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3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3301 Life Spells
  1. Revenge on someone that had hurt u or someone u care about
  2. Better Vision Spell (Updated)
  3. Simpel Money Spell
  4. Sarah Saratah The Game
  5. Summon an Undertale AU Sans!
  6. How to Curse Someone
  7. Find a lost object spell
  8. Fire element wish spell
  9. Believe my Lies
  10. Wish spell

#451 - Revenge on someone that had hurt u or someone u care about

Hopefully this will make the person who hurt someone suffer.
(Only use if needed)
You may need:

  • Belief
  • Have the right to get revenge
  • 1 black candle
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Have the right to get revenge
  • 1 black candle
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    Set up your altar and light a black candle and remember the Reaseon for revenge .Then chant:Oh Nemesis Greek goddess of revenge help me get revenge because (name of person) has hurt someone dear to me let them suffer and pay the consequences. I beg you plz so mote it be.

    (Say as many times as you want)
    (First spell plz don't hate)

    Added to on Oct 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #452 - Better Vision Spell (Updated)

    This will improve your vision
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
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    What 2 Do:
    I can't see far
    I can't see near
    I shall have good vision
    That is my wish
    To see everything clearly
    Like I used to
    To see everything near and far
    With my natural eyesight
    My eyes shall be better
    My vision shall be good again
    So I can see far and wide
    After 2 days
    So mote it be

    I don't think there's anything
    to be said since this spell is easy

    Added to on Oct 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #453 - Simpel Money Spell

    This is a money visualisation spell which should be done regularly until you are happy with the amount of money that has come into your life.
    You may need:

  • 1 Green candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Green candle
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    Take a green candle, and carve a dollar sign into it (or any other symbol which strongly represents money to you). Hold it in your hands and ask it to bring you money, charging it with money energy
    Light the candle, and imagine yourself being showered with gold dust. Feel it raining all around you. Maybe even dollar bills, coins, or treasures pile up around you. Chant the following:

    “Golden rain, the magick is done Money come to me, harming none”
    It’s important that you really feel the wealth piling up around you; feel yourself becoming light and free and all your worries lifting. Feel joy in your heart. Do this visualisation and chanting as long as you want, but recommended at least 5-10 minutes.

    Thank you; so mote it be.”

    Then blow out the candle while thanking it for its work, and keep it to use only for money magick. Do this spell regularly, at least a few times a week, to keep aligning with the energies of money. Keep your channels open to where the money might come from, and stay open to new opportunities showing up in your life.

    Added to on Oct 21, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #454 - Sarah Saratah The Game

    Sarah and Saratah are two Mexican twins who were murdered, and with two coins and a friend, you can play their game.
    You may need:

  • A friend
  • Two identical coins (two pennies, two quarters, etc)
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    You may need:

  • A friend
  • Two identical coins (two pennies, two quarters, etc)
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    WARNING: This game is VERY dangerous! Do not play if you don't think you can handle it.

    You and your friend must sit crisscrossed and knee to knee. Each person holds a coin; and they must be the same. This means one person can't have a penny and the other have a dime. You both have to have a penny each or a dime each.

    To start the game, you must chant in unison;

    ''Sarah Saratah, may I enter your game?''

    You and your friend then must flip your coins over your head so it lands behind you. Then, you pull the coins back and see if it landed on heads or tails. If both coins say heads, then Sarah Saratah say 'yes'. If both coins say tails, then Sarah Saratah say 'no'. If one coin is heads and the other is tails, Sarah Saratah say maybe - so ask the question again and flip. When trying to enter the game, you must keep asking until Sarah Saratah says 'yes'.

    Now that you've entered the game, you are able to ask Sarah and Saratah yes/no questions. One person asks a question, but both still flip the coins behind their head. (Ex: Person A asks ''Sarah Saratah, will I die tomorrow?'' and Person A and Person B both flip the coins in unison.)

    When you want to leave the game, you have to chant in unison:

    ''Sarah Saratah, may we please leave your game?''

    And flip the coins. If no, ask again. If maybe, ask again. If yes, you must ask:

    ''Sarah Saratah, are we still in your game?''

    And flip the coins. If no, you have officially left. If yes, you must ask to leave again; if maybe, ask again.

    You SHOULD NEVER leave the game without confirming that you have! If you do not leave the game correctly, you will be killed or cursed.

    (NOTE: Never taunt Sarah Saratah. They won't let you leave, and they will kill you.)
    (CAUTION: If you feel something is wrong, even after you have confirmed that you have left, ask again. You're better safe than sorry!)
    (P.S. Sarah and Saratah are two people, so you are able to ask specifically one of the two a question. Ex: ''Sarah, am I going to die tomorrow?'' or ''Saratah, are you the nice twin?''


    Added to on Oct 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #455 - Summon an Undertale AU Sans!

    Here you can summon the Undertale AU Sans of your dreams!
    You may need:

  • Three bones (can be UNCOOKED chicken bones)
  • 5 coloured candle that are the colour of the Sans's eye that you want to summon
  • Something that represents the Sans you are summoning
  • Salt
  • Love of Undertale (of course!)
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    You may need:

  • Three bones (can be UNCOOKED chicken bones)
  • 5 coloured candle that are the colour of the Sans's eye that you want to summon
  • Something that represents the Sans you are summoning
  • Salt
  • Love of Undertale (of course!)
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    First, take your salt, spread it into a circle on a hard surface. Next, place the coloured candle (Light Blue for Blueberry, Red for Fell, Dark Red for Horror, Yellow for G!Sans, you get the idea) around your salt circle.
    Place the item that represents the Sans in the middle. (If you want to summon a bad Sans, use a tattered red bandana for Swapfell, or a knife for Dust, a collar for Fell, use a cleaver knife for Horror, a rotten apple for Nightmare (Doesn't have to be real), ink for Killer, and a black and white scarf for Cross)
    Put the bones around the item, and light the candle.
    Then say:
    ''Spirits, spirits, hear my call. I wish to summon (Name of Sans) from the AU (Insert AU). He will be my best friend (boyfriend if you want)
    and protect me with all of his life. He shall stay with me till the end of my days.
    This is my will so MOTE IT BE!''
    Make sure you yell 'Mote it be' really loud. But not so loud your neighbours can hear you.

    Now, good luck!

    *Hasn't been tested yet*

    Added to on Oct 18, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #456 - How to Curse Someone

    This spell with tell you how to curse someone. NOTE: NOT MY ORIGINAL SPELL!
    You may need:

  • you do not need anything for this spell
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    You may need:

  • you do not need anything for this spell
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    Rise from your bed at midnight. Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: “Evil, live, live, evil” over and over for one minute. In your mind’s eye, picture the person you want to curse.

    As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her. For example, you might watch with delight as a car runs over him or her or they fall down a flight of stairs.

    Savor the victim’s agony – but don’t forget: the misfortune you visualize is the misfortune your victim will suffer in real life.

    If you visualize the victim losing an eye, the victim should lose an eye. If you visualize death, the victim should die. Carefully consider the consequences of your actions before you proceed.

    As you continue to revel in the imaginary evil you have brought to your enemy, whisper: “Powers of darkness, make this so.”

    Added to on Oct 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #457 - Find a lost object spell

    This is a spell I found on Pinterest that I wanted to share.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Say this spell three times while visualizing the thing you lost. Then go look for it.

    ''Keeper of what dissappears. Hear me now, open your ears. Find for me now what I seek. By moon, sun, earth, air, fire and sea so mote it be!''

    I used this spell when I lost my drama folder then ten seconds later someone shouted out that they found my drama folder!

    Added to on Oct 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #458 - Fire element wish spell

    This spell uses the power of the element of fire to help make a wish come true.
    You may need:

  • A bonfire or flame in a fireplace
  • paper
  • pen (you can use a certain ink color to represent what you want, I will put a list of color representations)
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    You may need:

  • A bonfire or flame in a fireplace
  • paper
  • pen (you can use a certain ink color to represent what you want, I will put a list of color representations)
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    This is a very easy spell. All you do is write out what you want onto the paper. Wording doesn't matter, it doesn't have to rhyme. Be very specific on what you want. When you are writing it out, visualize the thing you want happening. Then hold the paper in your hands and continue concentrating. You are charging the paper with your intent. Then put it into the fire. you can combine your wish with magickal correspondences to make it more powerful, such as moon phases or magickal days of the week. List of color representations:

    Black Grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling black magick, banishing negativity, releasing, shapeshifting, defense, scrying, pride

    Blue Communication, will power, focus, forgiveness, good fortune, weight loss, truth, fidelity, patience, domestic harmony, organization, removing bad vibrations, sincerity, astral projection, water element

    Brown House blessing, animal/pet magick, earth magick, concentration, material goods, stability, locating lost objects, earth element, real estate, construction, food, financial crisis
    Copper Business success, passion, money, fertility, career growth

    Gold Masculine divinity, great fortune, abundance, prosperity, male energy, understanding, divination, fast luck, solar/sun energy, positive attitude, justice, health, attraction, luxury

    Gray Loneliness, glamour, contemplation, removing negative influence

    Prosperity, abundance, money, physical & emotional healing, growth, luck, marriage, tree/plant magick, acceptance, weather, counteract envy/greed/jealousy

    Indigo Spiritual guidance, psychic ability, stop gossip/lies, dignity, divination, meditation, ambition, overcome depression

    Lavender Knowledge, intuition

    Light Blue Spirituality, tranquility, peace, protection

    Orange Creativity, self-expression, intellectual matters, overcoming addiction, legal matters/justice, joy, business success, ambition, vitality, fun, action, opportunity, celebration, investments

    Pink Love, compassion, nurturing, femininity, friendship, romance, partnership, spiritual & emotional healing, protection of children, domestic harmony, self-improvement, maturity

    Purple Wisdom, influence, spiritual power, contact with spirits, drive away evil, change luck, independence, government, break habit
    Red Passion, vitality, strength, survival, fertility, courage, sexual potency, mercy, action, danger, war, fire element, conflict, sports, independence, assertiveness, competition

    Silver Feminine divinity, stability, psychic awareness, intuition, dreams, victory, meditation, communication, moon magick, gambling luck
    Violet Spirituality, connection to higher self, Goddess, insight, clarity, tension

    White All purpose, unity, purity, cleansing, peace, balance, spirituality, healing, innocence, rain, magick involving young children, truth, consecration, balancing the aura

    Pleasure, success, happiness, learning, memory, concentration, persuasion, inspiration, imagination, solar magick, charm, confidence, air element, travel, flexibility

    All credits go to for this list of color correspondences.

    WARNING: with this spell, you must be careful what you wish for. I once did this spell to put death upon someone. It was a big mistake. It only made my enemy sick, but then my dog died. Karma can come back and give you a slap in the face like that if you are not careful. You have been warned!!

    Added to on Oct 17, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 12, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #459 - Believe my Lies

    In case if you need to lie to someone.
    You may need:

  • -none
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    You may need:

  • -none
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    If you are lying to a specific person, concentrate on them. If not then just imagine people believing you and nodding while you talk. Say:

    I am going to lie,
    For reasons you not why.
    You shall believe the lies I tell,
    Believe my lies, believe them well.
    You shall be fooled by my words,
    My lies passing over your head like birds.
    This is my intent,
    For everyone to believe me without argument.
    So Mote it Be!!

    Added to on Oct 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #460 - Wish spell

    A spell to make your wishes come true.
    You may need:

  • voice
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    You may need:

  • voice
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    Do the spell at night heresults the spell:I wish,I wish,I wish for (what you wish for) please give me my wishes i really decever them so please oh please make my wishes come mote it be.

    Added to on Oct 15, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters