine Essential Oil
  • Rose Quartz
  • 2 Small White Votive Candles
  • Garnet
  • Carnelian
  • Few Beeswax Candles
  • Few drops of Human Pheromones
  • Red Candle
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    Begin Part 1:

    In you bedroom, open your curtains. If it's warm enough, open your windows and let the moonshine and breezes in.
    Light some candles around your bedroom and make yourself comfortable on your bed, placing the unlit red candle on your bedside table. Hold the stones in your power hand (the one you write with). Visualize yourself in love; love, given and received, enhancing your life. At this point, put a few drops of the human pheromones behind your ear and on your wrists.

    What type of partner do you want to share your days with? What type of relationship do you wish to have? Don't focus on who you want, rather what you want. Honesty, commitment, respect, love. Casting a spell to make someone love you is wrong. It isn't fair, it violates the Wiccan Rede, and it always backfires. Visualizing yourself with love in your life is a wonderful thing. Sharing your life with someone special is something all of us have in common. Actively taking part in its manifestation helps us to be open to the possibility of such love.

    On to Part 2:

    Charge the three stones with the emotions you generate and your wish to attract love into your life. Set the stones around your red candle. Light your candle and let it burn all the way down. As the candle slowly burns, the energy you charged the stones with is slowly released. Give thanks and close the rite.

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    #2897 - How to attract a new Love

    All you need for this easy love spell is a little faith in Yourself and a strong belief in the power of love. To attract the love of your life, you must believe that your soul mate is out there.
    You may need:

  • Empty Notebook
  • Pen
  • Treasured Item
  • Candle
  • Piece of material or cloth bag
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    You may need:

  • Empty Notebook
  • Pen
  • Treasured Item
  • Candle
  • Piece of material or cloth bag
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    The spell is best practiced early in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up when your mind is still half in the world of dreams. The night before, gather all your items and either wrap them in the piece of material or place them in the cloth bag and set them close to your bed so that you can easily reach for them.

    The moment you wake up, place your treasured item next to you and light the candle. Take your notebook and pen. Close your eyes. Silently repeat the following affirmation several times:

    "May I find the love I seek. May the love I seek find me."

    Begin to write whatever thoughts come to you. Do not censor yourself. Keep writing until you have to stop and think of something to write. Do not re-read what you have written. Close your notebook and carefully put away your materials. Do this every day for nine days. On the tenth day, burn all of the pages you have written. Gather up the ashes. At dusk, cast the ashes which contain the secret desires of your soul to the universe. Trust that the universe will respond to your call. Repeat this spell once a month until you are satisfied that your true love has felt your desire.

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    #2898 - To Bring Back Lost Love

    Another basic love spell for the uninitiated or inexperienced that is designed to bring back a lost love
    You may need:

  • Light the following candles:
  • A red candle (South)
  • A green candle (North)
  • A yellow candle (East)
  • A blue candle (West)
  • Two pink candles
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    You may need:

  • Light the following candles:
  • A red candle (South)
  • A green candle (North)
  • A yellow candle (East)
  • A blue candle (West)
  • Two pink candles
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    Position the candles at the corresponding corners. Hold the two pink candles in your hands and face the red candle(south). Chant the following until you feel satisfied:

    ''Beautiful Goddess, powerful God, hear my prayer! Lords of fire, burn my desire, times three If it is meant to be, Bring *NAME* back to me.''

    Obviously chant the name of the person you want to come back to you. This is known to work as well as scientifically proven pheromones

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    #2899 - Wishing spell

    this spell is meant to work over a period of time
    You may need:

  • 1 wish
  • a couple days before you want the wish to take place
  • as many candles as you need
  • 1 knife
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    You may need:

  • 1 wish
  • a couple days before you want the wish to take place
  • as many candles as you need
  • 1 knife
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    think of a wish a few days before you want it to come true( EX: ___ and___ will kiss friday) get as many candles you need until that day (EX: i say the wish Tuesday i would get 5 candles) evgrave the wish into one candle and put the begging letter of each day (M,T,W,TH,F,S,S) and light a candle for the day your on and let it burn all day. light the wish candle everyday.

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    #2900 - Becoming Mermaid Spell

    This make you in to a mermaid in two months!
    You may need:

  • Necklace
  • Water
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Necklace
  • Water
  • Voice
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    1. Wear necklace( after doing the spell don't remove it)
    2. Touch water
    3. Say the spell 10 times:

    "Insouciant inclemency
    Redoubtable mediocracy
    Refutable humanity
    Make me what I wish to be...
    Witches one and witches all
    Give this power to me."

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    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters