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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3292 Life Spells
  1. Apple and Athame
  2. Spice Up Your Wallet
  3. Happiness Potion
  4. Speak fluently in any language
  5. Make people forget
  6. Wishing Truth
  7. Bendy spell
  8. Misc Moon Magic
  9. Aphrodite Flirting Confidence
  10. Success For Permit/Driving Test

#481 - Apple and Athame

you'll need a sharp knife for this, though it doesn't strictly have to be a unique ritual blade. Just use a clean, good quality, sharp knife.
You may need:

  • An athame (see above)
  • A green apple
  • 5 whole cloves
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    You may need:

  • An athame (see above)
  • A green apple
  • 5 whole cloves
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    Use the athame to gently carved a pentacle into the skin of the apple, and press the cloves into each one of the points. Hold the apple in your hand and face north (use a compass if you have to). Repeat the following:

    By the powers that be,
    Bring new wealth to me.
    In this apple, find the power
    Add abundance from this hour.

    Set the apple back down so the pentacle is facing you. Repeat the words again, and drive the knife into the apple. Try to embed it in the top so the apple stay upright when you let go of the blade. Let it sit like that, with the knife sticking out, until the end of the day. Then remove the knife and eat the apple (you can take out the cloves).

    Added to on Sep 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #482 - Spice Up Your Wallet

    his is a very easy witchcraft spell to help bring a little extra money into your life. You don't really need much for supplies, except a dollar bill and some ground cinnamon. You can use any type of paper money, not specifically a dollar. No coins though.
    You may need:

  • Cinnamon powder
  • A bank note
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon powder
  • A bank note
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    On a Thursday, rub a little cinnamon powder on your finger tip and make 5 separate smudges on your money. Tuck the bill into your purse or wallet where you normally keep money, and leave it there to attract new wealth. That's it.

    Added to on Sep 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #483 - Happiness Potion

    This potion is meant to make you incredibly happy for 3 days. Use it as a little pick-me-up if you're feeling down. You may feel warm and fuzzy when you drink it- that means it's working! Personally tested.
    You may need:

  • • Cinnamon tea
  • • Dried orange peel
  • • Honey
  • • Orange tealight candle
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    You may need:

  • • Cinnamon tea
  • • Dried orange peel
  • • Honey
  • • Orange tealight candle
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    1. Light the candle, let its flames warm you. Feel the candle's energies.
    2. Brew a pot of hot water. Play an uplifting song that makes you happy while you do this.
    3. Add the dried orange peel in a tea strainer.
    4. As the tea brews, chant:
    ''Gods and Goddesses of joy and happiness, join me. I enchant this cinnamon tea, to make me happy!''
    5. Add the honey. Stir three times. The third time, chant:
    ''By the power of three, this brew will fill me with warmth and joy. This will last for three days, but it won't stop there. An' it harm none, so mote it be.''

    Added to on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #484 - Speak fluently in any language

    you can speak in any language fluently.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Say 3x:
    ''Gods and goddeses i call on you to make my wish come true
    i shall speak fluently in (language) thats all i ask of you. thats what i shall know what i shall be able to speak so mote it be!''

    Added to on Aug 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #485 - Make people forget

    This simple spell will make someone forget about an event, however, when reminded, will remember.
    You may need:

  • 1 reflective surface or object.
  • A mind that can concentrate
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    You may need:

  • 1 reflective surface or object.
  • A mind that can concentrate
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    Look in to the reflective surface. Imagine the person with the event in their mind. Then, think of it fading.

    Added to on Aug 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #486 - Wishing Truth

    I recently made this, sorry if it doesn't work. I tried and, did research on goddesses that would go with this spell. Hopefully it works.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Necklace (optional, if you want it in the necklace)
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Gemstone (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Necklace (optional, if you want it in the necklace)
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Gemstone (optional)
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    Write down your wish on a small piece of paper.

    Chant this two times. (2x)
    I call to Ma'at for truth (say a brief description of your wish but not the wish itself. But something simple that corresponds with it)
    I call on Brighid for protection and healing from harm.
    I call onto Moon Goddesses
    To grant my wish with no harm to come.

    Chant a third time, but at the end,
    State your wish, and add to the end ''So Mote It'll Be!''

    Then fold the paper with your written wish into a small square. Keep it with you.

    (If you're putting this onto a necklace or piece of jewelry hold the jewelry in your hand whilst chanting this 3x times.)

    I don't know if this works but give it a try. I'm gonna try it soon I'll update this to let anyone know.

    Added to on Aug 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #487 - Bendy spell

    It will make you body like bendy.I don't know side effects.
    You may need:

  • paper
  • ink (lots)
  • pen
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    You may need:

  • paper
  • ink (lots)
  • pen
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    **** STEPS ****
    1.Draw a pentagram in the paper and draw bendy middle pentagram.

    2.Cover the whole paper in ink.

    3.Say the spell 5 times: half ink,half demon,I will be like bendy,melt when angry,scared or worried,re-grow limbs,immortal,A demon from hell,this is my wish,SO MOTE IT BE

    Added to on Aug 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #488 - Misc Moon Magic

    This can be used on anyone, highly recommend for the waxing for full moon.
    Note:if you get any dreams of Lilith, dont fret too much. (Unless your male, so be careful)

    This is basically a spell for whatever problem someone ypu know or yourself is having and you'd like it solved.
    You may need:

  • Lighter
  • Purple candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Blue candle
  • Red candle
  • Green candle
  • Salt
  • Bowl
  • Rosemary (can be in a seasoning shaker of sorts)
  • Paper
  • Black ink pen
  • Broom
  • Faith
  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • Lighter
  • Purple candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Blue candle
  • Red candle
  • Green candle
  • Salt
  • Bowl
  • Rosemary (can be in a seasoning shaker of sorts)
  • Paper
  • Black ink pen
  • Broom
  • Faith
  • Focus
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    Before you cast your circle, write with the pen on the paper:(draw a pentagram or pentacle at the top of the paper) ''God and Goddess, i ask that you (insert how you want the current problem or situation fixed.) thank you for your time, blessed be the way.'' [ALWAYS BE POLITE if youre not polite, they WILL make you suffer the consequences]

    Find a clear space big enough to make a circle. Use the broom to sweep away bad energies, and dirt or whatever that will afect the spell negatively.
    Get your salt and pour it into a cirle (be sure that you dont have any gaps)
    Put the purple candle in the North cardinal direction. Make a star with the candles.yellow left and green right, red far right in the back and blue far left in the back. This should make a candle pentagram or pentacle.

    Get your bowl and pour/put the rosemary into it. Then get your lighter and light the candles. Have your paper with you. Then read aloud your incantation that you've written. When you are done reading, put some of the rosemary in the middle of the paper and fold it tight, light it with the purple candle and set it into the bowl to burn completely. When you are done, close the circle, blow out the candles, clean up the salt, and wait for it to work.

    Note: How i know Lilith will come into your dream is because this has happened before to me the first time i casted this spell. I dont know how she has anything to do with this, i only know that the spell is powerful and she's probably a sign that it is working. This spell has many uses, but ALWAYS be polite and cast on a waxing or full moon. It works best on those moon phases.

    Added to on Aug 17, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #489 - Aphrodite Flirting Confidence

    An herbal sachet using the power of herbs and the goddess Aphrodite to give you the confidence to aid in flirting.
    You may need:

  • -1 pink candle
  • -1 small pink sachet bag
  • -rose petals (preferably pink but any color would be fine)
  • -catnip
  • -rosemary
  • -thyme
  • -cinnamon (sticks are preferable when it comes to sachets because powder tends to get everywhere but do with what you have)
  • -chamomile
  • -basil
  • -acorns
  • -beans
  • -nuts
  • -cherry incense
  • -sigil symbolizing confidence
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    You may need:

  • -1 pink candle
  • -1 small pink sachet bag
  • -rose petals (preferably pink but any color would be fine)
  • -catnip
  • -rosemary
  • -thyme
  • -cinnamon (sticks are preferable when it comes to sachets because powder tends to get everywhere but do with what you have)
  • -chamomile
  • -basil
  • -acorns
  • -beans
  • -nuts
  • -cherry incense
  • -sigil symbolizing confidence
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    I was searching for some flirting confidence spells to go off of as inspiration for my own and noticed that they're very scarce. There are millions of love and sex spells on the internet, but people tend to forget the step that comes before all that: flirting! Striking up conversations with total strangers because they're cute and potentially getting their number, which would eventually lead to love or sex (or both). I haven't flirted in years, and I wanted to start because I believe it'll make me feel powerful and beautiful. I realized I was getting way too nervous when I tried, so I decided to make this sachet.

    For this spell we are going to be calling upon Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, lust, desire, and the arts. She loves to see us in pleasure, and in love with ourselves and others. We are all beautiful in her eyes and she is happy when we are confident in ourselves. Be sure to leave an offering for her, which could be as simple as chocolates, love letters, or a list of things we adore about her (which you know she'd love!). You could even draw her a picture, write her a song, etc.

    Alright, first you'll start off with a pink sachet bag. I got a pack of 20 for $1 at Dollar Tree in their baby shower section. Set it aside with your herbs and sit and ground yourself, also taking your pink candle and infusing it with your personal power. I put on the Classical Romance Spotify playlist because 1) I felt it was fitting because Aphrodite is also a goddess of the arts and 2) it was great for visualization and made me feel beautiful and graceful. I could imagine myself turning the heads of everyone in the room, but locking eyes with that one special person, and having the confidence to smile at and approach them. Really lose yourself in the music.

    After you've done that, light the candle and begin to fill the sachet. Meditate with it, direct all of your desires for confidence and attraction into that bag. Say:

    ''Aphrodite, goddess of love, lust, and the arts,
    Grant me the confidence to be flirty
    And to never again worry
    About the woes of rejection,
    Because I will make the proper selection.
    Whether they be male, female, or in between,
    My flirting skills will be keen.

    Magick herbs of love, lust, and femininity,
    Please lend me your power and divinity.
    When I carry this sachet,
    I will have the best mindset
    To be confident, charming, and flirty.
    This is my will, and harm none, so mote it be.''

    Added to on Aug 11, 2017
    Last edited on May 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #490 - Success For Permit/Driving Test

    This is a spell for all the baby witches who need some help passing their permit/driving test.
    You may need:

  • -1 yellow candle for intelligence, memory, & learning
  • -vanilla incense for memory or alternatively patchouli for success
  • -an agate crystal for intelligence, clarity, confidence, & energy (optional)
  • -basil for steadying the mind
  • -honeysuckle for success
  • -cinnamon for luck, success, & prosperity
  • -screw or wooden cuticle stick (optional)
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    You may need:

  • -1 yellow candle for intelligence, memory, & learning
  • -vanilla incense for memory or alternatively patchouli for success
  • -an agate crystal for intelligence, clarity, confidence, & energy (optional)
  • -basil for steadying the mind
  • -honeysuckle for success
  • -cinnamon for luck, success, & prosperity
  • -screw or wooden cuticle stick (optional)
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    I used the cuticle stick to make 3 holes in the candle and filled them with the basil and honeysuckle, then sprinkled the cinnamon on top. This is completely optional, alternatively you could just burn the herbs yourself during the rite. I just feel like this is a much cleaner and safer way to burn herbs. I usually do this a day or two before the actual spell and leave the candle & crystal in the windowsill to be cleansed by the sun. Again, totally optional. This is just my personal way of doing things and every witch's path is different!

    On the night before your test, cast your circle and meditate with the candle and crystal. Infuse them with your personal power and visualize yourself scoring well and passing your test. When you feel that you are in the right mind state and that your candle and crystal are charged, say the following words:

    ''I will score well on this permit/driving exam.
    To do so, I will give it all that I am.
    Passing will bring about so much change
    And opportunities not currently in my range.
    I will remember the rules of the road,
    As I have done my best to memorize the code.
    If this is what I do,
    Then soon I will be able to
    Go wherever, whenever.
    All I have to do is be clever!
    I will do my best
    And pass this test.
    This is my will, & harm none, so mote it be.''

    Let the candle burn until it's halfway gone, then in the morning, let it burn until it's done. I hope this helps!

    Added to on Aug 07, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters